Saturday, February 23, 2019

Marlee Is Getting Tired Of Walking

Marlee is getting tired of walking and listening too! Mrs. Owens is a "no nonsense" woman, but is also very kind. She is realizing that she has been talking a mile a minute as she and Marlee took a stroll around the park
she had an idea. She found a place that not only had playground equipment, but a place called a pavillion. A pavillion is a place where folks can have big family picnics and family reunions. She and Marlee went over and sat down in the shade at one of the tables. Mrs. Owens told Marlee that this pavillion had sixteen (16) pillars. They were all made of concrete. Mary was always in awe of this. It was so beautiful.
 She just happened to have some of her Popcorn stand treats in her pocket and gave Marlee some. She really wanted to explain to this little girl what it used to be like when she first got here. Oh how things had changed. It was just about here that the railroad tracks were. Oh how the railroad brought not only people but business as well to this little town.
Steel and wooden
Spin and go puke
Mrs. Owens said, "Marlee have you ever been on a train ride?" Marlee shook her head. "No, but I think some of my friends have. Cooper, maybe?" Marlee had seen toy trains, but had never been inside one.

"I have some pictures of the trains that came through Humansville, She gave Marlee the booklet. Now see this picture? It was a train and also the depot that was in Humansville. It brought the President of the United States right here to our little town. Lots of people came to meet the train. I didn't live here yet, so I didn't get to see him. His name was President Taft. This was taken in 1910.
There's another picture of a train depot that went from Collins to Humansville.
You will see a picture of the waiting room at Union Station in Kansas City, Mo. where Mary waited to catch a train to Humansville in 1922. This picture was not in one of her books, but on line. Union Station has always been a beautiful place.
Candy and a rest in the beautiful park can only last so long for a two (2) year old. One of the reasons for that was music! Yes music in her time travel was a band right there in the street! Marlee's little toes were a tappin'!

The railroad tracks were removed in 1934 and made transportation difficult. We will talk about transportation in Mrs. Owens future and how her husband helped make that possible on a post solely about Glen (Rick) Owens. He was also a very interesting man.
Tomorrow we will talk about dentists and movie stars and poets and others that were from Humansville or had roots there. Who would think that such a small town could produce folks that would forever more influence the history of not only this little town, but the United States as well for generation after generation.


  1. The band music that is playing is typical of the marching bands in the 20's and 30's. Marlee would love it!

    1. There won't be a story tomorrow. I need to go to Marlee's hometown and take some pictures and talk to some folks, so it may be later in the week before there is another story.

  2. has anyone told you about Dewey Park? I just learned of it a few yrs ago.

    1. Just through Google. I think that’s where the railroad was.

  3. Great story I was a little late reading today

  4. I think often what it would be like to have our town bustling like in the older days.

  5. Hard to imagine so many businesses in that little town, isn't it?

  6. Reposted March 3, 2025


Christmas Memories Continue To Pop Up

 It's the day after Christmas and all through the house is... memories. That's what is in this house. Memories of old and memories t...