Needless to say Grandma Lu had been a bit unsettled to say the least. When she found the still warm spaghetti she had about lost it. But once again she decided that someone had brought their lunch with them from the local cafe' and had eaten it there. There always seemed to be an explanation for everything...almost.

The children were all wanting a story today and she didn't know if she was in the mood for telling a story or not. Well, of course, Marlee and her friends convinced her to tell them a story. They all missed Grandma B and were pestering Grandma Lu asking constantly, it seemed,
'When is Grandma B going to be back home.'
So after some thinking she decided okay, she would tell a fun story that her husband had told her. It had happened to him when he was just sixteen (16) years old.
She called the children into the sitting room and she settled into her old easy chair and started the story.

"Well, if I can remember right, when my husband was just a teenager, he loved to work on cars. There was a salvage yard that he used to go to to get parts for his old cars. In the old days he and his brother used to love to buy old cars for practically nothing and fix them up so that they would run.
He told me that he met some people young and old that he won't forget. First there was Butch Martin. He owned the salvage yard. Sometimes people call them junk yards. But to Fran they were "treasure yards". They always seemed to have just what he wanted.

On weekends sometimes an old man called Pepper made huge sandwiches. The sandwich was a whole big loaf of French bread. (She measured with her hands to show over a foot long loaf of bread). He would put all kinds of meats and cheeses on that bread. If Fran was lucky and had five (5) dollars he could buy one of those wonderful sandwiches. Pepper was married to a lady called, Evie. Oh, she was a wonderful cook. They lived close to an Army base and sometimes she would make gigantic pots of spaghetti and meatballs. She used cast iron pots and cooked it outdoors right close by that wonderful junk yard. He said lots of times she would run out of plates and she would wash out hubcap centers and serve all the young folks spaghetti right out of those things. You just won't believe this, but she never charged a single dime for all that food she served. She just loved to cook and feed people. See you just don't need fancy china and silverware do you? It has been almost sixty (60) years ago and he still remembers how wonderful everything tasted. And what great friends he made there.
"Ah, my husband remembers those good old days as he calls them with big smiles. That's how he met the man called Jacques that taught him how to do body work on cars all those years ago. He was married to a lady called Natalie he said."

In just a minute or two (2) while Grandma Lu was finishing up the story for the children, she heard that loud motor noise rev up again out on the parking lot. This time she took her time while she looked out the window. There was that yellow car again. It wasn't a Mustang like she and "B" thought, it was a Camero. It did have a license plate on it that said, Nats though. "Humph, she said to herself, so I made a mistake; big deal. It was yellow and it makes lots of noise." She chuckled to herself, "I wonder who is out there." About that time there was a knock on the door.

When she opened it she said, "Hello, hurry, come on in out of the cold."
The lady smiled and said, "Why, thank you. I'm Aunt Nat, the photographer. Charlie wrote to me and asked if I would take pictures for you folks. She saw my picture in a photography magazine with some other photographers. Wasn't that something? I'd be glad to help. This looks like a fun place to work.
However, I live quite a distance from here, but I have an airplane that my granddaughter loves to fly that used to belong to my husband. Do you think if we came once or twice a week that would be often enough?"
While that lady was talking, Grandma Lu took her hat and coat and brought her into the sitting room so she could meet the children. Grandma Lu was calm on the outside, but inside she was shivering in her boots. If this lady is Aunt Nat, where was Grandma B? She hadn't heard a word from her in two (2) days.
True story; fun memories. Marlee and her children won't believe it.
ReplyDeleteThe good ole day memories I love hearing. Aunt Nat surprised GMA LU!!
ReplyDeletewell some thing were figured out and the children learn about memories but yes where oh where has B gone???
ReplyDeleteI just love this. So many very true memories.
ReplyDeleteI am here with a big smile on my face because,I am a daughter of the people you are writing about. Brings back so many memories of my mom and dad. I am very proud to say mom made the best spaghetti and meatballs,and I love cooking like she did .
ReplyDeleteOh, Nancy, that makes me so happy to read your comment. Hopefully we will get to know each other through your and Fran's memories. So glad you liked the story.