Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Marlee Meets Popcorn Mary

When Marlee realized that she was in a different time, but in the same place as her Marleewood. She looked around in amazement. Her small hometown didn't have a movie theater, but this place did. It was called the Liberty Theater. Since Marlee was only two (2) years old she didn't know what a movie theater was. She needed to find that out. When Marlee was almost to the theater she saw a lady standing outside the theater. She was selling popcorn and hot dogs. She had sandwiches and candy and drinks too. Marlee loved all of those things. It was almost her supper time and she was getting hungry.
So she just walked right over to that lady and asked her for some popcorn. The lady grinned at her and said, "Well, okay, little girl. You got some money?" Well, of course, Marlee did not. She gave Popcorn Mary a really sad look. Guess what, she got some popcorn.
Marlee was just full of questions. She started eating popcorn and got thirsty. She asked Mary if she could have a bottle of water. Popcorn Mary looked at her with a frown and said, "Little girl I don't know what you are talking about. We don't have bottles of water. I can get you a lemonade or a dipper of water out of my water pail." Marlee had no clue what a dipper of water was, but she was on an adventure so she said, "Will you give me a dipper of water please?" Once again Popcorn Mary gave her a grin and said, "Of course, I will. I can't have you tellin' folks I let a little girl thirst to death, now can I?" Mary gave Marlee a choice of three (3) different water dippers. Marlee didn't know what to do so Mary dipped her some fresh cool water out of her own water bucket. Oh, Marlee loved it. It was so cold and good. She closed her eyes while she drank her water. She said, "I have never had such good water ever! Where did you get it? Mary replied, "Why out of the big spring, of course. Boy, you don't know, nothin' do you?" Well, Marlee started to get a sad face again and Popcorn Mary took her over under a shade tree in the park. She said, "Okay, now, you sit here and eat your popcorn and rest awhile. You look tired. Why don't you take a nap under this big old tree. Then go find your mama and go home. She's probably lookin' for ya."
But she wasn't...
Where Marlee first saw Popcorn Mary she was standing on the corner of the street close by the Liberty Theater. They did not have movies with sound at that time. They were called Silent Movies. That building has an insurance company in it now, that both Marlee's Grandma B and Grandma Lu know the lady that used to own it. Where Popcorn Mary took Marlee for a drink and a rest was katty corner across the street where the park is now which will also be in a later story. Oh and what a story that is!
This writer had the honor and privilege of not only caring for her (Mary Ann Culler Owens) while she lived her last days in Marlee's small hometown nursing center, but also interviewing her before she was a resident as a very respected and well known citizen. She had accepted my request to be a speaker for a special occasion at the center. You shall hear more about this fantastic lady as this series goes on. I wrote this little story the way she used to talk to me. She usually left off the "g" on her words and was like my mother used to say, "a little rough around the edges." When you hear more of Mary's story you will understand why.


  1. I hope you enjoy this series. It is a small town and it's founders seen through the eyes of a toddler. There are probably some errors, but that's okay because after all it's a story....lol

    1. I was born at George Dimmitt hospital in 1948 since Bolivar did not have a hospital.
      It is fun to imagine what it would have been like to grow up in Humansville at that time.
      Love the series!

  2. Mary had another name too Grayhound Mary, she was honored threw Grayhound bus lines. She was a dandy. Looking forward to the rest.

  3. Yes I remember. Mary will be in more stories for sure.

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you for your comments. I will try to do her justice.

  5. I absolutely love these stories and the videos.. These are to be cherished

  6. Mary told me that she had one of the first credit cards issued- I believe it may have been from "Sears and Roebuck." Does anyone have more accurate information on this story?

  7. Reposted on Marlee’s story group. February 25, 2025


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