Marlee and Grandma B had a not so happy conversation about a new vehicle. B told Marlee she already had a convertible. She didn't think that she needed a new one every year. Marlee told her that when they were at the big store she had seen just the car that she wanted. It was pink, her favorite color, and it had a top so that she could drive it in the winter. She reminded her Grandma B that she had passed her driving safety course. She also reminded her Grandma B that she had been working really hard and that she had at one time worked hard when she was little and bought a Big Wheel. Some of her money she earned as an ice cream shop model and doing chores at home and at Grandma B's Mini Farm.
Grandma B told Marlee that she would visit with Marlee's daddy and mama and see what they thought. Right then and there she hoped that her daddy especially would be on her side. He helped Marlee work out a budget before so that she could work doing chores and save some money. He knew that she was a responsible two year old.

When Marlee was at that store she had secretly taken a picture on B's cell phone. (Yes, Marlee knows how to operate a cell phone. That story will be told at a later date.)
Marlee also had a secret stash of coins in a big green bowl that she had been saving for something really important that she might want someday. That pink car probably counts as something important.
In the meantime, Hannah, Laila, Sawyer, and Charlie were all working really hard in the Costume Shop.
They had put out the word that just the Costume Shop at Marleewood would be opening on Monday. Oh, they so did want a few customers that bought some costumes. They had way too many of them. Halloween was just a few days away. If they didn't sell them, there was no way that Charlie could buy Christmas decorations, and pay back Grandma B some of her money that she had spent for costumes.
Grandma Phyllis just happened to walk in with some snacks. She looked around at the mess. She said, "Oh my goodness, I think you folks need more help. Is it okay if I help you put prices on some of these masks and costumes? I'd be glad to help. Grandma B gave her a big hug and said, "Oh boy, would we love the extra help. Sawyer is a good help too. If you could look at Charlie's books she has the prices that she wants for all of the things that are already hanging up and on the shelf. You might like to start with the masks. They will be the easiest to finish before tackling all of those costumes. Thank you so much."
Grandma Phyllis went right back to the Costume Shop, but there was a surprise waiting for her. The little two and three year old helpers were laughing and giggling and dressing each other up in costumes. Oh dear. Work was not being done. Poor Nanny, she was unpacking costumes and attempting to keep the little ones working, but it just wasn't working. She also hugged Grandma Phyllis. She needed another friend, that's for sure.
Unbeknownst to Grandma Phyllis, Sawyer had heard Marlee asking and begging Grandma B for a new car. He thought he just might help out Marlee so he went to the break room to offer Grandma B his opinion. So he wasn't working either!
Oh, my, I wonder what Grandma B is going to say about that?
In the meantime word had gotten out that the Costume Shop was going to open sooner than the other shops would. But how could they open the doors if not everybody was doing their share of the work?

There was a little boy waiting for it to open. He and his family had been in the car for hours traveling so that they could be some of the first people to see Marleewood. He told his Grandma Rhonda and Grandpa Brian that he wanted to get a pirate costume. There was a lot of work to be done inside before the Marleewood Costume Shop could open its doors, but hopefully they would be open soon. Orion just had to see some of those costumes.
I wonder if they would give a discount to the first ten people that came in the doors. "B" and Nanny would help the volunteers count to ten (10) if they needed it.
I have a feeling that Joshua and Cooper need to help out. I sure do hope that they can be found. The last time we saw Joshua he was playing out on the playground and Cooper was at the fast food joint talking trucks with Charlie, and Sawyer.
I wonder how Marlee is doing convincing Grandma B to buy her a new car. Do you think that Sawyer will help Marlee? We will see the next time we read about Marleewood.
Sometimes it's easy to get sidetracked isn't it? Maybe Grandma B has a secret that she isn't going to tell anyone about just yet.
ReplyDeletelove it. but does she really?
ReplyDeleteYou make me smile, B