Friday, July 30, 2021

The Driver Liked The Feisty Young Woman

 The older gentleman walked into the office carrying a hot cup of coffee for Aaliyah with a smile on his face. "Well, I can see that you are in shock over the news that you now own a ranch and..."No, now you just wait a minute, sir. I want to know what happened to the rest of the video. I want to know just who this man is that said he was my uncle. My mother never said a word about having a brother. There were no pictures of a ranch; nothing. I am being evicted in three days. I have no job, soon nowhere to live. I need some answers." The kindly elderly man quietly got in his desk drawer and reached across the desk and put a set of keys in her hand. "Here you go, missy. These are the keys to the storage unit, the Jeep, and the big house on your ranch. You have a big job ahead of you, my dear. I hope you are up to it. You might want to rein in that temper a tad. Ruffling feathers would not be a good start with your employees if you know what I mean." Now I have a driver waiting for you. He will take you to the unit and you can see for yourself it is no joke. You have wheels and a new home waiting for you." He just as quietly got up from his chair and walked out of the office. Aaliyah jumped out of her chair and said, "Hey, just wait a minute!" There was no secretary, no lawyer just an empty office. "Just as I thought. It's all a big hoax." She was so sad and disappointed. But she straightened her back and walked out the door. There was a big old limousine with a driver waiting by the door. 

"Hello, Miss. I am your driver for the day. Shall we?"

"Shall we what? asked Aaliyah." The driver grinned and said, "Shall we go to your apartment and load up your things and then take them to the storage unit and pack your Jeep and camper so you can be on your way." "Nope, we go to the storage unit, you show me the Jeep and camper then we can go to my apartment. What's in my little apartment is all I have in the world. Well what are you waiting for let's get to it!"

Again the driver grinned at the feisty young woman, opened the door for her and helped her get comfortable. He told her there were drinks and snacks for her if she wanted. "Ha! If I wanted!" While the driver walked around to the driver's side she looked all around her. This old car was so cool. She ran her fingers through the soft ruby upholstery and thought, "I bet this would pay my rent for a couple of years." She then looked at the driver. He was still grinning, but they soon pulled up to a storage unit. The driver helped her out and there she stood with the keys in her hand wondering what was going to happen next.

She soon found out. The driver asked her if she would like for him to open the door for her. Her hands shook a little as she handed him the keys. Soon just like the man in the video said there was a Jeep and a little old camper. "Well, I'll be an uncle's monkey not a monkey's uncle." She soon found herself laughing so hard she thought she might never stop. It was real! She walked over and looked inside. Yup it was old, and there were all kinds of scars and dents, but it started right up when she turned the key in the ignition. "Thanks goodness it's an automatic. I never did learn how to drive a stick shift. So okay help me with this camper. It's really little." 

The driver opened up the back hatch and there everything was just like the man said. There was a grill, a cooler and inside everything she would need. But one thing was missing just like she thought. It was too good to be true. 

"So how do I get the money to make the trip? No one told me where or how to get that." Again the driver grinned and said, "Look in the glove box. There should be an envelope with a debit card, and some cash to get you started. Your new cell phone is also in there. It has been prepaid for you. The rest of your money is in a bank in Texas. All the information you need is in a briefcase in the front seat of the limo. Shall we go get your things now?"

Aaliyah started to cry and laugh at the same time. Who was this man? Why didn't her mom like him? He was saving her from going to a shelter or living on the streets. "Oh yeah! I am so ready! Can we stop on the way for a hot pretzel? I am starving!"

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

The Will Was A Video

 Aaliyah opened the door of the warm library to find that the weather had gotten even colder. She could feel little snow flakes hit her face. "Oh brother. What am I doing? This trip is probably a waste of my time and definitely of the soles of my old tennis shoes. She knew that the address of the lawyer was still quite a few blocks from where she was, but she was bound and determined to get this over with. "You never know, girlie, this just might be your lucky day and you can stop for a hot pretzel on the way home."

