Friday, July 29, 2022

The Auction: Part 3

 Paisley waved goodbye to Marlee and went to go find her mom. She could see her. She had walked over to the barn. She looked back and saw Marlee walk over to the food truck. "I wonder if Mom would let me invite Marlee to our house this afternoon. I really liked her. Maybe Marlee's mom and dad would come and visit too and it would be so much fun. I have some friends, but Marlee is just my age and she could be my new friend. She said she loves school and likes to read books and write just like I do. I wish she lived closer. She's a long ways from home. They are on vacation. I love to go on vacations. I want her to come to my house. I have books that she might like and we can play school together."

"I liked that old picture book that she found in that box. I wonder if Mom has any old pictures somewhere. I'll have to ask her."

Marlee's dad had called their lawyer. He said that they were bound to the sale of the ranch unless the other couple could come up with the money that Marlee's mom had bid. The lawyer told him that they could form a partnership and they could own part of the ranch for the difference of the two ladies' bid if the first couple didn't have enough money to match his wife's bid.  Marlee's dad and mom told the auctioneer they had to have a few minutes to think about this. "You know, it would give us a place to come for vacations. Marlee could learn how to ride a horse. I had a horse, but I sold it when we moved to town. Hmm, what do you think? It's a lot of money, but actually when you think about it it would be a good investment for us. Can we swing it? Oh my gosh, we could make this place an  Airbnb and make a fortune!  I can just see it now. We could plant geraniums around that porch and you could put a porch swing up. Oh think about it, honey. It's great idea."

"We would have to go to a title company and pay some closing fees; and of course, that would cost money. They would have to do a title search, but first we need to talk to that other couple and see what they think. If they don't want to do it we'll figure something else out. Okay let's tell them our idea," said Marlee's mom. "I see Marlee over at the food truck. I told her to stay at the trailer, but it's been a long time. I'm sure she is hungry and thirsty. Let's get this over with."

After discussing their proposition their idea of an Airbnb was shot down immediately. "I think we could make a lot of money doing this and you could eventually buy us out if you wanted to. My husband and I are just trying to help you out. I know I bid on it, but I didn't mean to!"

"Barrel racing? We know nothing about that. This place isn't set up for that. That will take money, probably a lot of money. Do you have horses for that? We know nothing whatsoever about rodeos. Really? You go to them all the time? That's how you have saved so much money? Well, we need to think about this. I have to get my little girl. I'll be right back. I promised her we would go swimming at a nice motel with a big pool. This place doesn't even have a pool. How did they ever make it a Dude Ranch without a pool? Marlee! I'm over here!"

Harleigh was watching the auction from the tree that she had climbed every year since her mom and her camped on the old campground on this ranch. "Allie was so nice to us and let us camp here and even let me work on this place. I learned a lot about a lot of things out here. I cleaned up poop which they had a nice words for, 'mucking the stalls'. It was still poop. She laughed. Wow that's been about twenty years ago or more. We probably won't ever see this place again. Mom is over there with the crowd looking at the things that are for sale. I'm looking at a bigger picture. A big part of my past is out there. I know I'm still fairly young. At least I'm still young enough to climb a tree, but plenty old enough to know when something just isn't right. I'm just getting this weird feeling that something bad is about to happen. I'd better go find Mom and tell her it's time to go back to the hotel. I don't want her in the middle of a mess." Just as she was going to climb down from her perch on her favorite old tree she looked down and saw an older woman crawling around towards a car and a box of junk. "I knew something was up. What is she doing?" she wondered as she watched the woman drop something in the box and disappear into the crowded parking lot. 

She waited until she could no longer see the woman and walked over to the box to see what that woman had put in it when suddenly a little girl yelled, "Hey! That's my box. You can't have it. I paid two dollars for it. It's mine."

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

The Next Generation: The Auction Part 2

 The sweat was running into his eyes and his head was aching. He'd been an auctioneer for over twenty years and he needed some time off. That's why he'd hired an assistant. She seemed like she was doing okay. She had sold the ranch and there wasn't much left to get rid of. The commission they would make on the sale would sure help out his finances even though he had to share the money. Maybe when he got home his wife would have dinner ready for a change. Maybe just maybe she would smile when he walked in the door. That's a lot of maybes for one day. She wanted to move to Illinois. Today that idea didn't seem half bad. It was probably a lot cooler up there. The kids were getting old enough that they wouldn't care. One was in college and the other in a trade school. He wanted to be an auctioneer. "I should have talked him out of that, but that's what he wanted to do." The little girls were still hanging around the trailer full of junk. One was talking to him.

