As you know, Marlee convinced her family to take her to two (2) pumpkin patches. She just didn't want to miss a thing. She found out that Cooper was going to be working at the one that they were going to visit today.

Cooper's new job at this Pumpkin Patch was a greeter. He had to say hi or wave at people as they came in. Cooper's family had taught him at a very young age to always be friendly and kind to people. The hope being that people would be kind and friendly right back. That's what usually happens. How many times have you waved at someone and they waved back. Or sometimes when you smile at people they smile right back, don't they?

Marlee and her family walked into the Pumpkin Patch and couldn't believe how many people were there. It was a beautiful day with lots of sunshine. Marlee had to have a little jacket just to keep the chill off.
There were so many things to see. There was a Pet The Animals place where you could pet them and even feed them. You could play in the corn and of course, you could pick out a pumpkin to take home.

Cooper showed them the one he was going to take home. What fun! Marlee found hers, but had her mama and daddy put it aside while she went to see the Witches! Yup they had blown up witches and other silly blow ups. They are purple and green and black and orange. They are like great big balloons. Marlee thought that they were very fun.
Oh there is Sawyer! Hi, Sawyer! He has a pumpkin too. Oh look, he found the petting place where there are some animals you can feed. He is feeding some goats, isn't he?

They walked and walked some more.
They went around the corner and there were two (2) more boys that they knew; Orion and J.J..
Marlee and her family looked at all the pumpkins and watched the people. They were starting to get tired and hungry. But wait, there was Connelly Jo. She had found a pumpkin too.
They were just about ready to go to the car when who do you think they saw, but Emma and her family. Emma and her friends were feeding little cows. They are called calves. The sign says that the butter and milk they give us when they get big make us healthy so we can grow strong bones. People make cheese out of milk, do you like grilled cheese sandwiches? Marlee does, I know that.
It seems like no matter where we go to have fun we learn something. It is fun to learn new things isn't it?

Well it was time to go home. It was starting to get dark. Oh my, look at the people who are holding pumpkins that they have made jack-o-lanterns out of. They have lights in them. Aren't they pretty?
Such a very fun day. When you get all grown up you will be able to look at these pictures and smile.
Which picture is your favorite?
When you are two you learn as you play. As a matter of fact, so do grownups.
ReplyDeletelove it. So much fun