Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Marlee's Daddy Was Tired

Marlee's daddy had worked hard all day. He was hot and tired and ready to go home. He didn't want supper, he just wanted peace and quiet. His job was noisy and not a bit peaceful. He worked outside today and it was very hot.

He wanted to go home and rest in a nice quiet house with air conditioning.

When he got home this is what he saw:  Marlee and her mama. All of a sudden he didn't feel tired any more. He didn't want quiet either. He didn't want to just sit and be quiet. Marlee's daddy loves her and her mommie. He wanted hugs! He wanted to laugh and play. He loves his family.
Well maybe he could have something to eat after all. Having supper with his family and sharing smiles was the very best part of his day; today and every day.

Marlee and her mama and daddy decided that they would go out to eat and then go for a ride.
Where does Marlee like to go? Who does Marlee and her mama and daddy like to visit?
Grandma B, that's who!

1 comment:

  1. Marlee's daddy is a very lucky man to have such wonderful ladies in his life.


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