"What do you want, little girl? I'm a busy man. You want to buy this box?  So do you have money?Well, do you have a number?  You have to have a number. Yeah, I guess you can use your mom's number. What is it? #32? Okay, what will you pay for this box?" Marlee said, "I have four dollars, but I don't want to spend it all. I'll give you two dollars." The auctioneer started his chant but quickly noticed that he no longer had a crowd of people around the trailer. They were all walking towards the barn. "What is going on? Yes you can have that box. Now go find your mom, but don't forget to pay the clerk over there at the trailer. Now scat!"

As he quickly walked towards the barn he began to get worried. What was happening? There were two ladies crying and two men shaking their heads at his assistant and using really loud voices, in fact they were yelling at her!
 "Alright, alright. Now what's this all about? You bid on the ranch, but you didn't mean to? Quit your crying and tell me what exactly happened."
"I'll tell you what happened she over bid me and now we can't buy the ranch of our dreams. We've been scrimping and saving for years. Why did you have to ruin everything?"
After pulling his assistant aside she explained that she thought that the woman that waved her number at her wanted to get in on the bidding of the ranch.
 "Wait a minute! I don't want this ranch. We are on vacation and that's all there is to it!" 
"Well, let us have it for our bid then. We want this ranch. Please!"
The auctioneers head felt like it was splitting in two. The people on vacation were in trouble. There was over a million dollars in back taxes due on the ranch. They had bid, accidentally or not $1, 853, 782. They were liable for that money. If they didn't pay it it would go on their credit as a black mark and then the ranch would have to go back up for sale again at a later date because the taxes were accumulating as they spoke. He tried to explain to both couples that accident or not, #32 was the owner of the ranch.
"Can we buy the ranch from them for what we bid?" the young woman sobbed. "No. I told you that they now own it. You would have to make up the difference to buy it. Then you could own it." The young woman cried so hard she could hardly breathe and the other couple stood holding each other; both of which were in shock. They knew nothing about ranching. They certainly didn't want their credit to go bad. What could they do?
 He arrived at the flea market with the bag of jewels in his pocket. Now to find the woman that he knew would give him below market value and make a fortune for the jewelry, but it would still give him a good chunk of change. That money would buy him a home and maybe even a better car. He would be set and his brother would be in Florida without the jewels. He laughed to himself again while he was browsing the open air market. "Serves him right. His brother was the Golden Boy and he was the black sheep of the family. Now the table was turned. "Ha! There's her booth. I recognize some of her jewelry that she uses for a front. Wait, there's a man sitting there. Well, I'll just ask for her. Maybe she's on a break. Hope she's not in jail again. She needs to be more careful who she buys and sells to."

Marlee and one of the girls that had been standing beside her were looking at the things in the box that she had just bought. "Mom's been gone for awhile. I don't think I can carry this big box by myself. Another girl said, "I will help you. Soon there were three girls helping Marlee carry the big box to her parent's car. "Thank you so much for helping me. Do you want to help me look in the box to see if I bought anything really valuable? My mom told me that sometimes there are treasures in boxes at auctions." They all agreed to sit down and carefully take things out of the box to see if there was a treasure somewhere at the bottom.

After quite some time the girls said they couldn't see anything valuable in the box. They told Marlee they had to go find their parents or grandparents. They told her how sorry they were that she had spent her two dollars for junk and were on their way.
Marlee waved good-bye to them wishing they would stay and be friends. She had lots of friends at home and missed them.  She decided to open up a really old book. A picture fell out on the ground. She picked it up and said, "Wow! This picture looks kinda like me. I've never been to Texas before so I guess it's just an old old picture of a little girl that looks a little like me. I'll have to show mom if she ever gets back here. I'm getting thirsty. I'll look for her by the food truck. I'm glad I didn't spend all of my money on that box of stuff. I'm ready to go back on the road to do something fun. Maybe get a hotel and go swimming. Yes, that's a really good idea." 

