Addison had learned a lot about playing well with others when she went to pre-school. She had learned how to share, and how to become a friend to some of her classmates. She was old enough to see that people even her age didn't always agree on things. She noticed that at lunch time some people would argue over who got the biggest piece of pizza. There were sometimes disagreements on the playground too. Sometimes the teacher would have to have a talk with them and decide on how best to settle the argument. It seemed like it always worked out. The teachers had such good ideas. Well, she needed to think of a good idea tonight. She really had her hands full with providing a warm home for dogs and cats that needed shelter.
Kinley and Macie were arguing about who should go out in the snowstorm to help Stashia. Kinley had even gone so far as telling Macie that she was being unreasonable and didn't have time for her foolishness. Oh my goodness!
Addison and Mia |
It took Addison a few minutes to find out why they were disagreeing. Addison discovered that Kinley was trying to protect Macie from being out in the storm. He thought she was just too little and would get lost herself. Macie thought she was always being left behind because of her size. She wanted to be an active part of the C.C.C. because she had been rescued once.
Macie |
Addison picked up Macie and loved on her and told her how much she loved her. She suddenly came up with an idea she thought just might work. She asked Macie if she would like to help her with the alert system. Macie just stared at her. She couldn't believe her luck. She was going to get to help with the search for Stashia. Addison had solved the argument and also kept Macie safe. She quickly let Kinley out the door and went back to work.
She was quick like a fox and went back to her desk and alerted the rest of the dogs in Stashia's area. Macie sat on her lap and smiled a cute little dog smile. She was needed.
Buddy went to the door immediately and whined to be let out. He had felt the alert vibration on his collar. He was needed!
Buddy |
Buddy |
"Oh, I just hate snow. I told Stashia not to go too far away from home, but I had no idea she would go out in a snow storm. Well, I had better get going and find my friend."
Addison had alerted Finn even though he was on the outer region. There could be a chance that Stashia had wandered into his area. He looked out his window but couldn't see a thing. It was a full blown blizzard in his area. His alert was so soft he could hardly feel it. He had to turn this search over to Zeus. So he in turn alerted Zeus. He knew he was closer to Stashia.
When Zeus's alert went off he thought, "Now what am I supposed to do. Good grief, my young human, Lucy, has me all dressed up in this crazy outfit. How can I show my face to the other rescue dogs in this outfit?"
Finn |
Zeus |
Zeus had no choice. The way the button on his collar was buzzing this was an emergency. He had to go the way he was. There was no fooling around in this kind of weather. Out he went to join the search. He met up with Turbo. Now they were a strong team and would find Stashia for sure.
Turbo |
Charlie |
There was a hold up, however, that Addison, nor the dogs were aware of. Charlie (the dog in the bottom picture) had a device that could turn off the alert system. He was in a very bad mood and didn't feel sorry for anyone that would be out in this weather. He just felt mean all over. You know why? Because his human was a Weather Lady at HVMO-TV Channel 2. He felt like she could have prevented this storm. It just wasn't right. He picked it up and was about to push the Off button when his human, Abby, picked up the remote and looked him straight in the eye and said, "Charlie, you know I don't control the weather. All I do is forecast it. Stashia is in trouble, now what are you going to do about it?"
Charlie felt terrible for being so mean. He barked and barked at the door. He wanted to be on his way to join the rescue team and help deliver Stashia back home safe and sound.