As she sat in front of her bedroom window she watched her daughter's grandson drive his little Jeep around the yard. "My daughter is a grandmother. I never thought I would live to be so old. Over the years I have heard so much about aging; 'it's not for sissies' is one of my favorites. Well neither was being young and almost homeless living in the city. I was beautiful then at least that's what my love always told me. Just look at that little boy. I can't even imagine what Josh would have thought of that little scamp. He would have had him digging rocks and drawing plans for new bridges by the time he was this age. Oh how I miss my Joshua. We had such a short time together." She grinned at how they used to torment each other. "We did fight like cats and dogs, but oh how we loved each other. He didn't even call me by my name! He said it didn't suit me so he called me Allie. Soon everyone in town called me Allie. That man, he made and lived by his own rules."

As she rocked in her favorite chair her mind took her back to when her home was a grand place; a beautiful dude ranch. She had almost lost the ranch because of being stubborn and determined to do things 'my way'. "Oh my goodness was I a stubborn one. I wouldn't listen for love nor money. Especially when Josh tried to help me. The ranch meant a whole new beginning for me right down to a Jeep and tiny camper that my Uncle Bill had left me. However it was the beginning for other folks too. How I do remember the weddings this ranch has seen. One of which she remembered well. I wonder whatever became of the sheriff and Maxine. They were married on horseback and lit outta here to find and explore the mountain tops of their dreams. Oh it was a fine wedding. Yes it was."
" Then our wedding was also here on the ranch. Then came a child and another and another. Such fun we had with those little babies. When the children were small it was such fun to teach them how to ride and take care of the horses. It's almost hard to think of them of being old now."
"I can remember Josh putting a saddle on a frame and having our babies pretend to ride a horse when they weren't hardly old enough to hang on. Oh how he did love our little ones. He was so patient, but he made them work hard too. She smiled as she thought of their oldest one. "Stubborn, just like her mother, I'm afraid. We had our hands full with that one. She's a good mom, though and now she's a grandmother. Mercy."
Josh was never really interested in the ranch. He loved his rocks and spent a lot of time in his personal cabin that he called his office. My idea of having a place of peace and quiet for troubled teens and veterans was a success, but I sure didn't get rich. In my old age I'm happy with what I did with the ranch, but I have this feeling the children won't keep it when I'm gone. I wonder what will happen to this beautiful ranch and who will buy it if they do sell it. I'm just being a silly old woman. They won't sell our ranch. No, it will go on as it always has for generation after generation. Yes, it is a privilege to love a horse and an honor to be loved by one. That is how I was taught and that is what I taught our children and they will teach their children. That is the Double D legacy."
Aaliya's eyes were getting tired. She stared at an old photograph that was sitting on her dresser. Josh had insisted that she put it on the dresser so he could always remember how beautiful she was when he was resting. She grinned as she looked at the wall where her wanted poster was. Again Josh said he wanted that old thing in the bedroom to remind her that he always did and always would want her. She was having such trouble with her eyes for some reason. In that old picture she kind of looked like her mother; she missed her. She quit trying to keep her eyes open. She could feel the hot wind on her face and see the horses grazing out on the pasture. It had been such a good life, but she was so very tired.

As her eyes fluttered she gave the spider in the corner a smile and whispered, "Keep on working old friend, you do beautiful work that perhaps another lonely young woman may admire someday." Her fingers loosened their hold on her treasured journal. It slipped quietly to the floor not to be found until the next day.
Her legacy of her love of horses will carry through as you read the stories of the Next Generation!
ReplyDeleteWhat a Wonderful World , Magnificent Series of Allie and Josh. Love Love ❤