Thursday, July 21, 2022

The Auction: Part One

 The auctioneer looked over the crowd. There were a lot of people here today. He was glad that his partner was here to help. She was fresh out of auctioneer school, but she's good. Maybe they could get this over with in one day. The heat was almost unbearable. It was over a hundred degrees and going to be hotter by the minute. His partner headed over to the barn. The ranch had been scheduled to be sold first, but for some reason there were a lot of people with bidding numbers that had headed over towards the barn. "Interesting. This tells me I'm going to make some money today. My commission will certainly help pay the bills. Business has been slow lately." He went over to the tables of smaller things and announced on the speaker that anyone that was interested in the ranch and the livestock including horses would be starting at the same time as the household items. He looked over the heads of all the people and saw a little girl causing a commotion over at the barn. "What is she crying about? I don't need this. I've got to get this sale going. The girl wanted a horse. "Well, get her a horse for Pete's sakes. He watched for a minute then was relieved to see his partner had in fact gotten a good price for the horse plus the girl's parents had gotten it for her.  " Win, win so let's go."

 His heart started to beat a little faster as the bidding progressed. Things were selling at a good rate. It was not quite noon and the ranch had already sold and the larger household items and furniture had sold as well. He was down to the tables of little stuff. "Man I want to get out of here. I'm so hot. I've had a good day so will let this junk go cheap," he thought. He looked over the crowd and  frowned; little kids, girls at that. Just what I didn't need today." He looked down at the trailer loaded with boxes of junk. He sighed and thought. Let's get this over with. He held up a silver frame. It was old, but he had no idea how much it was worth so  he started his auctioneer chant. "I'm bid a dollar, now two. I'm bid two. I hear three? I hear three? No? Sold to the lady for two dollars." Marlee said, "Mom! You won. Now get me this box of stuff. It's got some books in it I want. Please?" Her mom said, "We'll see, Marlee. It depends on how much it goes for. Other people might want the same box you know. Plus we are on vacation and don't have room in the car for very much. I'll be back soon. Be a good girl and stay right here, okay? Right now I see your dad waving at me to go over to the barn. I wonder what he wants. 

 As she started walking towards the barn she waved at her husband wondering why he wanted her. "Hey! Here I am over here!" As she neared the barn she heard the auctioneer say, "Sold to the lady holding number 32." She thought she was going to be sick. What had she done? She ran over to her husband and said, "What just happened?" Her husband said, "I think you just bought a ranch."

Steff's eyes were misty as she watched her mom and dad's things sell. Some things sold for more than she'd hoped, but many things sold for less. She felt a wave of loneliness wash over her as she saw some of her mother's things being sold. She wondered who the people were and where they lived. She heard the auctioneer announce that the ranch had sold. "There it is, girl. You are officially relieved of your duties in Texas. Soon you will be on your way back to your husband and family." For some reason she didn't smile or dance a jig like she had thought she would. She felt a little sad. "I never liked living here, why am I feeling this way?" She looked up and couldn't believe her eyes. There was her daughter!

Her face felt strange. She realized that she had not smiled in a very long time. She was so glad to see her! "What are you doing here? I love you! How did you get here? Where are the kids? Why did you come all this way?" The more she talked the more she smiled and the more her tears started carrying some of that Texas dirt and hurt along with them. "It's almost over, honey. The ranch sold a little while ago. They are on the last leg of some of the trailers of little stuff. I'll be ready to go back first thing in the morning. Why did you come today of all days?"

Tony watched as his brother stood in line waiting to get on his flight to Florida. "Should be interesting when he finds out he no longer has a bag of jewelry to sell once he gets down there. I know a woman that buys and sells jewelry. With the money I make I'm going to have a fancy house on the beach somewhere. By bro' see ya, not!" He chuckled to himself all the way down the highway.

Monday, July 11, 2022

Hopes And Dreams Of The Future And Musings Of The Past

 He said they were partners. He said they'd be rich beyond all imagination. He said they were in this together. But he had not told him the truth. He was gone! "I just knew he wasn't telling me the truth. I just knew it. I laid awake all night listening to him packing. He never said a word to me. I opened my eyes just a tiny bit and could see him in the shadows. He was taking a tent! Where did he get a tent? Then I saw him packing clothes. They were all dark clothes. What was he doing? Where was he going? I couldn't help it, but I fell asleep for just a minute or two. When I woke up he was gone! I've got to find him." He quickly got dressed. He dressed in his 70's tie dye shirt and head band that now was in fashion again. He wanted to stand out in a crowd, but he wore shades so no one would recognize him, but his brother. He wanted him to see that he was on his trail. He's going to the Double D Ranch. I just know it. That's all he's talked about for months ever since that old uncle of theirs told them about how K.R. stashed jewelry in the main house. K.R. tried to find it years ago but it was gone. "Yup, brother, I'm on my way. You will split the money with me. I'll find you!"

