When big people and little people get bored they sometimes make really bad decisions. Today Marlee is going to make a really bad decision. No one was paying any attention to her. It seemed to her that every time she went to do something she was told "No no!" So she decided to go outside and look around for something to do.
The first thing she saw was her mama's big horse, Comanche. He was a really big horse. He was so pretty standing out there in the field. Marlee decided that she would go out in the field to say hello.
Her daddy had put her on a big horse's back before when she was little. It was really fun to sit up high on the horse's back. She could see clear over into the neighbor's yard.

Before Marlee went out to the field she saw something so funny! She stood and watched and watched another horse. He was their neighbor's horse, his name was Chopper. The neighbors said that he chopped down all of their flowers one time when he got out of his pen. So they named him Chopper. That was a fun name, wasn't it? This horse was big too! But he wasn't eating hay. He wasn't eating apples or carrots, he was eating birdseed! She watched him for the longest time. She had an idea. She was going to go to her mama's bird feeder and put some carrots in the bird feeder for Comanche. Marlee thought it was a great idea! Remember some of Marlee's ideas haven't turned out so well..
The first thing she had to do was go into the house and get into the refrigerator. She had never done that before all by herself. But she was big now. She was two years old and could reach the refrigerator door. Boy she sure hoped that mama had gone grocery shopping.
I think that Marlee knew that she shouldn't be doing this because she was very very quiet and kind of sneaked into the kitchen while her mom and dad were talking out on the porch. Yes, her parents were outside too. This was going to make Marlee's adventure a bit more difficult. They were used to Marlee's adventures and kept a close eye out on her. But they made a mistake. The telephone rang inside the house. Marlee was in the kitchen, they were in the living room. Oh oh...

Marlee stretched and stretched. She finally opened the refrigerator door and guess what she saw? Not carrots, not apples, but Jelly Beans! A whole great big bag of jelly beans. She had hit the jackpot today. She took that bag of candy and hurried outside around to the bird feeder. She thought if the horse, Chopper, could eat birdseed, Comanche would just love Jelly Beans. Why? Because she did too! Grandma B had gotten her some before. They were good and they were pretty. They were pink, green, yellow, red, and one time she even saw a black one. The thing was, Marlee had a problem. A problem is something that stands in your way of an adventure or in this case a good idea. When you are two and about to get into mischief you sometimes have some trouble. This time she couldn't get the bag open. Then she had another really bad idea. She was going to ask LaRue to help her. This was easy beans; Jelly Beans.

Of course, LaRue was eager to help and took a great big bite out of the bag. The thing is when a bag of Jelly Beans is open and you have a dog and a little girl that likes candy all kinds of things could happen.
When Marlee's mama and daddy came running out of the house to see what she was doing they found a dog and a little girl with mouths that told the whole story. Marlee's mouth was purple and green and a whole lot dirty. LaRue's mouth was all sticky with chewed up candy. They got into so much trouble. Marlee was told one more time, "No no no, Marlee. Jelly beans are not good for dogs. LaRue could get sick and so could you. From now on you ask before you get into the refrigerator, okay?" Marlee nodded her head, because she knew she had to, but thought that was a silly rule. Do you think that Marlee will remember to ask before she gets into the refrigerator again?
Remember Marlee is two years old. Sometimes two year olds forget grown up's rule. (big big grin)
ReplyDeleteMarlee and all of her family and Grandma Lu would like to wish you a very very happy and fun Labor Day!