When she arrived at the older building she hurried through the wooden door. It was a relief to get out of the windy cold weather. There was a glass sign on the wall that had the name of the lawyer and the suite number. It was easy to find. When she walked in she smiled. She thought, "Even if I don't inherit much, maybe I could work here. It feels like home." She walked over to the secretary and told her she had an appointment with her boss at two o'clock. The lady smiled and said, "He is expecting you. Go right in."

The older gentleman stood when she walked into his office. "Hello, there. I have been anxious to meet you. I feel like I should know you since your Uncle Bill has talked to me so much about you over the years. Please sit down and get warm. It's getting to be another cold one out there."

Aaliyah looked at him in astonishment. "What do you mean? He talked about me all the time? I didn't even know I had an uncle let alone one that knew me well enough to talk about me. What's this all about?" The lawyer gave her a rather sad smile and said, "For some reason or another your mother wouldn't let him be in contact with you. I tell you what. I have a video for you to watch that your uncle made for you to see and listen to after his death. It might explain a lot to you. Please sit down and I will let you watch this while I get you something warm to drink."

"Hello, Aaliyah, this is your Uncle Bill. If you are watching this, it means that I am no longer part of your world. I have a lot to tell you and I'm sure you are thinking why did I wait until I'm gone to get in contact with you. That is a story that you will never know, my dear, girl. What I can tell you is that your mother; my sister, and I just never saw eye to eye. I loved the outdoors, she loved the city. I wanted beef stew cooked over a hot bonfire, she wanted cafes and fancy restaurants. I loved horses and adventure. She wanted the safety of the city with neighbors and stores to shop in. I wanted the wide open spaces. We grew apart, but I always kept track of you."

One thing I can tell you, my dear, is that I have loved you since the day that you were born. I may not have visited with you and taught you how to fish or ride a horse, but I have loved that you have played baseball, been kind to others and are now down on your luck. I have saved newspaper clippings of all of your activities. I even know that you weren't able to finish college and that the cafe you worked at closed because of that horrible virus that took your mother's life. I have news for you. Your life is about to change into a world that you have no experience or knowledge of whatsoever."

I am leaving you my dude ranch in Texas; lock stock and barrel. Yessiree, my girl. You now own a ranch. It's not very big, only about five hundred acres. Much of it is timber and pasture, but it has a lovely stream with good eatin' fish to catch.  I had to sell off some of my land when I had a lot of medical expenses. I am leaving you with no bills, but not much cash. I only have two thousand dollars left in my account for you plus an old Jeep and a little tear drop camper.
The camper and Jeep are in a storage unit. My friend, the lawyer who is taking care of my estate will give you the keys to the Jeep. The little camper is completely stocked with a sleeping bag, a couple of pillows even a smart phone that will have GPS directions for you to get to the ranch. The Jeep is old, but trustworthy. The camper has food and even a little bbq grill that you can cook burgers on if you want to. I told my friend to load it up for you. I'm sure there is a cooler full of food so make sure you keep it cold with ice along the way. This should hold you for the week or so that you will be on the road. No sense in hurrying, there are a couple of caretakers and some ranch hands there keeping the place going. However, I have left instructions for you so that the ranch will continue to make money and will be in our family for generations. There is just one small problem. Your neighbors want my ranch. You will have to be on your guard to protect your new ranch, but be careful who you trust. You just never know nowadays, my girl.

One more thing, Aaliyah, there is a set of jewelry that was hand made by your great grandmother. She and her husband (your great grandfather), were the original owners of my ranch. That was a spell ago, over a hundred years ago, I reckon. Well, I hid it in a special place for you just in case worse came to even worse and you had to sell it. The set is a pair of earrings and a necklace in the shape of cowboy boots. They are made of pure silver with diamond spurs. The set is worth approximately half a million dollars the last time I had it appraised. The silver was mined from a silver mine not far from the ranch. I've heard tell that the neighbor man's great grandfather actually was one of the prospectors that worked that mine. The neighbors know about that jewelry, but do not know where I hid it. It is in..." The video turned into snow and loud audio noises then stopped.

Aaliyah was frozen in time as she watched and listened to this older man talk to her just like he had known her all of her life, but now what? Hidden where? Why did the video stop? What in the world happened? Who is this man?" She needed some answers and needed them now!

