The mini donkeys loved Marlee and they were excited to help carry some of her gear on her prospecting for gold adventure until they saw what she expected them to carry. They could not believe their eyes. There were pots and pans, drainers, of every color, pillow, an umbrella, sacks of stuff and a basket. What in the world was she going to do with all that stuff? There was a lot of hee hawing going on out at the corral. Mona told Bebe she just was not going to do it. "Grandma B lets that little girl have her crazy adventures and that's just fine, but I'm too little to haul around all that junk." Bebe hee hawed back in agreement.

"And don't forget all of those tools she has gathered up. Oh my goodness, look, she has a huge cooler underneath all those things! No way, there is no way I'm going to go along with this crazy adventure. I probably wouldn't be able to walk and neither would you. Let's go hide under a tree somewhere where Marlee can't find us."
While the donkeys were walking away the Texas brothers were walking up the lane with their prospectin' stuff too. Oh, oh, what is Marlee going to do now?
When all else fails you go to your family for help. So of course, Marlee went to her Grandma B. She showed B that the donkeys had walked away and were not going to help her. Grandma B looked at all the prospectin' stuff on the ground and told Marlee that she could not take everything because Mona and Bebe were too little. But there was another option: the Ranger. Well, Marlee was disappointed that her little donkey friends refused to go along, but she dearly loved going for a ride in her Grandma B's Ranger. So Marlee, the Mason brothers, and B loaded up the Ranger and away they went. They were all so excited to go on an adventure together.

The first thing that they saw was the opening to the forest which they had to go through. It was so beautiful; the sun was shining through the trees making it look like they were going through a magical field complete with birds and flowers and big big horses!

They drove through the forest and suddenly they saw the most beautiful things that they had ever seen in their whole lives. They saw mountains and mountain springs and a beautiful bridge that had trees and flowers growing around it. They had never seen such a beautiful place! But wait a minute, the air was starting to get cooler. Marlee was glad that she had brought along a blanket. She was hungry too. Boy, was she happy that the Mason brothers had brought more snacks along. All she had was horse treats and some cheese balls. Marlee was suddenly thirsty. She didn't pack any water because she thought they could drink water from the stream. She didn't pack anything to drink from either. Oh dear. What to do? Who would have the answer do you think? Look at that water! It looks like it might be dangerous. Marlee doesn't want to go close to that water and neither does Grandma B. It was really pretty to look at though. Maybe those young cowboys will come up with some ideas next time we read this story. Or there might be a stowaway in Marlee's gear. Oh my goodness. Poor Grandma B.
It seems like Marlee's family always wants her to succeed. Marlee will always be loved by her family. They will show their love by their support in all of her adventures for years to come.
ReplyDeleteOh gosh what are they going to eat and drink?
ReplyDeleteAren't you curious what is in that sack? lol