Monday, June 18, 2018

Should Marlee's Friend Have Her Back?

Marlee was out on Grandma B's porch playing with B's cat, Spaz. They didn't play together very often, but when they did they had a good time. Today they were playing ball. Spaz loves to play ball, but not with Marlee. Marlee likes to run and play with bubbles and play with Stashia. Stashia is a big dog and tolerates Spaz, but they are not friends. They tend to leave each other alone and that makes for peace on the porch! Grandma B is always very happy when there is peace on the porch.

All of a sudden Marlee grabbed the ball away from Spaz and said, "No, my ball", and wouldn't let Spaz play with it any more.
That got Stashia's attention. She couldn't figure out what Marlee was up to now. "That short person is always getting into trouble. I hope this is nothing, but I can feel the fur on my back standing up. Something bad is going to happen I just know it."
About the time that Stashia thought trouble was brewing, Spaz let out a loud "Meow" and swatted at the ball that Marlee had taken away from her. Marlee let out a loud yell, and then wouldn't you just know it, Grandma B came out to the porch to see what all the commotion was about.
"Oh, oh, I had better take charge of this, or else my friend, Short Person is going to be in trouble."

Stashia walked in front of Marlee so Grandma B couldn't see what Marlee was doing. Stashia had Marlee's back, however, Grandma B was not to be fooled. She had seen the whole escapade and knew that her little Marlee was being naughty. The picture is definitely worth a whole lot of words. She had actually bitten off chunks of Spaz's foam ball. Now, Spaz didn't have a toy and Marlee didn't either. Stashia had barely escaped trouble and Grandma B did not have a peaceful porch.
Why didn't Marlee have a toy? Hmm, I wonder if Grandma B had something to do with that....


Christmas Memories Continue To Pop Up

 It's the day after Christmas and all through the house is... memories. That's what is in this house. Memories of old and memories t...