Some say that when you are older you are wiser. Some folks, of course, are never wise, and some folks are wise when they are young. In the older garden gnome's case, he was a wise old gnome. He had an idea. He told Winston his idea and Winston agreed. Ice cream needed to go to the Wicked Old Witch's home before they took the ice cream freezer to the party for Lightfoot. Winston told Buzz to pull over. They got out the ice cream freezer and all the ingredients they needed to make the ice cream. They had milk, eggs, vanilla, sugar, and salt. They even had a bag of special salt in the side car. After a lot of cranking the handle on the freezer, the mixture became hard enough to qualify as a magic potion. They were off to see the Wicked Witch. They saw her in the distance. She looked so lonely and unhappy sitting under a tree feeding a squirrel. "Here, said the older gnome. Put this dish of ice cream close by and see if she will taste it. We should see a transformation within minutes." So Winston took the bowl and ran back to the motorcycle with Buzz and the older gnome to see what she would do.

"What is this? mumbled the Wicked Witch. Where did this come from? It's in a bowl. It must be something to eat. Where did all the butterflies come from? Well, I'm going to stick my finger in it to see if it's a trick." When she stuck her finger in the ice cream she said, "Oh! It's cold! Hmm. I don't think it would hurt if I took just a tiny taste." As soon as the ice cream touched her tongue she felt herself change. She almost smiled. "Oh, that's good. I wonder what that is." She then took more on her finger. Then more and soon the bowl was empty. She felt the urge to smile; to laugh even. "I have to find more of this. It has more magic than I do. I have a ridiculous urge to be nice to others. I haven't felt like this since I was a girl at home on the farm. I wonder if I could conjure up a spell to make some more of this wonderful food."
When the gnomes saw what an effect the ice cream had on the Wicked Witch they turned and went to the castle. They knocked on the door and told the cook that they had some wonderful food that they called ice cream to give to the King. The cook was reluctant to take their gift, but after tasting it with his finger he said, "Alright. I will let the King taste it after I make sure I don't get sick from eating it."
Later on the sad King came looking for a snack in the kitchen. He had no idea where his little girl was. The cook gave him a dish of ice cream and told him that he was sure it would make him happier. After the King had eaten just two or three spoons of the delicious stuff, he did feel better. He thought about the invitation to the birthday party. He decided he would go on the off chance his little Princess Marlee would be there. He even smiled. "That stuff was good. It makes me feel better. What is it called?" he asked the cook. The cook said, "I have no idea, but I had to have it chilled on ice to keep it's shape. Let's call it ice cream." The King agreed and went on to the farmer's home to the birthday party. Hopefully he would find his precious little daughter on the way or at the party.
On the bridge he met the two girls he loved the most in his life; Princess Marlee and his sister (formerly known as the Wicked Witch). They were both dressed in pretty dresses. They hugged and kissed and talked and laughed and giggled. They mostly talked about a new food they had eaten and a birthday party that they were going to for a horse. When they said that out loud they laughed and laughed. The forest was a beautiful place to be. The sun was shining through the trees. Everyone was happy once again. The King was so excited to see his sister after years and years and told her that the farmer's wife was her sister whom she had not seen for years. It was an exciting time. The bridge was a busy place that day. The King and his daughter and sister met and spoke with many people on their way to the party.
The King's sister (formerly the Wicked Witch) thought about her sister and her little girl who loved her chickens. She had put a spell on one of the chickens and turned it into a rabbit. She closed her eyes tight and said, "Undo the rabbit." Soon they saw a horse with a chicken on his back on the way to the birthday party for Lightfoot.
Adalynn was so happy. She had graduated from the Good Witch School with high honors. The Principal and the student teacher told her how proud they were of her. If she hurried home her new uniform was waiting for her and she would be on time for the party. Her friend, Arieanna, had delivered the cakes to the farmer's home. She had made one for Lightfoot and cupcakes for the humans that were going to be there. Adalynn could hardly wait to get home and get changed. She hoped there would be someone there with a camera because she wanted to hang her picture on her bedroom wall to look at in years to come. She was finally a good witch! It had taken over three hundred years, but it was worth the wait.
Some say babies are born with old souls, well, I don't know about that, but little Adalynn was wise beyond her years to have a deed of kindness to a mean little horse. Of course, the old garden gnome was a very wise old man. Buzz didn't have much to say. lol I like Buzz, he learned a lesson didn't he? Sounds like the party will be the next story. See you then!
ReplyDeletevery cute. Ice cream makes anyone happier lol