Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Aaliyah's Legacy

 As she sat in front of her bedroom window she watched her daughter's grandson drive his little Jeep around the yard. "My daughter is a grandmother. I never thought I would live to be so old. Over the years I have heard so much about aging; 'it's not for sissies' is one of my favorites. Well neither was being young and almost homeless living in the city. I was beautiful then at least that's what my love always told me. Just look at that little boy. I can't even imagine what Josh would have thought of that little scamp. He would have had him digging rocks and drawing plans for new bridges by the time he was this age.  Oh how I miss my Joshua. We had such a short time together." She grinned at how they used to torment each other. "We did fight like cats and dogs, but oh how we loved each other. He didn't even call me by my name! He said it didn't suit me so he called me Allie. Soon everyone in town called me Allie. That man, he made and lived by his own rules."

As she rocked in her favorite chair her mind took her back to when her home was a grand place; a beautiful dude ranch.  She had almost lost the ranch because of being stubborn and determined to do things 'my way'. "Oh my goodness was I a stubborn one. I wouldn't listen for love nor money. Especially when Josh tried to help me. The ranch meant a whole new beginning for me right down to a Jeep and tiny camper that my Uncle Bill had left me. However it was the beginning for other folks too. How I do remember the weddings this ranch has seen. One of which she remembered well. I wonder whatever became of the sheriff and Maxine. They were married on horseback and lit outta here to find and explore the mountain tops of their dreams. Oh it was a fine wedding. Yes it was."

" Then our wedding was also here on the ranch. Then came a child and another and another. Such fun we had with those little babies. When the children were small it was such fun to teach them how to ride and take care of the horses. It's almost hard to think of them of being old now."

"I can remember Josh putting a saddle on a frame and having our babies pretend to ride a horse when they weren't hardly old enough to hang on. Oh how he did love our little ones. He was so patient, but he made them work hard too. She smiled as she thought of their oldest one. "Stubborn, just like her mother, I'm afraid. We had our hands full with that one. She's a good mom, though and now she's a grandmother. Mercy."

Josh was never really interested in the ranch. He loved his rocks and spent a lot of time in his personal cabin that he called his office. My idea of having a place of peace and quiet for troubled teens and veterans was a success, but I sure didn't get rich. In my old age I'm happy with what I did with the ranch, but I have this feeling the children won't keep it when I'm gone. I wonder what will happen to this beautiful ranch and who will buy it if they do sell it. I'm just being a silly old woman. They won't sell our ranch. No, it will go on as it always has for generation after generation. Yes, it is a privilege to love a horse and an honor to be loved by one. That is how I was taught and that is what I taught our children and they will teach their children. That is the Double D legacy."

Aaliya's eyes were getting tired. She stared at an old photograph that was sitting on her dresser. Josh had insisted that she put it on the dresser so he could always remember how beautiful she was when he was resting. She grinned as she looked at the wall where her wanted poster was. Again Josh said he wanted that old thing in the bedroom to remind her that he always did and always would want her. She was having such trouble with her eyes for some reason. In that old picture she kind of looked like her mother; she missed her. She quit trying to keep her eyes open. She could feel the hot wind on her face and see the horses grazing out on the pasture. It had been such a good life, but she was so very tired. 

As her eyes fluttered she gave the spider in the corner a smile and whispered, "Keep on working old friend, you do beautiful work that perhaps another lonely young woman may admire someday." Her fingers loosened their hold on her treasured journal. It slipped quietly to the floor not to be found until the next day.

Friday, June 24, 2022

Saying Goodbye To The Double D

 Rex made his way out to the silver mine. The mine that had ruined his marriage, his relationships with his brother and children, but had made him a very rich man. It had helped build the community where so many of his friends and now family lived. He had to make it right for Allie and Josh. It sounded like she was in financial trouble. He had planned for this sort of situation many years ago. It just seemed like a good idea to put a little something away for what some called a rainy day. Well, there was a thunderstorm happening at the Double D and he was going to put a stop to it. He smiled when he pulled up to his mine. There were yellow strips of tape as a warning for folks not to enter, but he grinned as he saw his picture still hanging there after so many years. He had Maggie's picture up there at one time. She was a beautiful little angel, now gone to Heaven where other angels lived. He wiped tears away and tore down the tape. As he walked down the dark but familiar tunnels, he touched the sweating walls and felt the cool, but stale air that he remembered so well. "I put almost a million dollars worth of rich ore in an old burlap bag just down the next curve. The way prices are going it should do her for the rest of her life and her children's lives if they spend and invest it wisely. I should have brought some light with me. It's darker than I remembered. He felt his way with his weathered hands and smiled. There was the marked timber. He couldn't see the bag, but as he felt around for it, he heard a sound that he dreaded. He had to find that bag fast before the rotted timbers collapsed. Then he heard a deafening roar and saw a tidal wave of rolling dust; then nothing.