Friday, July 23, 2021

Was It The End Of A New Dream Or The Beginning Of A New One?

 As she walked out the door of her apartment  the next afternoon she walked through a spider web that instantly covered her face. "Yuk! Spiders everywhere! What is this? A spider family reunion? Get off me!" She swatted it with both hands, did a little dance that resembles one that had no music. She rubbed the silken sticky mess off her face and yelled at the spider she couldn't see with a voice filled with anger, frustration, and a bit of fear. "What is going to happen to me? This is probably some scammer trying to get all my money. She grinned and thought, "Well, they can't get blood out of a turnip, so on to the house of the Big Mac,  I can only afford a burger and fries., but I could eat two big Macs. I'm really hungry. I can remember hearing that in the old days a burger was only fifteen cents. Boy not anymore. I got a burger, medium fries and a glass of water and it cost over three dollars. Oh well, that must be why they called them the good old days. I'll eat this quick then to the library to see what a dude ranch is all about."

It seemed like miles of walking in the chilly weather, but thankfully it was on the way to the library. It had been a twenty block walk in her worn tennis shoes and she had quickly worked up an appetite. As she wiped the grease off her fingers on the napkin she had taken from her tray she passed a hot pretzel vendor that made her realize that a burger and an order of fries had not done the trick. "Oh those look and smell so good maybe later depending on what the lawyer has to say."

After another ten blocks and huddling into her too thin coat she finally walked into the library thankful for it's warmth and several available computers.

After getting the password she thought of what to search for first. She looked at her phone which was fast fading away. It said she had only an hour before she needed to start on her trip to the lawyers' office. It would either be the end of a new dream or the beginning of a new and wonderful life.

She typed on the search line Dude Ranch history. As she scrolled through the different websites she was amazed. Dude Ranches started in the 1880's in North Dakota of all places. She chuckled to herself, "Why would anyone want to go to a place colder than here? Then she saw a picture that really confused her. It was a picture of Theodore Roosevelt. She had heard about him in history class, but hadn't paid much attention. Evidently he loved dude ranches. He bought a ranch close by the very first one owned by the Eaton brothers. He loved it so much that he wrote to many of his friends and relatives. Soon people were crowding the railroads wanting to go west. The east was beginning to be crowded and one could hardly see the sun for the smoke of all of the new industries being built.

The ranchers were very hospitable to the people they called the "city slickers" and gave them free room and board. They offered free horseback riding, fishing, hunting and often let their visitors help with the chores on the ranches if they wished. The visitors loved the fresh air and the beautiful sunsets in the evening. Some of the dude ranches treated their guests like family and had competition games like target shooting and prizes for the biggest fish caught. They also loved to play pranks and tricks on their city visitors.

In the 1920's dude ranches became very popular in Texas. "Ah ha! Yup that's where I'm going." She couldn't wait to read more and more stories of these ranches. 

Then she started reading about how the dude ranches were losing money. In one year the Eaton Ranch had served 2200 free meals. The Dude Ranch Association was developed and made rules that made the ranches more profitable. They started by charging ten dollars a week and could only have one hundred twenty five guests at one time. "Wow! I can't imagine having to feed that many people, let alone all the horses and cattle. Ten dollars a week? I just spent three dollars and didn't get full. I wonder how many people they had working for them. It doesn't say. Maybe if this is all true and my Uncle Bill, or whoever he is, owned a dude ranch then I will be rich."

