Thursday, July 21, 2022

The Auction: Part One

 The auctioneer looked over the crowd. There were a lot of people here today. He was glad that his partner was here to help. She was fresh out of auctioneer school, but she's good. Maybe they could get this over with in one day. The heat was almost unbearable. It was over a hundred degrees and going to be hotter by the minute. His partner headed over to the barn. The ranch had been scheduled to be sold first, but for some reason there were a lot of people with bidding numbers that had headed over towards the barn. "Interesting. This tells me I'm going to make some money today. My commission will certainly help pay the bills. Business has been slow lately." He went over to the tables of smaller things and announced on the speaker that anyone that was interested in the ranch and the livestock including horses would be starting at the same time as the household items. He looked over the heads of all the people and saw a little girl causing a commotion over at the barn. "What is she crying about? I don't need this. I've got to get this sale going. The girl wanted a horse. "Well, get her a horse for Pete's sakes. He watched for a minute then was relieved to see his partner had in fact gotten a good price for the horse plus the girl's parents had gotten it for her.  " Win, win so let's go."

 His heart started to beat a little faster as the bidding progressed. Things were selling at a good rate. It was not quite noon and the ranch had already sold and the larger household items and furniture had sold as well. He was down to the tables of little stuff. "Man I want to get out of here. I'm so hot. I've had a good day so will let this junk go cheap," he thought. He looked over the crowd and  frowned; little kids, girls at that. Just what I didn't need today." He looked down at the trailer loaded with boxes of junk. He sighed and thought. Let's get this over with. He held up a silver frame. It was old, but he had no idea how much it was worth so  he started his auctioneer chant. "I'm bid a dollar, now two. I'm bid two. I hear three? I hear three? No? Sold to the lady for two dollars." Marlee said, "Mom! You won. Now get me this box of stuff. It's got some books in it I want. Please?" Her mom said, "We'll see, Marlee. It depends on how much it goes for. Other people might want the same box you know. Plus we are on vacation and don't have room in the car for very much. I'll be back soon. Be a good girl and stay right here, okay? Right now I see your dad waving at me to go over to the barn. I wonder what he wants. 

 As she started walking towards the barn she waved at her husband wondering why he wanted her. "Hey! Here I am over here!" As she neared the barn she heard the auctioneer say, "Sold to the lady holding number 32." She thought she was going to be sick. What had she done? She ran over to her husband and said, "What just happened?" Her husband said, "I think you just bought a ranch."

Steff's eyes were misty as she watched her mom and dad's things sell. Some things sold for more than she'd hoped, but many things sold for less. She felt a wave of loneliness wash over her as she saw some of her mother's things being sold. She wondered who the people were and where they lived. She heard the auctioneer announce that the ranch had sold. "There it is, girl. You are officially relieved of your duties in Texas. Soon you will be on your way back to your husband and family." For some reason she didn't smile or dance a jig like she had thought she would. She felt a little sad. "I never liked living here, why am I feeling this way?" She looked up and couldn't believe her eyes. There was her daughter!

Her face felt strange. She realized that she had not smiled in a very long time. She was so glad to see her! "What are you doing here? I love you! How did you get here? Where are the kids? Why did you come all this way?" The more she talked the more she smiled and the more her tears started carrying some of that Texas dirt and hurt along with them. "It's almost over, honey. The ranch sold a little while ago. They are on the last leg of some of the trailers of little stuff. I'll be ready to go back first thing in the morning. Why did you come today of all days?"

Tony watched as his brother stood in line waiting to get on his flight to Florida. "Should be interesting when he finds out he no longer has a bag of jewelry to sell once he gets down there. I know a woman that buys and sells jewelry. With the money I make I'm going to have a fancy house on the beach somewhere. By bro' see ya, not!" He chuckled to himself all the way down the highway.


  1. I could go on and on about auctions. My stories often reflect what has happened to me in days gone by. Yes, I nodded my head and bought something I didn't want, but it wasn't a ranch! I once had a guy pull a gun on me in the 60's as a joke. I didn't think it was funny, but everyone in my small town knew he carried a gun and often flashed it. I told him off and caused a scene. How different things are nowadays. Did you notice all the little girls around Marlee? They all have a story. The brothers are an interesting couple. I wonder what kind of money one of them is going to get for the jewels. And what is Marlee's mom and dad going to do with a ranch?

  2. Im already liking this story!! twist and turns and lotts of imagination

  3. I love auctions , unless lol my husband is bidding against me and not knowing it lol.
    And you sure better keep them bidders cards down lol or you will buy stuff you didn't want , been there done that.
    This is going to be exciting, lots of new mysteries I have a feeling.

    1. That’s funny! I’d like to hear that story!๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


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