After the sheriff arrested the crooks that had robbed Belle and her mother he also found out that they had been dumping animals of all kinds of the borders of the Double D Ranch. K.R. was behind it all. He wanted that ranch for himself to sell, not to live on. He had confiscated the bag of silver that the robbers had put in the little girl's stuffed toy and had given it to Allie with permission of the prosecuting attorney. He rubbed his forehead and thought, "I'm so done with this law enforcement job. In a little town like this I should be eating doughnuts and whistling as I make my rounds visiting with the store keepers, but instead it seems like I'm always working. I think I will talk to Maxine about moving out west after we get married. It can't be soon enough for me. It's too hot down here, and I can just see us living on a mountain somewhere. Yes, I'll go talk to her tonight. Right now I'm going to call Furry Hearts and have them try to rescue some of those little critters and find them some good homes. It's a great time to get at it while Allie is in the hospital with that bad ankle. That's just one less thing for her to deal with when she gets back home. I wonder if C.E.A.D.A.R Rescue can come out and get a couple of horses that need some care and vetting. I'll call them too."

Lill looked out the window of Justin's car and saw the Open sign on the cafe that she had worked at off and on for years. She had made some terrible mistakes in her lifetime, but Justin just had made her an offer she couldn't refuse. He wanted her to move back to Springfield and live in his guest house or in his main house. She could have her choice. She could quit being a waitress and not work or she could even work for him. He was a senator for the state of Illinois and could always use more help. He also needed some answers. She was ready to tell him most of what he wanted to know, but the story of Bill he would never know. He was the love of her life, but she had kept the twins from him. He had had no idea that he was their biological father. The guilt of that secret she would have to live with for the rest of her life. Her mother was the only other person in the world that knew and she would never tell. She sighed and smiled at her son and said, "Okay, young man. Let's see what I've been missing all these years. I sure do hope you have a cook and a housekeeper. Oh, I never asked you if you have a girlfriend? Am I going to impose on your life? Because if I am, I can live somewhere else." Justin just grinned at his mysterious mother who was showing signs of aging. "What have I missed," he thought. "I just have a feeling you haven't told me your whole story. Then there's Josh. He has no interest in Mom. She gave him away and I'm afraid he will never forgive her for that. K. R. was his adopted father. That is a lot to forgive. Maybe someday he and I can be friends again like we were in college."
"I sure love this Jeep, Justin. I love the wind in my hair. May I drive it?"

Jean and her granddaughter walked out to where the horses were being loaded. The stray and abandoned dogs and cats also were going to their new forever homes with a bright future ahead of them. "Now if only my daughter was home safe and sound. huh, Shadow? Everyone's future would be a bit brighter."
So now you're talking to yourself? I guess it's about time I was getting home to you and my baby girl."

"Mama! Take Meadow home, please!"
"Who's Meadow and where did this dog come from? Oh who cares? Give your mama a hug. So you found Shadow, Mom. We need to have a long talk, don't we? Yes, I'm fine. Let's get your bags packed and get on home. Yes, you too, Addie. Let me think about the dog."

Belle was in the back seat cuddling her favorite stuffed chicken, Henny. They had put in some soft cotton in her tummy and made her just as soft as she was before the robbers filled her with silver. "I think we had an adventure, Mom. In fact I know we did. Who has robbers and horses and chickens in their vacation? And there was even a silver mine and all kinds of stuff going on. Plus the sheriff was there arresting people. Did you hear old fashioned music coming from the barn? I think there must have been a band out there. My friends will never believe it. We had it all, didn't we? I really wouldn't mind going back next year if you think Allie will have all the cabins done and her house isn't filled with crazy people," she laughed. I do love our camper though especially when we remember to pack it with everything we need."

 Mom, look there's another chicken riding on the back of a horse! Is that a thing that we missed somehow?" Her mom laughed and said, "Let's go home, Chickie. Let's go home."

"Well, my dear there they go. I'm going to miss this crazy place, but I think we have done all we can. You know you can only do so much protecting the rest they have to learn from their mistakes. I wonder what kind of legacy these folks will leave the future generations."
" Maybe we'll get to come back and see for ourselves, dear. I think we need to get back and check the roster. If I remember right someone needs us in a small town in Missouri."

"But Allie never found the jewelry that could have saved the ranch. How can we leave now?"
"Somehow I think that's part of the plan. She really never needed that necklace and earrings, now did she? You know those packrats had such fun with those shiny jewels, it would have been a shame to take away their fun."
As the clouds raised Edward and Virginia back to the heavens Uncle Bill's ghost was not a bit happy. He could not find the jewelry that had been hidden in the secret room. "Rats, I'll bet it was rats. I'll find you, you can bet on that!"