 As Aaliyah read on she felt a deep sadness. The dude ranches were hard hit by the Big Depression in the '20's and 30's and all but disappeared. The ranches often were thousands of acres and hundreds of horses and cattle lived on them. During this time terrible blizzards hit some of the ranches and many went out of business. She also read that many of the ranchers never married or some that did had children that wanted nothing to do with the ranches. They moved away and the ranches were sold or left forgotten. Some dude ranches were started in California and New York. The guests wanted to play golf and go swimming in heated pools. They wanted to eat in nice restaurants and have beautiful views from their rooms. They no longer wanted to  clean the barns and dress like cowboys. Folks started to buy RV's and visited state and national parks instead of the dude ranches. It said that some of the dude ranches added tennis courts, saunas and offered square dance lessons just to attract the tourists again. "Oh man, I have to hurry, but this doesn't sound good for me. If I inherited anything it's probably his bills. I have enough of my own."
But she was determined to go to the lawyer's office to see what this was all about.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

As The Spider Wove Her Web The Girl Wept

 As she sat on her flea market sofa she stared at the house spider weaving a beautiful web in the corner of her living room. "My living room. Ha! Soon not to be that's for sure." She was about as down as a person could be. She thought if she ever heard the words Covid or boyfriend she would scream. The Covid virus had caused the cafe she had worked at to close. The boyfriend she considered her Prince Charming had eaten her last piece of pizza in the fridge and bid her farewell. He didn't even say 'nice knowing you.' Yes, little did she know that when she toasted her ginger ale to the new year that it too would be a bummer; in fact just as bad or worse than 2020.

She wearily got up off the sofa, saluted the spider and said, "Go for it girl. You soon shall have the whole apartment to yourself. The eviction notice says I have to be out in a few days. I might as well leave sooner than later. There is nothing or no one to keep me here."

She walked over to her tiny kitchen table and went through her mail once again. "I have to be out by the 15th of the month. Whoopee, I have three whole days to live in this dump. How did I ever end up like the loser of the year?"

As she walked through her tiny apartment she realized that in just a day or two her whole life would be packed in a suitcase and a couple of boxes. "I had dreams, Miss Spider. Yes I did. I figured if I worked hard and saved my money someday I would have my own business. Everyone always told me I had an eye for decorating. I thought that was where my future was. But, no; not me. I had to meet a loser guy that told me how beautiful I was and ate me out of house and home; literally." As she was throwing out her junk mail she noticed an envelope that she hadn't seen before. It was from a lawyer's office. "Alright already. I'm packing I'll get out. I don't know where I'll go, or how I will go, but I'm going. As she was about to pitch it in the wastepaper basket she figured she might as well open it. Her whole world started to spin. She was an heiress. She started to laugh and dance around her old sofa. "The laugh is on you, Miss Spider. Weave your dreams in this dump. Mine have changed. I'm going to Texas!" 

Within seconds she stopped dancing and laughing. She had no way to get there and little to no money. She looked at her cell phone. It had about fifty percent charge left. She soon would lose that too. Her cell phone bill was due soon. She had to save what little money she had for some food. She picked up the letter from the lawyer. Yes! There was a phone number on the letter. Maybe they would or could give her some hope of escaping this nightmare. Perhaps they could help her get to Texas and her new dude ranch. "Wait, what is a dude ranch? I think they have horses. I'm a city girl. What in the world am I thinking? I can't go to Texas. I have no money, no wheels, no idea who the uncle is even. I didn't even know I had an uncle. This is probably a scam artist playing tricks on me." She plopped back down on the lumpy sofa and stared at the busy little spider. "You don't even care, do you, Miss Spider? You have a home and soon you will trap something to eat by catching a fly in your sticky web. What am I going to do?"

She was so tired. Tired of beating the streets for a job, tired of being lonely; just tired. Soon she fell asleep curled up sleeping a dreamless sleep with tiny tears drying on her cheeks. It seemed like only minutes later she awoke to the sound of her flip phone ringing. It was the lawyer's office. They had been trying to get ahold of her. Could she meet with them tomorrow? She was the sole survivor of her Uncle Bill's estate. His will needed to be read to her, his only beneficiary, and signed as soon as possible.  She almost choked when they told her they would have a car pick her up if that was convenient. Was it convenient? Of course, it was convenient! But then the tiny voice of common sense whispered in her ear. "You don't know these people. Tell them sending a car is not necessary." Oh how she wanted to knock that common sense angel off her shoulder. Ride in an expensive car? Like rich people? But she took a deep breath and told the secretary that she would not be needing a car. She would meet them the next day at two o'clock in their office.