"Just as I thought. There's his tent. Wait. Here he comes. What's that he's carrying? Yuk, it looks like he's got poop all over him. Maybe he didn't find the jewels after all. No he's putting a little bag in his duffel bag. Now he's walking away. What is he doing?" He waited for awhile and then quietly dodged in between bushes and trees. He found the bag in the corner of the tent. He quickly dug into his brother's bag and there it was. "He found them! Well, little brother. They are mine now. See ya!" And he was gone, but he heard a rustling noise and quickly hid from sight behind a log. Sure enough. His brother was taking down the tent and loading up his gear into his junky old car. "Where are you going?" He chuckled quietly as he patted the jewels in his own pocket. "I think I'll follow you to see how far you get before you find out you no longer are a rich man." 

Stef looked out the upstairs window. The house yard was filled with cars, pickups, and horse trailers. People were milling around the flat bed trailers filled with boxes, dishes, and furniture. The ancient washer and dryer were sitting there looking like they might only bring a buck or two if she was lucky. They had rusted over the years and her mother would never replace them. She saw the old Jeep that her mother had long ago retired. She could never sell it. Some cow hand over the years had parked it on a rock for a joke. It had never been moved. She told stories about a camper too, but she had never seen it.  She said it had been given to her many years ago by an uncle her mother had never known. Bill was his name. He had given her this ranch as well. Amazing. Things like that just don't happen; maybe in story books is all. But of course, it had happened to her mother. It always did. She lived her life like a fiction novel. Oh the stories she used to tell.

 Her eyes swept over the all too familiar land. There were no horses in the pastures. What horses were left  had all been brought up to the barnyard for easy showing and selling. The auction was going to be a big one. She wanted it done in one day, but the auctioneer said it might take two days. It all depended on the bidding and the attendance. Whomever won the bid on the ranch had to be pre-approved by a bank, so that would be settled soon. The ranch was first on the agenda, then the animals, then the household items. It would be hours before she would be able to close her eyes again. There wasn't even a cup of coffee to be had except at the food cart outside. "I guess I'd better chin up, put a smile on my face and get out there. I have to have my coffee and something to eat to get through this day."

When Marlee and her family pulled into the ranch there had to be a million cars there. "Where are we going to park? There is no room!" Her dad chuckled and said, "It's a big place, Marlee. I'll find a spot." Her mother said, "I'm excited. I heard that she has a lot of silver stuff like picture frames I'd like to buy if they don't go too high."

Marlee and her sister, Whitlee got out of the car and looked all around. There was a lot of people and cars, but they were all going towards the barn. She and her mom and sister went over to the trailers piled high with things to be sold while her dad went over to the barn to see what all was going to be sold. "Oh I was right. There are some picture frames. I wonder how high they will go. Come on girls. Let's walk around so we can see what all we might want to bid on then we will go over and get a number in case we buy something."

Marlee stopped and touched some things in a box. Her mother told her not to touch anything because it still belonged to the lady that was having the auction. If they bought a box of things, then she could go through it with her.

Sarah and J.D. had always wanted their own ranch. They had been raised in Texas and had ridden in rodeos it seemed like for all their lives. They had been saving their money and had scrimped and saved until they thought they might be able to buy the Double D. She still carried a picture in her wallet of her sister in a cowboy hat and her standing beside her that was so very old. She had always loved horses. When she grew up she met the man of her dreams who also loved horses and wanted so many of the same things she did. Hopefully their bid would be accepted and the ranch would soon be theirs.

Soon other people started walking towards the barn with numbers in their hands. "Surely there aren't a lot of people willing to bid on this ranch. It's run down and the buildings all need repaired. Oh go away. Please, people, go away. J.D. and I want this ranch. It's all we can afford and we can make it a great place again. I know we could."

Friday, July 8, 2022

Getting Ready For The Double D Auction

 "I just love going for walks with you, but we never see anything new. Do you want to go to the gas station and get a cold drink? I do. Want to? What's that sign mean? What's an auction? Is it fun? Have you ever been to an auction? What do they do there? Does it cost money to go there? How come you aren't answering me?"