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

The Old Miner Makes A Promise

When Allie heard Josh's voice she had turned too quickly and had injured her ankle. She cried out and said she thought she had broken her leg. Josh quickly picked her up and put her in the back seat of his car. Justin drove as fast as he safely could. Ally could not stop crying. "Josh, why does it seem that I'm always having bad luck? It seems like every time I turn around something happens. Just think about it. Lately somebody has been dumping animals on my ranch, the other day my bank credit card was declined and then there's you! You don't want any part of me or the ranch. And that crazy video will of Uncle Bill's. Am I going to lose the only chance I've ever had at happiness? Oh I just want to give up. Maybe I'll catch a slow boat to China or sail the seven seas. Maybe I'll just move back to Springfield and be a waitress again. Ohh, I'm so sad and besides that my leg is killing me!"
The staff at the hospital soon had her leg x-rayed and she was whisked off to surgery. She had a broken ankle, not a broken leg. However, it did need surgery. The doctor told her she would be laid up for about six or eight weeks. Crutches were her near future, not working with horses and running a Dude Ranch.

Josh had been sitting by Allie's bed until she woke up from surgery. He was so worried about her. He and Justin had come to the conclusion that she needed a lot of help not just since her injury, but all the time. A big ranch like the Double D took more than one person to run it. Justin had once again gone back to the lawyer to see what could be done to break the will. He wanted Josh and Allie to own the ranch together. He would gladly sign his share away so that the two of them could be partners. What was one year? Nothing in the grand scheme of things. He wanted a life of politics and helping others. He also wanted to get to know his mother better. She had been hiding so many secrets from him especially the fact that he had a twin brother! She probably had good reasons for separating them, but he would give her time and try not to be angry at her. He had found out that she had moved back to the small town she had lived in for many years. She told him that she was tired of running away from her problems. She was going to face up to them and get on with her life. "I wonder if Mom would like to move back to the city with me? Maybe we could get to know each other better. I have a big house. She could even move in with me if she would like to. Yeah, I think that's a great idea. I'll run that by her after I hear back from Blake."
Josh's grandfather knocked softly on Allie's door and asked, "Is it alright if I come in and see to this young lady?" Josh was surprised to see his grandfather but said, "Sure. She's going to be okay, but is going to be so grouchy. I'm going to have my hands full," he laughed.
"Oh, are you going to stay at the Double D and help out?" asked Rex. "Yes, I sure am. I have it all figured out. I can do two things as once. I am going to make one of the cabins into an office for me. I love geology and want to continue doing what I love for a living.  That way I will always be there for Allie when she needs me. Did you hear about the conditions of Bill's will?"
"Yes, I did. How in tarnation did he get that in his head anyway? I never would have given him that ranch if I'd known he was gonna do that."
"We'll never know, I guess, Grandpa, but it is what it is. We'll make a go of it. We fight like cats and dogs, but I do love her you know." His grandfather laughed and said, "The whole town knows that, boy. Pat and I go to bingo at the nursing home once a week. We've all been taking bets to see how long it was going to take you to find that very thing out." He gave his grandson a hug and said, "Well, it looks like you have finally become your own man. I'm proud of you son. Pat and I will be out to help with anything that you two need."
Allie opened her eyes and said, "Well, aren't the two of you something? You think you can just figure out my life for me without me having a say? I'm tell you what, Mr. Josh. You cannot just take over my life like I'm a child. I'll have you know..." With Josh's gentle loving kiss she was not able to finish her sentence and Rex quietly walked out the door with a grin on his face. "Yep, that boy takes after his old grandpa that's for sure. They'll make a great team. I think I'll go home and tell Pat I'm going to be gone for awhile. I have an idea that just might make those kids' lives a little easier."

The sheriff finally got the whole story out of the crooks he had arrested. K.R. was behind the whole thing. He was blackmailing them and giving them instructions from his prison cell on how to run Allie off the ranch. The sheriff had made phone calls to the prison warden and had him check the visitor log. Sure enough Allie's old neighbors had been visiting K.R. once a month. K.R. was put in solitary confinement never to have contact with those two or he would be spending many lonely years in the pokey.
But unknown to Josh and Allie things were hopping out at the Double D. Their story was not finished

Friday, June 17, 2022

Belle Makes A Discovery In The Campground

 Belle had told her mother that the old campground was a little spooky. She said she felt like she was being watched and could almost feel and hear animals in the woods. She did have a good night's rest in the camper though and woke up starving! "I'm hungry this morning, Mom. What's for breakfast?" Her mother grinned and said, "How's bacon and eggs sound? I even have some frozen waffles to toast. There's orange juice in the fridge. Why don't you pour both of us a glass while I get breakfast together. This campground isn't so bad. It is nice that we have propane and batty power to run the fridge though. Nice cold orange juice will hit the spot this morning."

Belle thought she heard something outside. "Mom, I think there is someone outside. Do you think it's the robbers? I don't think I'm  hungry anymore. Maybe we should just go home." Her mom smiled and said, "I went outside this morning before you woke up. Everything is fine out there. Of course, there will be animals in the timber. It's okay. Why don't you take a look? Breakfast will be ready in just a bit."

