Grandma Lu was laughing so hard while she was talking to her brother today. He was telling her all about their Thanksgiving dinner, or rather what was left of it. He and his family had traveled many miles to be with a dear family member. So of course, the cooking was done in a kitchen that was not familiar to them. Things just seemed to get out of hand all at once. There is an old saying, "too many cooks in the kitchen." Or don't watch TV while you are cooking a big dinner? I don't know what happened but here are some pictures of the disaster. This meat was so burned that it had to be scraped and scraped to get to the meat that was not burned! Oh my goodness.

Then someone must have moved the wrong way or bumped it but the crock pot flew off the counter and broke into all kinds of little pieces.You must also know that there was a little dog very interested in what food there was that flew onto the floor! Her brother said that the clean up made an even bigger mess.

There were seven (7) folks all scurrying around trying to clean up the mess in a little kitchen. Her brother said, "What fun memories we made this Thanksgiving. Ones we won't soon forget."
Once again there are wonderful photos to preserve those memories.

There are some photos that Grandma Lu didn't get however that she sure is sorry about. Addison and Westin's grandma dropped a three (3) layer pumpkin cake upside down on the floor. Oh what a mess I bet that was! But you know what? Everybody that Grandma Lu talked to had laughed about the "bad stuff" that happened. "Bad stuff" can make really fun memories!
Grandma Lu also has photos from Marlee's friends and some of their Thanksgiving tables.
Marlee's friends and family, and Grandma Lu's friends and relatives all had a good Thanksgiving.
There is a group picture of Laila's great grandparents and some of their family having a fun day.
Even the dogs were happy and ready to watch television. Do you remember Zeus? He's a good dog. He is guarding the remote. He wanted to watch the annual Dog Show that comes on right after the Macy's Day Parade.
Let's find out what Grandma B's tables looked like. She had lots of company so she and her mother and Marlee's Papa fixed lots of food. Grandma B did not burn a single thing! Everything turned out just perfect.
They probably had more help too. I wonder who did the dishes? Hmm.
Some of the recipes and a lot of pictures will be on Marlee's One More Bite cooking show. There will be some guest cooks. One (1) grandpa that I can think of and a grandma and of course, Grandma B.
Grandma B will show us how to make homemade noodles. Maybe other people might show us how they do that too. I bet it will be a lot of fun to watch.
And then the last picture in this story is a picture of Cooper's grandpa carving the turkey for their Thanksgiving dinner. It looks like he is enjoying himself a lot!
Today we have pictures from Tennessee, South Dakota, Missouri, and Florida and Rhode Island and Iowa. Everyone in these pictures are grateful and thankful for their family and friends; even the burnt stuff! (Big grin)
There are many many more pictures to post. Thank you all for sharing them.
ReplyDeleteLol. Your brothers family definately made unforgettable memories! Not 1 but 2 big disasters. So glad they could laugh about it and carry on. Love seeing all the pictures! Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeletehahaha What else can you do but laugh. This year's Thanksgiving was perfect other then Alw
ReplyDeleteAlexis and her family didn't make it home. Dinner was great played cards against Humanity. Sandy stopped by after her Black Friday shopping Nd this morning I fed everyone Biscuits and gravy before sending them off. Marlee stayed the day. Love it
Funny girl! So the burned up turkey received top billing. Grandma B's table looks beautiful... ours was a calamity, but definately a memory. Bev wasn't able to join us tho. She was not feeling well enough to leave her house,but the stories will surely be passed on. Thanks for the headline, Lu. Fun story!