The telephone was ringing off the hook! Grandma B's cell phone was dead so it was not working. Her home phone was ringing ringing ringing! Finally Grandma B answered it and sleepily said, "Hello?"
It was Ginny. She said, "Grandma B I'm standing outside at Marleewood. It is late and the doors are locked. I can't get in and the parking lot is full of cars with people that want to shop. You can't believe what a mess this is. Can you and Marlee get here soon?"
Grandma B apologized and said,"Sure, but where is Charlie and her grandma?"
Ginny said, " I don't know, I don't see them anywhere."

Grandma B said, "Okay, We will be right there."
This is what she found when she went to get Marlee.
"Oh dear, Marlee is still asleep too! I need to call Charlie and her grandma and see if they will handle all of the shoppers and open the doors until we get there."

Grandma B called and called and finally Charlie's grandma answered the phone. Grandma B told her what was happening. Charlie's grandma said they would go right over. "Oh no! Charlie and her dog, Mo, are sound asleep! I am so sorry we will get dressed and go right over there."

Well Grandma B was used to handling emergencies. So she put a helmet on Marlee because they were going to take the Ranger and probably drive a little bit too fast. (I've heard tell she may drive a tad too fast sometimes.)

When they got to Marleewood they couldn't believe their eyes! What a mess. The parking lot was full of little kids and their cars, four wheelers, and even a bike!
The people were anxious to get into Marleewood to take advantage of the sales.
There was so much honking and noise you just couldn't believe it! Sawyer and Cooper were trying to keep order, but they weren't having much success. Poor guys.
Even a Grandma that we don't know was

trying to help the boys with her really big 4 wheeler. It was a total disaster! And it was just so noisy!!

Maybe we should call A. J. the security guard. He could take care of this, couldn't he?
He helped Marlee out not too long ago. It's always good to have friends in different walks of life. A.J. was always ready to help with his blue uniform on.

Do you see Emma? Her friend is pushing her car evidently because it ran out of battery charge. Friends always help each other out whenever they can.
There were lots and lots of friends and new friends in the parking lot.
There is a bit of a mystery though. There is a blue four (4) wheeler with a mask/helmet wearing person riding it. That person is not coming closer. The person is way back towards the very edge of the road with the motor running.
Marlee saw that person and went to tell A.J. By the time A.J. got back there that mysterious rider was gone! Who could that be? Why would that rider just disappear like that? What does that hand signal mean? What is going on?
Hopefully all is well. Hmm.
Christmas is the time for magic and mystery!
ReplyDeletelove AJs uniform hahaha how cute. Well lessons learned set an alarm!!! Responsibility, DONT OVER SLEEP!! haha cute Lu let's see how this turns out.♡♡