Belle looked around the campground, but it was no longer empty. There were animals everywhere! There were horses, dogs, cats and whatever else she wasn't about to look for. "Mom! Come here! Look at this. There are animals everywhere." Belle's mom came to the door and looked around. "Yes there are animals all around us.  It looks like these animals are hungry, Belle. I don't think they live here. I think they have been looking for food. Some of them are thin. Let me call Allie at the Dude Ranch. I think she will know what to do. Why don't you come in and get them some water. I think I have a big bucket they can take turns drinking from."

As Belle started walking back to the camper she thought she saw something familiar laying in the trees and tall grass. "What is that, I wonder?" As she walked towards the tall grass she yelled, "Mom! Henny is here! I have found Henny!"

Belle's mom came out of the camper on a run. "Where? Show me. Oh dear. She looks the worse for wear, doesn't she? Did you find your purse and sunglasses too? No. Well, let's be grateful you found your little friend. What do you mean she's lumpy? Let me see. Oh, you are right. And she's really heavy. Let's take her in the camper and see what is going on." 

When they got in the camper they put Belle's favorite stuffed animal on the table. Sure enough there was something stuffed inside. "Look there is a bag. It looks like one of those old money bags people used to take to the bank to deposit their money." Belle's mom pulled it out and poor Henny was now really skinny. "What's in the bag, Mom? Oh wow! I think that's silver. You don't suppose those robbers had stolen this and had put it in Henny's tummy, do you?"

"I don't know, my Belle, but we need to call the sheriff about this." 

While she was on the phone Allie, drove up. When she got out she saw some of the animals scurry into the woods looking for safety. "This just has to stop. Why are people doing this to me? It's almost like they want me to go back to the city." She stood there looking around this old campground thinking about her ancestors and what they did with this land. She should call the old miner. He probably could tell her stories for a week.

Justin and Josh had a long talk. Neither one of them wanted to work the ranch. Justin was only interested in politics and helping the people in his state of Illinois. Josh loved the ranch and Allie, but he didn't want ownership of the ranch. He had an idea and decided that he would talk it over with Allie to see what she thought. "Want to come out to the Double D with me and see what you're missing?" he joked. Justin said, "Sure. I'd like to see Allie on her home turf and just take a look around." About that time Josh saw the sheriff in his rear view mirror. He soon passed them. "The sheriff's in a hurry and he's got his lights and siren on. I wonder where he's off to. Oh no, he's turning into the Double D. What else can happen to Allie? Look over there! There is a group of riders and horses coming across the south pasture. What's going on? Hold on Allie we are on our way."

Lightfoot had gotten Merlin's message. It had taken some doing, but as usual his very sharp teeth had worked wonders on the rope that his human had tied him with to the trailer. They thought they were going to clean his teeth, but that wasn't happening today! He had a job to do and he was on his way!

"Quit yer screaming you big babies. This is what you get for being mean to a little girl. My partner and all his buddies are coming soon. In the meantime you just sit still and I won't bite you very hard, just a little to remind you of all the bad things you and your partner did."
Soon the sheriff, Allie, Justin and Josh saw what was happening and oh how they laughed. One little horse had two bad guys pinned with his sharp teeth. Every time they moved an inch he either would bite harder or kick them in the shins. The sheriff ran over and handcuffed the robbers just as Merlin and all the horses and their owners were arriving.  He put them in the patrol car and went to talk to Belle and her mom about the money bag. He verified that the bag was indeed full of silver. The thieves had a lot of answering to do. He took the bag as evidence and proceeded to take the culprits back to town in a very small eight by ten cell where they could cool their heels.
Sarah took one look and said, "Lightfoot, now what are you doing? I left you tied up so I could clean your teeth and here you are rounding up the bad guys. Merlin stomped his foot and shook his mane congratulating his little friend when he realized that Penny wasn't on his back. "Penny, where are you? Did you jump down? Or did you fall off. I hope you are okay." Merlin watched the humans with sad eyes. He knew that something had happened to his friend. He turned around and started walking back the way that he had come. "Penny! Where are you?"

Laura and Paul drove into the Double D house yard as the sheriff was leaving. "I wonder what's going on now? Paul be careful. Look there's a horse in the road and isn't that Allie?" Paul slowed the car to almost an idle. He stopped the car and watched as Allie was dripping water into a hen's beak. The huge golden horse was making soft noses and blowing softly through his nose as he bent down to check on his little friend. "Laura, I think that chicken is ours. Wasn't she just sitting on the fence the other day? I love the way she likes to visit with us when we have coffee on the back porch. Yes, I think that's her. I wonder how in the world she got all the way out here. Honey, she doesn't look so good. Allie, I think that's our chicken. We'll take her home. Thanks for taking such good care of her. We have no idea how she got all the way out here."