She looked at the spider that had decided that  her web was big enough. It was quiet. It seemed like it was watching and waiting to see what the girl was going to do. The spider soon found out. It watched as the girl opened her purse and counted her money. She was going to celebrate by spending a little of it by going to McDonalds for a hamburger and fries. After that she was going to the library. Hopefully they would have a computer available for her to use. She needed to know exactly what a dude ranch was. If what she was hoping and praying to find out was on the up and up  she was going to own a dude ranch! Oh how she wished she had enough money for a pair of cowgirl boots.

Friday, July 16, 2021

The Party

 Adalynn was so excited to have finally graduated from the Good Witch School. She had completely organized a party for Lightfoot for the final test. She had gone home and put on her new outfit. It fit perfectly. She picked up her broom and was going to the party when she thought, "No, I know some birds that would love to come to the party, but the Wicked Witch put a spell on them so they can't sing. I have to fix that before I head to the farm." It didn't take her long to make her way to the quiet tree stump and the quiet bird houses. She smiled and said, "Okay all you beauties, go ahead and sing all you want to. The Wicked Witch is no more. She is a beautiful girl once again."

"Now you little yellow kitten, you leave those birds alone and keep me company. You can come to the party too. Everyone is invited to Lightfoot's birthday party."

The forest was such a happy place once again. Birds were chirping and singing and flying and swooping above her head anxious to go to the party. There was one little guy that wasn't happy though. He was trying really hard to sing. He practiced and practiced, but his voice sounded like "ribbit" instead of happy. Adalynn didn't miss a beat. She walked over to him and said, "I will carry you to the party, Freddy. It doesn't matter how wonderful you sing, it just matters that you sing and are happy. Lightfoot will be so happy that you came to his party." Freddy was so excited he jumped right off his lily pad and insisted on hopping along the path to the farmer's home.

By the time Adalynn and Freddie arrived at the party they realized that they were late! "Oh dear, oh dear. We are late Freddie. People have already started eating cake and ice cream. I know that little girl. Her name is Kylee. She doesn't look very well. Let's go over there and see if she is sick."

As Adalynn got closer she realized what the problem was. Kylee had taken a bite of Lightfoot's cake and not the cupcakes that Arieanna had made for the humans. "Oh Kylee! No! That is Lightfoot's cake." She couldn't help but chuckle. "It has oats and honey in it. Arie has a cupcake for you. Other people have made cupcakes too. Let's go over there and get you one. I'm sure they will taste much much better."

Adalynn couldn't believe how many people were at the party. She was so pleased.

Arie had stopped to pick some flowers for the party. There were others that had brought food and flowers as well.

At long last it was time for Lightfoot to open his gifts and eat his cake. He was given a new pair of sunglasses and a party hat. Even the dog had come to the party. (Likely wanting a hand out he thought.) He was trying his very best to be a good little horse. He hadn't bucked or bitten anyone yet. After all it was his birthday and so many people had come to wish him well. 

Adalynn said, "Okay, before cake we have games to play! Here you go Lightfoot. See if you can break the pinata! It will be so much fun."

Everyone cheered him on until he broke the pinata and quickly ate his treats. Now it was time for cake. At least that little girl didn't eat all my cake. A horse never knows what's going to happen around here. Oh good. They fixed it. Candle and all. Cool. No! You can't have any of my cake, dog!"

"They call you Hotshot. Ha! I'll show you!" 
Adalynn ran over and said, "No no no, Lightfoot. You are going to be a good boy, remember? No biting, nipping or bucking. Show us all what a nice horse you are." 
Lightfoot put his head down and said, "I'm sorry. I'll try really hard, but he was going to eat my cake you know." Adalynn smiled and said, "Yes, I know, but sometimes we have to share with others."  A good friend came up to Lightfoot and said, "Happy birthday. I brought you an apple. "

Lightfoot whinnied and nodded his head with a little snort. He realized what a special gift that apple was. His friend loved apples. He swallowed hard, and thought to himself 'this is the best birthday I will ever have.' 