Blake grinned and said, "Well, first of all you haven't given me a chance to answer any of your questions. I may have gone to an auction, but I can't remember it. Grown ups go to buy stuff cheap, but I heard Mom say that sometimes people get carried away and pay too much for stuff because it's fun to bid." So an auction is a sale. Sometimes people are moving, or have died and their stuff needs to be sold. Sometimes they just have too much stuff and want to get rid of it. There's lots of reasons for an auction. I think I heard that the auction sign we just saw was for the Double D ranch outside of town. It might take two days to sell everything out there. They have horses and other animals, farm equipment and lots of things in the house too, I imagine. It does sound kind of fun, but you need money to bid on stuff. The auctioneer starts out saying a price he thinks is fair. Everyone has a number card they got from the auctioneer clerk. If you bid on something you say, "yeah" and hold your number up so the auctioneer can see. The highest bidder wins and then he says, "Sold to number such and such." They sell lots of little stuff too. They fill up boxes with junk. I've heard of people finding valuable stuff in a box full of stuff they might only have paid a dollar for. Like a famous painting, or book. I guess we could ask Mom or Dad if they are going. Might be fun, but I sure don't want to stay all day in this heat. Let's get a cold drink. That's a good idea."

Stef was glad that she had asked a couple of the cowhands to help her with boxing up little things for the auction. This was one of the hardest things that she had ever done, but it was getting to the end. This weekend the Double D would belong to someone else. Someone other than family for the first time in generations. "They might even rename this place. The Double D has been a landmark for many years and had a good reputation for the most part. Mom told us kids about a guy named K.R. that put a black mark on everything he touched. I think Dad thought he was his father for years, but that turned out not to be true. "Okay. I think that is it. Mr. Vacuum you are going on the auction too. Whoever buys this place can bring their own. I'm ready for a hot shower and a good night's sleep. First I'll call the kids and see what they are up to. This weekend everything will be carried outside that I don't want to keep and then when everything is sold I will be on my way home. Home to my family. Boxes of  memories that I will share with them as the grandchildren get older."

It seemed like Lucky had been through every bush, every ditch ever made in Texas, now this. Poop! I have never in my life seen so much of this in my life! The guys in the joint would be laughing their heads off. I thought horses were supposed to be beautiful and clean. When I used to go to the track they sure were. Where do they get all this poop? They must feed those animals wrong. That old man, K.R., used to tell my uncle about this place. Made it sound beautiful. Made it seem like it was loaded with gold and silver. I'm gonna be rich. I can wash this stuff off of me. I just got to remember what he told me and how to get there. It was right on the border he said. Well, I'm right in the barnyard is where I am. I gotta get outta here before somebody sees me. Yuk, I stink. I gotta find some water somewhere. Besides that this place looks like it's going to fall down any minute. I wonder if I'm at the right place. No no no! Get outta here you noisy little thing. What are you anyway some kind of little mini dog or horse? Anyway take those chickens with you! Shh! You are going to wake up everybody and I'll land back in the joint. Now git! Ouch you mean chicken! You made me bleed! I oughta... Wait a minute. What are you sitting on there? It sure don't look like eggs. Don't you peck me again old hen. I see something shiny. Yeah yeah, lookie there. Well, looks like I don't have to go any further to get rich. No siree, I'm going back to the city. Looks like diamonds and gold to me. He stuck the gold and diamond cowboy boot in his teeth and bit down. It was soft. Yesirree Bob. I'm gonna git me a fancy car and maybe a vacation. I betcha these are worth a million bucks. Now hush!"

"Dad, how come we are going to an auction? It's too hot to be outside. Are you going to buy me something? I want to go swimming.. Can we stop somewhere? Dad! Mom! Whitlee is leaning on me! Make her stop! I did not pinch her!...Hard."