As Paul reached down to pick up the chicken Merlin started to shake his head and get in between Paul and the car. "What's wrong boy? Do you and our little hen know each other?" Merlin's front leg pawed the dirt and gave a loud whinny. "I think you are friends. Well, I'll tell you what, boy. We are going to take her home and give her lots of good food and water. She will be comfortable with us. Okay?"
Allie watched the horse respond to the man and wondered how a horse and a chicken could ever be friends, but then she grinned and thought, "I guess they can be friends if Josh and I can. But he is so maddening." About that time she heard a noise behind her. She whirled around and fell. On the way down she twisted her ankle. She screamed in pain. " Wonderful, I think I just broke my leg!" Paul gave the chicken to Laura and he and Josh picked up Allie and put her in the back of the Josh's car. They were on their way to the hospital.
Her first and only paying customers were wondering what to do now as they watched the owner of the Double D Ranch being rushed to the hospital probably with a broken leg. This was not what they expected their vacation to be like. However, it was kind of exciting though.

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Penny And Merlin; Friends With A Common Goal

 Penny sat on the fence post listening to Laura and Paul visiting about what was going on out at the Double D Ranch. "I sure wish I could do something about that. I hate that I'm getting to be a middle aged old hen. I only laid two eggs this week. I'm what they call soon to be retired. I can remember my mama telling me stories about my ancestors. Pshaw, pretty soon one of these days I will be an ancestor. I used to sneak away from this farm and walk the streets pecking at bits and pieces of popcorn folks had dropped from the movie theater on Saturday nights. Now there isn't even a movie theater for miles around. Oh what adventures I used to have. I remember one time I almost got caught by the old man that used to sit on the bench asking for handouts. He said I looked fat enough to make him a good fried chicken dinner. When he went to grab me by my legs I flew into his face with my wings and made him so mad he chased me down the street! Wow, I got out of there in a hurry. I stayed put in the coop for a few days before I ventured out again. I remember my mama telling me about my many times great grandmother, Henny Penny, whom I'm named after and how she was almost convinced to follow Chicken Little,  Lucky Ducky and Turkey Lurky into a fox's den for his dinner. She always told me  to respect your ancestors, but always learn from their mistakes as well as their success.

As Penny listened to Laura and Paul she heard them say that there had been a press conference at the sheriff's office. The tape of the conference would soon be playing at the local radio station. The point was to catch some robbers that had stolen a little girl's purse, sunglasses and her mother's money from the glove box of the car. She blinked her eyes and remembered how quick and fast on her feet she used to be. Then she heard that there were humans that were dumping animals on the Double D and Laura suspected that someone was trying to run Allie out of business. "Well, that does it. I'm going to sneak into town. I know exactly where the radio station is. I want to hear this. Maybe I can help." With that she gently let herself down from the fence and made her way into town. It seemed like hours with her skinny legs and elderly feet, but she made it to the station. She hopped up on the window sill and heard just enough to make her so mad she just had to have her say. She flew in the open window and started clucking and pecking for all she was worth into the microphone. She scared the D.J. so bad he protected his face with his arms and shooed her towards the window all the while yelling for her to get out and stay out. She felt some of her feathers falling out and knew that she would never be able to make another trip to town again, but she had one more place to go before she went back to the farm.

Penny remembered that Merlin was living at a farm not far from the Double D Ranch. She had known first hand what a good friend he was even though he was a little different than most horses. Merlin also came from a long line of interesting ancestors. One night he had told all of the farm animals about them when her mama lived on that same farm. In fact Penny had hatched from an egg her mama had laid in the stable where Merlin lived. She too was a bit adventurous and didn't like living in a chicken coop with so many other hens. 
It was a long ways for Penny to walk. She had lived probably half of her life on Laura and Paul's farm. She knew the way, but it seemed like it was a lot further than she remembered. She had to walk in the ditches in tall grass so not to be seen. There were bunnies and other small animals including some garter snakes and a lot of bugs in the grass. She ate a few bugs for energy but she still had to rest more than she walked. It seemed like she had walked for miles. While she rested she remembered some of the stories that Merlin had told them. He had a many times great grandfather that had at one time belonged to a wizard in King Arthur's Round Table whom was also called Merlin. It was a little hard for her to believe, but she herself had seen him do some pretty crazy stuff. "It was probably all made up, but he is a good friend. I think he will help catch the robbers and get those bad people that are dumping animals on the Double D. Oh there he is! I see him talking to other horses! Hopefully I can make it up to the sill so I can ask him for his help. Maybe those other horses will help too." She announced her arrival by clucking their secret code for him. Three clucks and a squawk. Penny made a run for it and flapped her wings as hard as she could. She made it!