The sun was setting. Kylee was late getting home for supper. She had to hurry. She didn't want to get into trouble. As she ran past Marleewood she saw a little garden gnome. "Oh how cute you are. I wonder if you belong to Grandma Lu. She looked up and a lady said, "Hello, Kylee. I see you have found my little garden gnome. He seems to have fallen into something. He is all sticky. Oh my. I think it's ice cream. Thank you, Kylee. I need to clean him up. It seems like he is always getting into something. Trouble; that's what he is. Come on Winston. I wish you could tell me what you were doing to get ice cream all over you. I guess I will never know."
She turned towards the door and said, "Goodbye, Grandma Lu. Glad we had a chance to visit. I'm on my way home. Take care."

Faun had thrown her purse in the back seat and couldn't help but grin. "So Winston, you have been traveling again. Well, it's time to go home. I wish you could tell me all about your adventures, but I think for awhile when we get home we will rest and maybe learn something new. How would you like to learn how to knit?" she chuckled.
Winston grinned to himself and thought, "Little does she know. I've been watching her knit for years. I have a long enough scarf for another adventure someday maybe north, but she is right. I do need a rest. It's always fun to go on vacation, but even better to be going home."

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

The Family Reunion

The king and his daughter, Princess Marlee, and the king's sister, Alyssa, (formerly the wicked witch) arrived at the farm only to find that the farm was filled with people and animals all of whom were there to celebrate Lightfoot's very first birthday party. 
The farmer's wife could not believe all the people that kept arriving, but when she saw her brother, the king, she smiled with happiness. She hadn't seen him in a very long time. She looked up to the sky and saw the beautiful eagle dip his wings as he flew over the farm. She gave him a nod and made her way through the crowd to her brother. The lady he had with him looked familiar, but she couldn't place her.

The king was smiling as he introduced the ladies. Hello, my dear sister. I'd like to introduce you to our runaway sister, Alyssa. It's been a few years, but isn't she beautiful? The ladies hugged and hugged and cried a little. They were so very happy. Everyone was happy. His family was back together again after so many years. They talked and talked and before they realized it the party was about to begin! All of the people and animals were walking or flying close to the corral where Lightfoot was. Tables of food were waiting to be eaten and gifts to be given to the little horse. But someone was missing!

Where was Myla? Well she decided to skip the birthday party and go for a swan ride at the castle. She told Moss that she just couldn't wait any longer. Moss smiled at her little charge and said, "Well, your friend, Princess Marlee went to the party with her father." Myla shook her head and said, "Please, may I go to the castle? Please?' Moss nodded her head and said that she would wait for her then maybe they would get to the farm in time for birthday cake.

Myla had a wonderful time, but she did miss her friend, so after a few swoops around the castle she whispered in the swan's ear to land. She was ready to go to the party.
On their way to the party a big fluffy cat ran meowing so loud it sounded like a scream. Myla said, "Moss, what was the matter with that cat? It sounded like it was scared to death! Then Moss and Myla couldn't help themselves they laughed as the cat landed in a big mud puddle. That made the cat even more upset and he was running even faster. Within a second or two they couldn't see where he went. 
"Wow! You don't see that very often in the forest. Mostly wildlife live here, but I guess you could say that was wildlife!" Then they both laughed.

Kylee also saw Felix run like he was being chased. She just shook her head and thought, "Okay, he is going home like a good boy. Maybe he learned his lesson and won't run away from home again. I think I still have enough time to make the birthday party for that little horse."

Across the street from Marleewood Felix and his human were reunited, but they both were a muddy mess. He did get his fancy dishes back filled with his favorite food, but with a promise that he would be punished if he ran away again or went back to Marleewood uninvited.

The Feline Neighborhood Watch watched from the window across the street. "Well, I think I've seen it all. She actually hugged that spoiled little runaway. Of course, we don't know what happened in the forest. Maybe he did learn his lesson. Mouse said, "Meow, I doubt it. Goodnight."

