You may remember there was a little boy and his grandparents that had been driving for hours to get to see Marleewood. Orion wanted a pirate costume. He had heard that there were actual pirates working there, but he thought maybe that was just a joke, but just wasn't quite sure. When they got through the doors, sure enough there was a pirate there to greet them, but she was just dressed up to be a pirate; it was just make believe. However, the discount price was real. He got his costume for just six (6) pennies that his Grandpa Fran had given him.
While this was going on there was pure chaos going on in the back dock, in the Costume Shop and out in the playground. My goodness, do all new stores have all this confusion when they open up?
People were buying so many costumes that the shelves of masks and the hanging costumes were starting to empty out! Here Charlie thought that she wasn't going to make enough money to buy Christmas decorations. But, when the shelves are bare, what happens; people may leave. So they had to start restocking or in other words taking all of those costumes out of the boxes that Grandma B had bought and price and hang those up too. Wow, what a sale! They just wanted to hug Happy Hank they were so happy. Charlie quick grabbed a costume and put it on just so she would have one for Trick Or Treating. Marlee did too, but guess what? It was an old costume that "B" had saved from last year. Marlee didn't care, she still loved it. She was sure that her mama had chosen her a new one this year from the costumes that Grandma B had gotten. She showed Charlie a picture of her wearing it that "B" had pinned onto it. Wasn't that a cute picture?
Cooper and Sawyer didn't have time to pick out a costume before they were all sold. They too, knew that their parents would have chosen them something.
They were both in the back of the building called the dock. The dock is a place where big trucks back up to to unload things. Well, there was something to unload alright. Sawyer had gone outside and dodged people waiting in line to go find Cooper. He was just leaving the fast food place ready to go to his grandma and grandpa's house. Sawyer said, "Cooper, you got to come quick, we have a problem at Marleewood. There are huge boxes I can't unload by myself. The truck driver told me to go get some help. Somebody sent Marlee a really big surprise and we not only have to unload it, but find someplace to put those big boxes."
Cooper grabbed his tools out of his truck and ran after Sawyer. When they got there they discovered that there were two (2) big boxes.
Who in the world would send Marlee not one (1) but two (2) kitchens? That is a mystery isn't it? Where was Grandma Lu again, hmm I wonder....
Where did Grandma Lu go to? Maybe she went on a trip. Hmmm, but where would she go?
ReplyDeletecute pics and story