Her friend whinnied hello then he and his friends listened quietly as Penny told the story of the robbers and the humans that were dumping animals on the Double D Ranch. "That's not good; not good at all. What do you guys think? Are you ready for an adventure and an act of kindness? I have an idea. There are some horses that just might think this is a kick if you know what I mean; a hard kick in the britches. I even know a little horse with a big bite. Have you heard of Lightfoot? He's a biter from way back. You don't have to be big to make things happen. He can hold his own with us big guys. I have a feeling this young lady wants to make a go of it but is getting sabotaged at every turn she makes. Penny you look all tuckered out. How about a ride on my back? That way you can rest for awhile. I think I know where those horses are. In fact they might be on a trail ride just over the ridge. I heard some of the ranch hands talking about it a little while ago. Let's go guys. Let's put an end to this nonsense. I think I can get the door open and I'll come out and get you. Soon Merlin came and stood very still and waited for his feathered friend. With that Penny flew to his back and Merlin reared up on his hind legs and off they went with their friends right behind them. 

It didn't take any persuading and soon Merlin and Penny had humans and horses following them to the old campground. "You know, Penny, in the old wild west days, this place used to be a hideout for train robbers and stage coach robbers. I just have a feeling that the robbers and maybe the bad people that were dumping animals on the Double D Ranch are hiding. Lightfoot will be waiting for the signal to meet us there. Hopefully he gets there before we do just in case I'm right." Because of the pounding of many hoofs and urging of humans Merlin didn't notice that Penny had not answered him...

Friday, June 10, 2022

The Double D Was The Hideout!

 By the time Allie got back to the Double D Ranch her mind was reeling and her head hurt. She had been through more trouble in the last two hours than in all of her twenty three years. Her bank credit card had been declined at the Feed Store, then the banker said that opening up a campground on her ranch would bring in more income. Doing that would mean getting a bank loan which she had to think about. Reservations were slow in coming in so she didn't know if she could make her payments on a loan in a timely manner. Then the last straw was going to the lawyer's office. Who was there but Josh and his twin brother, Justin of all people. "I still can't believe Josh has a twin, but the worst part is that Justin is also next of kin so he has the right to half of the ranch if Josh doesn't live on the ranch for a year. I'm exhausted. Oh no! Who is that? Why is there a camper parked in front of the house?"

Allie got out of her Jeep and thought, "I'm sure I'm making a great impression driving this old Jeep. The seat is shot and one headlight looks like it's about to fall out of it's socket. I don't care. I like this old Jeep. Uncle Bill gave it to me along with a camper." She straightened her shoulders and walked over to the woman and young girl. "May I help you folks?"

"Oh yes, I remember your name now. Mother and daughter camping for the first time. So do you like your new camper? How was your trip? Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. That doesn't give our lone star state a good start for you folks. Did you let the sheriff know that you've been robbed? Oh good. Well, I have some more bad news for you. I don't have a cabin available for you right now. Since you have a camper, would you mind staying in it? I just this afternoon found out that the previous owner of the ranch had an idea of starting a campground on the ranch many years ago. It doesn't have electricity, but it does have water. I have never been there myself, but I was told where it is. Would that be okay until I get another cabin painted and cleaned for you? Oh wonderful. It's getting late so follow me and you can get your camper set up before dark. Again, my apologies."

When Belle and her mom saw the state of the campground they wondered if they had made a wise choice. Maybe they should go to the next town and just skip the Dude Ranch experience. Belle got out and walked around. "Well, Mom, you know we have battery power in the camper and the refrigerator runs on propane. There is a  fire pit here. We could finally have some s'mores, and now we actually have everything we need to eat and we have water. Okay, let's do it. Tomorrow we can go see the horses." Her mom shook her head and said, "Alright, Allie. We can stay here and see how it goes. How long do you think before you have a cabin ready? We kind of had our hearts set on working and riding horses. We wanted a hands on experience. Two or three days? Okay. We will stay here and cook breakfast in the camper. We will drive over later in the morning."

Macy called the local radio station and told them that the sheriff wanted a short press conference. Two tourists had been robbed just up the road at the ice cream shop. The robbers had stolen the young girl's stuffed chicken who she had always called Henny and her purse and her new sunglasses. Also stolen was fifty dollars from the glove box. "Do you think you could come over to the sheriff's office and I will give you the lowdown. The young girl has a partial description of one of the thieves."

Since the con man K.R. had been put in jail and the crooked bank president also was behind bars there was little news to report so the local D.J. took off to the sheriff's office. He got her all set up with a picture book that described the stuffed chicken and a microphone. They went live just minutes after he got there. The description of one of the robbers sounded familiar to him. Macy said that he was wearing his hair in a long braid down his back and was wearing a ball cap. He was tall and thin. Macy thought that his partner in crime might have been a woman. Please keep your eyes out for this couple. They are driving an old R.V. that is a light brown in color. One of the windows is broken. Let's catch these crooks and keep our tourists safe and keep our good reputation for a safe and friendly county. Thank you."

The D.J. went back to his station with a smile on his face. "I think I know who those rats are. I'm sure the sheriff ran them off a few months ago. I'm going to give him a call."


