Saturday, March 24, 2018

Grandma Lu Visits A Friend On Her Farm

"Oh, what a beautiful day for a ride," thought Grandma Lu. " I think I will go
visit my friend, Vivie. I haven't seen her for a long long time.
I bet she will have something cold to drink, maybe a cold drink of milk and
maybe a cookie or two."
Grandma Lu got on the telephone and called Vivie. Vivie said she would love to
have Grandma Lu visit. She said that she was going to bake cookies that
Oh Grandma Lu was so excited to see her friend. She thought about her little  friend, Marlee. She smiled because Marlee likes to visit her Grandma B on the farm and she likes cookies too.
When Grandma Lu got to the farm Vivie came outside and gave her a big hug.
Grandma Lu gave Vivie a hug right back. Grandma Lu likes hugs.
Grandma Lu knows that Marlee likes hugs.
When Grandma Lu and Vivie were having milk and cookies they began to visit about one of Vivie's dogs. Vivie has four dogs. One, two, three, four dogs.

One dog's name was Jack. He had been naughty. Vivie told Grandma Lu he had  gotten into the chicken coop where the chickens lived and got an egg and brought it in the house for a present for Vivie.
Vivie said that Jack looked happy and when Vivie frowned at him he looked sad.
This is Jack.
Grandma Lu told her friend Vivie about Marlee. She told Vivie that Marlee has a dog too. His name is Larou.
Marlee's dog is black. Marlee's dog is big.
Marlee loves her big black dog.
Grandma Lu had to go home, but told her friend, Vivie, that she would come back and visit another day. She told Vivie thank you for the cookies and milk. Vivie gave Grandma Lu another hug and said goodbye.
Goodbye, Vivie!
Goodbye, Jack!


  1. This is June 26, 2019 My friend Vivian still has the dog, Jack. He continues to bring Viv a "present" of an egg every once in awhile. Documenting Marlee's dog at home.

  2. Still collecting eggs for Vivian once in awhile. He’s always so proud. Lol

  3. Bring her a present, that is so nice .


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