Well sometimes when people want to help you, they actually cause you more work, especially if their "help" is unexpected. Well, Deidre's help was unexpected, but oh my goodness all of those costumes were free! That was so nice of her. Sawyer, Charlie, and Nanny were all very busy hanging up costumes and putting masks on the shelf. They were tired, dirty, and hungry. They had just finished up when they heard Grandma B and Marlee come in the back door. They knew that they had been shopping for more supplies and things to sell in the gift shop. But they so did hope that there were snacks for their break time. Nope! No snacks. Well, Sawyer decided he wasn't going to work anymore if there were no snacks, Charlie thought he had a good idea, so she and Sawyer went outside.

So Nanny and Grandma B had a visit. They had no clue that Deidre had given them the very generous gift of a truck load of costumes. But when Nanny looked around the room there was box after box of what she thought were supplies. Grandma B said, "Guess what, Nanny, Marlee and I found the best deal on costumes, so we bought some for the Costume Shop. Nanny put her hand to her head. She had a headache and needed to sit down. She sure could use a cup of coffee. Grandma B saw that something was really wrong and asked her what the trouble was. So Nanny told B about Deidre's gift. Then B said, "Oh boy, now what?"
Nanny's answer was, "You can fix me a cup of coffee my good friend and see if you can find something to snack on while I see if we have any room for any more costumes. If not, there is only one thing that we could do and that is to open just the Costume Shop early. If we can sell some of these costumes, we will have room for the ones that you and Marlee bought.
To add trouble to their already existing problems a little girl came walking in and said, "Hi, I'm Laila, and I want to work in your gym. I have some equipment that I brought with me. I love to play catch and run and jump and exercise. I love to dance and dress up for fun. I really like to talk so I could teach classes in the gym, don't you think? I could work free until you guys get Marleewood up and running."
Grandma B and Nanny gave each other "the look" and smiled at Laila and said, "Well, our gym isn't open yet, but how would you like to help out in our Costume Shop?
We think we are going to have to open it early because we have way too many costumes. Do you think you could help us sell costumes to people?"
Laila thought a minute then said, "If you showed me what to do, I sure could, but just until you open the gym. That's where I really want to work." They all agreed that the Costume Shop was going to open in the next two days. It would take some doing to get everything ready, but with Laila's help they thought they could get it done.

After Laila left, the coffee was ready. Nanny went to get in the refrigerator to get something to eat and she let out a scream! "What are you doing with guinea pig food in our refrigerator? Have you lost your mind, Grandma B? What if I would have eaten that?" Oh "B" laughed so hard, she said, "Oh Nanny, we were getting supplies in for the Pet Shop. Marlee wanted to have guinea pigs for sale. So I brought in some veggies for the guinea pigs. It wouldn't have hurt you. You are silly. Have a cup of coffee. When we are finished, we will all go back to work. We need to work as a team to have everything finished to get the Costume Shop ready to open day after tomorrow." Nanny laughed too. They had their coffee and made lists on what needed to be done and who was going to do what.

They suddenly realized that Marlee and Charlie weren't anywhere around. Of course, they started looking all around for them. Marlee had found a place for her and her baby to take a nap, but where was Charlie?
Charlie and Sawyer are both gone from the playground. Someone said that they saw them in a green go cart headed for McDonalds. Oh boy, I guess the Grandmas have to keep a constant supply of snacks on hand.
Cooper has a need for speed and I'm afraid that Charlie might forget she has a business to attend to. And Sawyer? Well that young man loves his four wheeler and so does Cooper! Those two might be cooking up a plan! We shall see what they are up to the next time we read about Marleewood.
I have a feeling that snacks are really important not only to the little folks, but to the Grandmas as well! Sounds like real life to me. lol lol
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