Friday, July 9, 2021

You Don't Have To Be Old To Be Wise

 Some say that when you are older you are wiser. Some folks, of course, are never wise, and some folks are wise when they are young. In the older garden gnome's case, he was a wise old gnome. He had an idea. He told Winston his idea and Winston agreed. Ice cream needed to go to the Wicked Old Witch's home before they took the ice cream freezer to the party for Lightfoot. Winston told Buzz to pull over. They got out the ice cream freezer and all the ingredients they needed to make the ice cream. They had milk, eggs, vanilla, sugar, and salt. They even had a bag of special salt in the side car. After a lot of cranking the handle on the freezer, the mixture became hard enough to qualify as a magic potion. They were off to see the Wicked Witch. They saw her in the distance. She looked so lonely and unhappy sitting under a tree feeding a squirrel. "Here, said the older gnome. Put this dish of ice cream close by and see if she will taste it. We should see a transformation within minutes." So Winston took the bowl and ran back to the motorcycle with Buzz and the older gnome to see what she would do.

"What is this? mumbled the Wicked Witch. Where did this come from? It's in a bowl. It must be something to eat. Where did all the butterflies come from? Well, I'm going to stick my finger in it to see if it's a trick." When she stuck her finger in the ice cream she said, "Oh! It's cold! Hmm. I don't think it would hurt if I took just a tiny taste." As soon as the ice cream touched her tongue she felt herself change. She almost smiled. "Oh, that's good. I wonder what that is." She then took more on her finger. Then more and soon the bowl was empty. She felt the urge to smile; to laugh even. "I have to find more of this. It has more magic than I do. I have a ridiculous urge to be nice to others. I haven't felt like this since I was a girl at home on the farm. I wonder if I could conjure up a spell to make some more of this wonderful food."

When the gnomes saw what an effect the ice cream had on the Wicked Witch they turned and went to the castle. They knocked on the door and told the cook that they had some wonderful food that they called ice cream to give to the King. The cook was reluctant to take their gift, but after tasting it with his finger he said, "Alright. I will let the King taste it after I make sure I don't get sick from eating it."
Later on the sad King came looking for a snack in the kitchen. He had no idea where his little girl was. The cook gave him a dish of ice cream and told him that he was sure it would make him happier. After the King had eaten just two or three spoons of the delicious stuff, he did feel better. He thought about the invitation to the birthday party. He decided he would go on the off chance his little Princess Marlee would be there. He even smiled. "That stuff was good. It makes me feel better. What is it called?" he asked the cook. The cook said, "I have no idea, but I had to have it chilled on ice to keep it's shape. Let's call it ice cream." The King agreed and went on to the farmer's home to the birthday party. Hopefully he would find his precious little daughter on the way or at the party.

On the bridge he met the two girls he loved the most in his life; Princess Marlee and his sister (formerly known as the Wicked Witch). They were both dressed in pretty dresses. They hugged and kissed and talked and laughed and giggled. They mostly talked about a new food they had eaten and a birthday party that they were going to for a horse. When they said that out loud they laughed and laughed. The forest was a beautiful place to be. The sun was shining through the trees. Everyone was happy once again. The King was so excited to see his sister after years and years and told her that the farmer's wife was her sister whom she had not seen for years. It was an exciting time. The bridge was a busy place that day. The King and his daughter and sister met and spoke with many people on their way to the party.

The King's sister (formerly the Wicked Witch) thought about her sister and her little girl who loved her chickens. She had put a spell on one of the chickens and turned it into a rabbit. She closed her eyes tight and said, "Undo the rabbit." Soon they saw a horse with a chicken on his back on the way to the birthday party for Lightfoot.

Adalynn was so happy. She had graduated from the Good Witch School with high honors. The Principal and the student teacher told her how proud they were of her. If she hurried home her new uniform was waiting for her and she would be on time for the party. Her friend, Arieanna, had delivered the cakes to the farmer's home. She had made one for Lightfoot and cupcakes for the humans that were going to be there. Adalynn could hardly wait to get home and get changed. She hoped there would be someone there with a camera because she wanted to hang her picture on her bedroom wall to look at in years to come. She was finally a good witch! It had taken over three hundred years, but it was worth the wait.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Mr. Eagle Remembers A Magic Potion

 The king had been searching for his little girl. He just knew that his sister, the Wicked Witch had put a spell on his precious daughter. It seemed like he had searched the entire forest. He needed a rest so he decided to go back to the castle and sit for awhile before he went out again. He happened to notice a piece of paper near the door. When he picked it up he saw that it was an invitation to a birthday party for a little horse. "I am certainly not in the mood for a party. My little girl is missing. I can think of nothing else until I find her alive and well." He threw the invitation back on the ground and went to rest inside the castle.