After Allie went back to the ranch. Belle and her mom set up the camper so it was nice and level. They fixed themselves a simple supper of cheese and crackers and juice. That was all they wanted because they had eaten a lot of ice cream not long ago. "I think we can even skip the s'mores, Mom. I'm getting pretty tired, but before we go to bed can we make the camper homier? I brought some pictures of gramma and memaw. Can we put them up in the window? I'll go see if I can find some wildflowers to put in a jar." She handed the pictures to her mom and went outside looking for flowers. "It's kind of creepy out here. I don't know if I like it," she thought to herself. She did see some flowers. She quickly picked just a few and got back in the camper and locked it."

"Here's some flowers, Mom. I think those robbers have me seeing things. I could have sworn I saw all kinds of animals and people lurking out there. Let's put these in a vase and watch some television, okay?" Her mom said, "I think we are both tired. It's been a long day and I think a good television show would be just right. How about an early start in the morning? I'll make us a good breakfast to start the day." They both looked at the pictures in the window and smiled. Both grandmas would have agreed. A good breakfast is the best way to start a new day."


"That was a close call, Darlin'. That girl almost stepped on my toes! Let's get outta here. I had no idea this old campground was used since the old miner went to the nursing home. Quiet now!"

" Did you find that chicken? What? We gotta have that chicken it's plum full of silver."

" I can't help it. We gotta get outta  here. Now run!"

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Sometimes Things Are Legal But Also Dangerous

 Belle decided to sit in the back seat of the car when they left the ice cream shop. "I think I want to snuggle with Henny for awhile, Mom. It's not going to be too long before we get there is it ? That was really good ice cream. Can we stop there on the way back home?" Belle's mom agreed. "Sure we can. That's the fun part of traveling. We can find all kinds of out of the way places and keep them in a journal so that way we can stop again someday if we are close."

"Mom, did you put my things in the front seat? I don't see Henny or my purse. My new sunglasses aren't back here either. Did you put them in the glove compartment?"

Belle's mom looked in the back seat and said, "No, I didn't move anything. We forgot to lock the doors of the car! Let me check the glove box. I put some cash in there for tolls. Oh dear. We have been robbed. The cash is gone, Belle. Thank goodness I didn't put much money in there. I'm sorry about Henny though. You have had her for a long time. Let's go back in there and report it to the manager. Maybe they will let us call the sheriff."

The manager was very nice and said she would call the sheriff. After making the call the manager said, "The sheriff's office said that he had the day off and was at the Double D Ranch. "That's not very far from here. Where are you off to?"
They said they were on their way to the Double D Ranch as well. They would report it to him in person when they arrived. "There's nothing else we can do, Belle. Let's get going. Hopefully we can catch him before he leaves. I sure hope everything is alright at the ranch. Wonder why the sheriff is there?"
After a few minutes Belle pointed out the window and said, "Mom, look! There's that old camper sitting beside the road. It looks like it's broke down. There's smoke coming out of the front of it. Should we stop to help them?" Belle's mom shook her head and said, "It's not illegal to pick up hitchhikers in Texas, but it's dangerous because we don't know them. I will tell the sheriff about them though. He can send a tow truck, or at least go see if he can help them. We should be there in a few minutes."

In a few miles Belle again said, "Mom, look at that! There's a man hitchhiking! Look how's he's dressed. I love it. It says Merica on his overalls. Check out those Crocks! Can't we stop and pick him up? He's so fun looking."

"This time we can stop. I really don't think he is hitchhiking. I've heard of this guy. I think they have nicknamed him, Patch. He is traveling across America raising funds for animals I think. I can't remember for sure, but he may be connected with the Missouri Humane Society. I need to look into that. It's so important to keep our furry friends safe and sound. There are so many reasons that animals find themselves without a home. Let's see what he's got to say. He's a long ways from home. I have all kinds of questions for him."

"You know when we are married, I promise that my cooking skills will improve. I'm really sorry I burned the hamburgers. I do better on the grill. I was hoping that we would eat and then go over to Allie's and tell her when and where we want to be married. I can't wait to have you be my bride."

The sheriff heard his cell phone and said, "Just a minute. I have to get this. I wonder why the deputy isn't taking my calls? Hello? This is the sheriff. Is that a fact. That's not good P. R. for the county is it, Macy? Well, I'll see what I can do from here. See if you can get ahold of the deputy. I need to do an errand before I head back to town. Can you do a quick press conference scheduled? Nothing fancy. Yeah, just call the radio station. They are always looking for news. I just want those crooks to know that you don't mess around with the sheriff in this county and the people that pass through it."

The lawyer was walking back to his office when he looked down the street and thought he was seeing double. "That's Josh, but who is that walking with him? They sure do look alike. I believe I'll wait here for them to catch up to me. This should be interesting." As he watched the men walk towards him he saw Allie, the new owner of the Double D. She also was walking towards his office. "Well, this is a busy day for me. I might be able to pay my bills this month." With that thought he headed towards his office just in time to open the door for Allie.