Friday, July 1, 2022

The Next Generation; Preface

 "This is not my fault! This is not my job! I have a brother and a sister that should be here helping me. I have three grown up children that also should be pitching in. She was their mother and grandmother, but no here I am taking time off from work to clean up after you, Mother." She walked through the house smelling familiar smells of stale cooking, but also of saddle soap that her mother left open on her dresser. She could just see her dad rubbing that stuff into his boots at night. "And furthermore, Dad, You should be here too. I'm just mad! I'm mad at you too, God. Why did you have to take him when I was so young? I suppose Mom did her best with us, but I hated this ranch. and the heat of Texas, and the cleaning up after those horses. Horses! Mother loved them. I think she loved them more than us kids. I can just see her now talking gentle to them and giving them treats. She was in that barn more than in the house. It shows for sure. Okay, okay she was old! I get that, but why am I taking all the blame for her not paying the taxes on this place? It is not my fault!  I'll be lucky if this place sells for enough over the amount of the taxes to pay all of her bills that are piled on the desk upstairs. I guess I'd better get busy and start downstairs with getting things in piles. First the auction pile, then the give away pile, the throw away pile, and the keep pile. Hopefully I can talk some of the hands that are still left to help me get this done. I've only got a few days and then it will all be over. Then I can get back to my life. " As she turned to go back downstairs she saw a picture of her husband and her taken years ago. "Well, look at that. Happier times for sure." She ran her finger over the glass in the frame trying to feel her husband's face. "I sure wish you were here. I could really use your help. I know you have to work." She angrily wiped the tears from her face and got busy. The sooner she got this over with the sooner she could take that ten hour trip back home where she belonged. Hopefully she would still have a job when she got back.

Justin had retired from congress many years ago. What he had left now was memories. So many memories. Oh he had two children; a son and a daughter and some grandchildren,. He didn't see them very often. "They have their own lives and I'm just about done with mine. It was a good ride though. Oh once I found out I had a brother; and a twin brother at that we had fun. He got married and stayed in Texas and I finally found my love and lived in D.C. as well as in Illinois. Josh died young though. I miss him still. I don't think Mom ever got over it. She lived in my guest house for years. She didn't talk much about her feelings, but I could see the sadness in her eyes." 

When Justin did get to see his grandchildren he loved to tell them stories about the Double D ranch and of course, about his life as a senator. He had one son that loved to live on the edge. He worried about him constantly. "I have no idea where he got his reckless ways. Must have been his mother," he grinned as he remembered his sweet wife. There was nothing reckless about her, but she did have a twinkle in her eyes when she was thinking of something a bit naughty. "Oh how I miss you, my dear."

Sarah walked into the feed store and found herself in quite a line of folks waiting to be helped. "I think I will just look around. I love looking at Ben's bulletin board. The sale bills are fun but J.D. hates it when I tell him there's a sale." She grinned and thought. I wish we had enough saved up to buy our own ranch. Maybe just a few more races and we will. Oh, well, look here. The Double D is going up for auction this month. Hmm, I wonder how much that place will go for. Mom worked for Allie when she was younger as an equine dentist." She tore down the sale bill, put it in her purse and went out to the truck. "J.D. might say no, but I'll never know until I show him this." She found him just where she thought he'd be. He loved horses as much as she did. She frowned when she thought of her husband's elderly father. He was nice enough guy, but he did hate that they loved barrel racing and rodeos. Oh well, it's our life. "I just can't wait to see what my hubby thinks. I sure do hope he thinks that it's a possibility at least."

While he was waiting to check in with his parole officer he rummaged through the worn and uninteresting magazines in the waiting room. "What a surprise. Got my paralegal certificate in the joint to read this outdated junk. Then they make me wait an hour to see him. Oh wait, what's this? Let me see this. I think that was the name of the place where my uncle's cell mate used to live or close by. I can't remember all the stories he used to tell. Let's see where this place is at. Yeah, I think it was called the Double D. Auction, huh? Wish I had some dough. Wait a minute. I know somebody that does. Wonder if he'd like to invest in an old worn out ranch. Should go for a song in my opinion. The thing is there used to be an old silver mine on that property if I remember right. Wonder if it's all mined out? I'd let my buddy do the investin' and I'll get the rewards. Ha! Yeah, when I'm done in here I'm gonna give him a call. I would love getting out of this stinking city and enjoy the wide open spaces, fresh air and a sucker on every street corner. I heard tell it's a regular Mayberry R.F.D. Yeah, this is for me. I'll just take a quick picture and send it to him and call him to see what he says. Ha, this is gonna be sweet."

Christmas Memories Continue To Pop Up

 It's the day after Christmas and all through the house is... memories. That's what is in this house. Memories of old and memories t...