Mr. Eagle had seen Oliver, the owl drop the invitation at the castle door. He wondered what his friend was thinking inviting the king to a party when he was sad because his little girl was missing.  He knew his friend was a very wise old owl, but in this case he just could not agree. He thought for awhile. He knew that Winston and Buzz had been at the RV camp and were disagreeing about saving one of the gnomes from the Wicked Witch. He decided to take Winston's magic cap with him to the RV camp and see if he couldn't perform a little magic himself. He had heard stories of his third and forth cousins that lived across the big ocean. They had seen magic long before he was ever born. The magic was called ice cream. If  Mr. Eagle was right, this magic potion just might be the answer to everyone's problems. He was going to give it a try. It didn't take long to get there. He let go of Winston's magic cap and it landed right by the garden gnomes. "I couldn't have aimed it any better. Now do your work, Winston. Make ice cream the key to make everyone happy." He grinned to himself and there it was. An old ice cream maker. His ancestors' humans were well known for being one of the very first to invent ice cream. After Winston saw his cap he was so happy! He quickly put it on, said a few words over the ice cream maker, and grinned from ear to ear. He gave Buzz the nodd that all was well. Buzz and Winston quickly loaded up the old gnome who had been sleeping in the hammock into a little side car that was hitched up to his motorcycle. They put the ice cream maker beside the old gnome and Buzz  headed towards the farmer's home. Winston rode in the side car too so everyone was safe. They were going to a party! A very special party.

People and animals were all making their way to the farmer's home. They just couldn't wait. It was way past time for a party. But the Park Ranger was confused. She couldn't figure out why everyone was traveling to one end of the forest. It looked to her like they were all headed to the farmer's home. Suddenly a little girl came rushing up to her and said, "You look like a Park Ranger. Will you help me look for a cat? His name is Felix. And another thing. Can you find somewhere for this naughty duck to live. It's chasing me and it even bit my ankle. I think it needs to live on a farm. I don't know where it is now. I think I ran fast enough to get away from it."

The Park Ranger smiled and said, "Sure, I'll help you. Maybe he went there on his own. It's just down the path a little ways. Say, do you know where everyone is going? Even the animals seem happier and the birds are chirping their happy songs. Come with me and I will show you the way."
Kylee shook her head , but said, "Okay, but I need to be home by supper time. It looks like it's getting late already."

The party was going to happen soon, but Adalynn was worried about the birthday cake she was making for Lightfoot. She had never made a cake before at least not one made for a horse. She happened to think of a young girl that loved to bake. "I wonder if Arie could help me. I bet she would. I'm going to run over there to see."

Adalynn was running short of time so she ran then jogged, then ran again until she got to Arie's house. She was in the kitchen making cupcakes! "How lucky am I?" she thought. She had to stop for a minute to catch her breath. She said, "Arie, will you help me? I need to make a birthday cake for a horse. I have never done that before. Arie grinned and said, "Me neither. I do know one thing though; it doesn't go in the oven like these cupcakes. Let me look at my cookbook and see if it has a recipe for one. She looked through the pages and said, "I can't believe it! Here is a recipe for a birthday cake for a horse. Plus it is so simple. I think I even have the ingredients. You need Oats, honey, carrots, and an apple. You don't bake it. You just smush it together in a pan," she giggled.

"Oh you are a wonderful friend. Will you come to the party with me? Bring your cupcakes too for the humans. I don't think they would like an oat cake" she laughed. Arie laughed with her. That was a good joke. She said she would love to come to the party. She would be ready in a Jiffy.....

Christmas Memories Continue To Pop Up

 It's the day after Christmas and all through the house is... memories. That's what is in this house. Memories of old and memories t...