Allie and Josh were talking and bumping into each other and moving old dolls and picking up hundred dollar bills all at the same time. Josh said, "Will you quit being mad at me for just one second? I've been trying to tell you that you are rich beyond your farthest dreams for days and you won't even let me talk to you. Look at this. This whole room is probably worth millions! Look there are more bearer bonds here too. Oh, Allie, look at the walls. Tear down a little of that old wallpaper. Yes, a little more. Oh I was right. This whole room has hidden money and bonds. Why would they try to cover it with wallpaper? Why wouldn't whoever did this put them in a safety deposit box at the bank?" They stopped what they were doing and looked each other in the eye and said at the same time, "Because they didn't trust the bank; the miner!"

Uncle Bill's ghost quickly saw his paper will that he had hidden in this old room. As soon as Allie moved Maggie's old doll, he saw it just where he had put it a few months ago. "Here we go. I'll just go put this under Allie's pillow where she will find it tonight when she goes to sleep. Yes, right by Stuffie. Ooops, sorry little fella, I kind of messed up the bed. When the kids leave I'll see where that necklace is. There is no need for Allie to sell it now that she has money and bonds that Uncle Rex left her. I guess that's who did. I didn't realize he was that rich. I always heard that old mine was dry as dust after a few years."

The old room was full of cobwebs, but it did have a single window that overlooked the driveway going out to the road. They both saw the sheriff's car headed out. "What's that all about? Did you hear him knock? I wonder why he was out here? Josh, Look, there is that dog again. Oh, I guess it's not so bad to have some company now that I can afford some food for all these animals." Josh started laughing and then he laughed some more. Pretty soon Allie started laughing too. She was rich! She had a beautiful ranch, horses, animals, and at least one friend even though she hadn't treated him very nice. "I'm sorry, Josh. Forgive me?" He grinned at her and said, "Of course, but next time, would you just take a minute to listen when I have something important to tell you?" Then they both grinned and continued to sort out all the valuables from the old newspapers in the room. "Someday it might be fun to read some of these old papers, wouldn't it?" Josh didn't answer her. He had seen a headline on one of them from years ago. "Another day, guy, another day," he thought to himself. He slid the old paper under some others with his foot. Soon they were finished. They decided that they would take some of the bonds and the money into Master City and see if they could cash them in. There was a lot to discuss and many decisions to be made. Some of their decisions would greatly impact the lives of many people. People that they didn't even know.

Josh was a little older than Allie and a bit more knowledgeable of financial problems that she might run into. He told her he thought that they should find a reputable financial advisor to help them, but first to the bank. They had to find out if they would cash in the bearer bonds. They also needed to open more than one account. One that was just for the ranch and one that was just for Allie's personal wants and needs. She really needed some cowboy boots and a cowboy hat in his estimation. "She would look really cute on a horse someday," he thought. "Didn't you say that Haylee knew a financial guy in this town? Yes, that happened before my dear old dad was arrested. Do you want to call her or do it on our own? It's up to you. Of course, I'll help. Friends, remember?" They decided to find the local coffee shop or library. Somewhere where there was free wi-fi that they could use to do some research. But first the bank.
"Hey, Mr. Josh. I'll even buy you lunch. Alright alright, I'm sorry. Okay? Let's just get this done, then lunch, then a quiet place to find a good financial company."
"No, I don't want a flat screen tv. My old television set and I are getting along just fine. I need a lot of other things more than a television set, that's for sure. Crab for lunch? You silly guy, she laughed. Oh alright. I see a cafe down the street. You have to wait. The bank first!"
The year was 1865. The Civil War would soon come to an end, but to a little boy it was too late. He was sad. His daddy had gone away and hadn't come back. His mama said that his daddy was a hero. "I don't think I like heroes if they don't stay and live with their little boys.. I want my daddy, he whispered to the old horse. He loved you, Sullie. I know he did 'cause he told me so. He said you were his friend when he was just my age. Will you be my friend too, 'cause I am really sad and I might cry. My mama said it's okay to cry. I try not to, but I just can't help it sometimes. My daddy said he used to tell you secrets and you were always there for him when he needed you. Will you please never go away like he did? When I get big do you think that you will let me get on your back and take me for a ride? Do you think it will take a long time to get big enough?"

The gentle horse nudged his nose against the little boy's lap and gently shook his head and gave a soft nicker of reassurance. He remembered the boy's dad. They had trained each other throughout the many years he'd lived here. He too missed the child's dad, but now he had a new job to do. He was once again needed by a small human. He would be his friend and help him smile just like his dad used to. As he closed his big brown eyes he could remember the wind blowing through his mane and his young master laughing and yelling, "Faster, Sullie, faster!"
The young woman watching the heartbreaking scene from her front porch quietly pleaded, "Please watch over him. He misses you so much. He doesn't understand Heaven yet. He's a little angry at you for leaving us, and he's lonely. Let's hope that the love your old horse gives him will help him get through his grief."
Well it looks like Allie and Josh are friends again and the small boy definitely needs a friend. Children do not understand war and having a parent leave them for a reason that they can't comprehend. The start of the Dude Ranch for troubled and lonely children just might start from this story.
ReplyDeleteMakes me happy Josh and Alley stayed friends and Alley is set for life.
ReplyDeleteYay , finally Allie listened and her and Josh are Friends ❤️❤️.
ReplyDeleteShe can run the Dude Ranch now with no problems.
Yippie KyYay ๐๐๐๐๐❤️❤️❤️❤️