The day after Halloween was a busy one. The costume shop was pretty much empty. Costumes were thrown all over the floor. There were big ones and little ones all over the place! Charlie was fit to be tied. The Grandmas were too. The costume shop was to be emptied out and the new Christmas gifts had to be put on the shelves. They all had to be taken out of the boxes, put on shelves and priced. Charlie had budgeted for everything. The huge costume sales had helped Charlie buy all of the things that she needed for Christmas decorations.

While Marlee and Charlie were cleaning and restocking the shelves and the kitchens, some children had been trick or treating the night before.
They had stopped at their great grand parent's house to see them
and show them their Halloween costumes. They had a grand time. It was also their great grandfather's birthday. There are all kinds of fun costumes aren't there? I see many different colors. What colors do you see? I see green and red, are there any other colors?
While everyone was busy inside Marleewood, people were lining up outside in their Halloween costumes to go Trick or Treating on the parking lot and playground.
Far far away there were young children that lived in an apartment many miles away. It was very cold where they lived. They wanted to go Trick or Treating too, but they didn't have any costumes or plastic pumpkins to take for their treats. So their mama gave each of her four (4) children pillow cases to take to peoples' houses. They went up and down the streets and knocked on doors and said, "Trick or Treat!" People smiled and gave them candy, but one man and his wife also had a little shed that was next to their
house. In this shed was a lot of small toys. He said, "You can each take a toy and put in your pillow case, Happy Halloween!" So the youngsters did just that. They went down one street and across to the other side of the street. They knocked on a lot of doors and were very cold. By the time they got home each one of the children had their pillow cases full of candy and toys! What a fun
Halloween for them. But when they got home they had to climb a lot of stairs. They climbed one long bunch of stairs, then another, and then another. by the time they got to the top of the fourth floor they were so tired and cold that they could hardly move. Their mama laughed and helped them out of their coats and hats and mittens and helped them carry their pillowcases to the kitchen. She made each one of them a cup of hot chocolate. Then they all sorted out their candy and toys and put them in a bowl. They had enough candy and toys to last for a long long time. Wasn't that a fun story? It was a true story boys and girls and one that will not be soon forgotten.
Later on there will be a story all about Marlee's and her friend's trick or treating fun on Halloween evening. There will be lots and lots of pictures so you can see all of their costumes. They had so much fun. I bet they are really tired today. Or...maybe their mamas and daddies are tired!
Here are two (2) pictures one (1) of Grayson and one (1) of Marlee on their way Trick Or Treating.
The story of the four children trick or treating is true. My husband and his two brothers and sister were given pillow cases to put their candy in. One couple did give out toys and candy. The children lived on the fourth floor of an apartment building. The street that they started out on was called Cleghorn Street in a town in Massachusetts.