Friday, June 3, 2022

The Bank President Gives Allie Advice

 Allie still felt sick to her stomach. Her bank credit card had been declined at the Feed Store in town. "I know I have had a lot of expenses, but I had no idea I was getting close to my limit. I had a lot of money when I cashed in those bearer bonds and money we had found under the floor upstairs. I should have kept better track. I really do need a partner to help me manage not only the ranch, but the money end of it too. I have a foreman that oversees the cowhands and the animals, but I have no one to handle reservations when they start coming in. Josh did a good job with the ad in that magazine, but I only have a couple of cabins cleaned and painted and they are full. Grace is staying in one of them for a couple of weeks and I have had Jean and Addie stay in the other one so they could have room for Addie to run around and not disturb the others. Ha! Disturb who? Me. That's who. Everyone else is gone."

"Miss Allie? The president will see you now."

Allie stood up and felt a bit light headed. Then she straightened her shoulders and thought, "You've been through worse than this. You were almost homeless and had no job or money." She looked through the doorway she was led to and almost grinned. There sat a woman, not a man. She was wearing jeans, not a suit and had a messy desk. She looked kind of serious though. Maybe this was not a good sign. "Hi, my name is Allie. I'm here to see the bank president." 

"You have found her, Allie. Don't look scared. Bank presidents and/or loan officers are kind of like police officers. We are here to help you not lock you up. At least not today." She laughed and said, "Sit down. I have been looking over your account and see that you are in a bit of a financial jam. You have money in your checking account, but you have maxed out your credit card. We can get that fixed today when we are finished visiting. I have an idea. Let's see what you think. It's a little far out there, but it could only be temporary if you want until you get some regular guests out at the Double D."

Allie felt herself relax. It sounded not quite as bad as she thought. "What is your idea? I am open to anything at this point."

"What do you think of putting in a campground out there? I did some research when I first moved to town. An older fellow that actually built this bank and most of the town had a place out there for people to picnic and set up tents if they wanted to. It doesn't have electricity from what I understand, but maybe the bank could help you out there. If it hasn't been used for years it probably needs a lot of work. I do know that it has water and shade from the sun. It would at least give you some time to update the cabins and get some money coming in."

"I haven't even had time since I moved to the ranch to see everything that's on it. It's a lot of acres to cover. Are you talking about Rex? I know him. He just married Pat and have been out to the ranch to help me. Yes, I'm in. I'll call him right after I leave here. Now how can I fix my finances, because as a matter of fact I have a couple coming in this afternoon that saw the ad. I don't have a cabin open for them. I think it's a mother and daughter. I guess I will have them stay in the house with me, but I sure will get started on your idea. Thank you so much!"

"Don't thank me yet. You still have some work to do. By the way I heard that you are having problems with people dumping animals on your ranch. There's a meeting in a couple of days and I'm going to be there. I have some ideas about how we can stop that too. If we can't stop it, we can at least find some loving foster homes or licensed rescue people to transport them to other areas of the state or country. See you there? Good. Okay let's go over to the teller and we will get this straightened out. I also would recommend a good accountant for you. They will only do as good a job as the information you give them, so your expenses and income is important for them to know. Here's a business card of a good one that I know. They will get you started on the right track."


Jean had taken Addie out for a walk hoping that Shadow was outside so her granddaughter could see him and maybe give him a carrot or an apple slice. "That's strange. I don't see him outside anywhere. Let's take a walk and see if he's out in the pasture. Horses like to run and play sometimes just like you do, little one, but Shadow has been sick, so he's just looking for some fresh air and sunshine I'm sure. Here are some carrots for him if we see him."

"Only another hour and we will be there, Belle. This is fun, don't you think? I think camping is the way to travel. We have everything we need including toilet paper, salt and pepper and even marshmallows for S'mores, she laughed. I think the last place we stopped we stocked up on everything."
"No we forgot one thing, Mom. We forgot to get ice cream." She grinned at her mom and said, "Can we stop and get a cone? I saw a sign back there. They sound like a fun place and I could go for a double dip ice cream cone." Her mom nodded her head and said, "Sure. Why not? I think there's a gas station close by. For your information I saw the sign too and was planning to stop." They both laughed and found a parking spot that was easy to park in. When they walked in they found the place to be really crowded. "This is a good sign that the ice cream is good. There are a lot of people here!"

Neither Belle nor her mom noticed the two men that Belle had seen from the campground the night before. They were in line ahead of them and had left before they did. However, the men saw them pull in and recognized the new camper. "What do ya think? Think they got money in that there SUV they are pulling that camper with? Let's get outta here and see for ourselves." Before Belle and her mom had gotten their ice cream they had already gotten into the SUV.  They had taken Belle's little stuffed Henny, Belle's purse, and her new sunglasses. They had searched the glove box and found some cash and quickly ran to their old camper and were on their way to their hideout with more animals to dump on the Double D Ranch.

Christmas Memories Continue To Pop Up

 It's the day after Christmas and all through the house is... memories. That's what is in this house. Memories of old and memories t...