Grandma B looked around Marleewood and thought about a few things. The first thing she thought was, "Why did we worry about cleaning this place? These are our friends. Yes the moldy food needed to be thrown away and the trash picked up and taken out. But we saw just how much family and friends do for each other without even being asked. Sometimes we need to look on the brighter side of things. I think that Emerson singing "You are my Sunshine" was exactly what we needed to hear today. Poor Grandma Lu finally quit sneezing and is in a very good mood. Hopefully the girls' cakes and Arieanna's mama's birthday cake will be enough to feed everyone for the big group that we have." " Oh no. I forgot to pick up some ice cream. Shoot a pickle. I need to go get some. No, on second thought I will ask someone to run down to Deb's Market and pick some up." Grandma B was walking towards the Sitting Room to ask her son to go down to the market when KA BOOM! A terrible crash of thunder shook the old building. "Oh, brother. This is not what I need today. I have a building full of cats, dogs, birds and chickens. I think that Bearded Dragon is still here too. I wonder how big he will get. The way my luck is running today, it's probably a baby crocodile. Then she chuckled to herself. "I have children and young people. I have old people. I have a parking lot full of children and adults out there working and playing. This is definitely not what I need when we are trying to have a party." Before Grandma B could go another step, Aadon came running in. "It's raining outside, Grandma B and I got all muddy. It's okay that I came in isn't it? I know that Kenlee and Kylee rode their bikes over here for cake and ice cream. I want some
too. Harleigh is all muddy too. She looks pretty cool!" This was not the worst part of Grandma B's day. There was a sudden crash and stumbling and a crash that was not thunder coming from the Sitting Room, or maybe the Daycare Room. There was a ruckus even coming from the kitchens. Some of those big dogs were trying to hide under the beds and some were trying to hide under the tables and some were using their claws to hang on tight to whatever they were on. The cats and dogs were not being friends. The kittens were hanging on for dear life. They were so scared. It seemed like all of the animals were upset except for three (3) of them; Zeus, Moose, and Tigger were all cuddled up on one of the beds sound asleep. They could care less if it was thundering outside.
Now, Jax, is on alert. He is determined to keep his place on Grandma Lu's footstool, but has his eyes open in case he needs to make a quick escape under a chair. All of a sudden it was quiet. The sky got lighter. The sun started to shine. The clouds were all gone. The grass seemed even greener. Brandon was so happy. He had waited to go to Marleewood until after the rain was over. He even had to wear sunglasses because the sun was so bright. Dogs had taken over the remote on one television. The kittens had taken over the other television, but the funniest thing I ever saw was Moses. He had taken over Charlie's office. He went "Ruff! Ruff! He figured that he was in charge for the day, or so he would have us believe.
Then Marleewood got noisy again. This time the noise was laughter and giggles, and clanking of dishes instead of growling and crying. It was time to eat birthday cake! Oh what a wonderful day it turned out to be. Charlie even brought some of her own dishes to share with her friends. They all decided to skip the ice cream and just have cake and drinks. Everyone was so happy. They all decided that Spring was here and that they needed to have parties more often, except perhaps leave the pets at home for the next one. They would all ask permission to bring anything to Marleewood in the future. The cakes were beautiful, weren't they? Arieanna's mama made her own cake just like Maddison and Brooklyn. All three of them look so good! You know a long long time ago when Grandma Lu had little children there was a cartoon about a cat named Sylvester and a bird called Tweety Bird. Sylvester was always teasing Tweety Bird and Tweety Bird was always scheming against Sylvester. It was such a fun cartoon for our whole family to watch. She was afraid for awhile that one of the cats would scheme against Lenny and Diane...
Emerson's song is one that all folks young and old love. Enjoy.
Marlee waved goodbye to all of her friends and family. She loved the party and the company. See you soon!
Marlee was having a ball outside playing with her friends. Ryan and Andy's daddy had put up a trampoline for Marleewood Adventure boys and girls to use anytime that they wanted to as long as they had grownups outside with them. Wow, that was really great, wasn't it? Then someone else had donated some playground equipment that everyone could use.
She thought that her message to her friends and family was working really great. She hadn't had any complaints about people bringing their pets so all was well in her little Marlee World....
There were a lot of cars both big and small with people coming into the Marleewood parking lot. Some of the folks had treats and drinks. Some did have pets Marlee noticed. Surely, that wouldn't be a problem. (Did Marlee ask permission? No.) Marlee was waving "Hi" to everyone that was coming in. She was so happy. There were some folks that she didn't know, but she didn't care. Oh oh. Was there a grownup out there? Yes, here comes Grandma B and her Uncle B. Oh good, now we can get into the business of having a party!I think Marleewood is getting fairly clean.
Harleigh had a birthday this month. She went shopping for her birthday. I hope she has time to come to Marleewood for some cake and ice cream. Oh, here is a new friend. His name is Ty and he has a little kitten too. It's name is Prudy. Well, I guess that's okay as long as he holds on to him. Because I think that a puppy named Moose just came in the back door. He is a really big puppy. He is going to be very big someday. He weighs over 25 pounds now.
Well, well well. I see Johnathon and Emerson. How fun except that makes four (4) kittens. Doesn't it make four (4)? Or does it make more? You had better check the story before! Marlee's Uncle B came in and sat down in the Sitting Room. Immediately a kitten crawled up and around his neck. Then soon after he looked towards the window. He had heard a soft, "Meow, Meow." There near the window was a little Sadie May in a tin pitcher of flowers! Evidently Marlee did sneak in the two (2) little kittens... You could hear a loud "MOM!"
Two (2) girls, Maddison and Brooklyn were having a birthday this month. They wanted to know if it was alright to use the kitchen to make and decorate their cakes. They were getting so old now that wanted to do the baking and decorating themselves. They were celebrating their seventh (7) birthday. Their Grandma Phyllis and their mom said that they would help. So of course, they were told they could use the front kitchen.
So Emerson was singing "You are my Sunshine",the birds are chirping, the girls are singing Happy Birthday to themselves, and there is barking and mewing and chickens clucking. There is carrying on the likes you have never seen or heard before. This is not a birthday party. It is an Un-Birthday Party. That is a party you celebrate just because it is a happy day. This is a happy day isn't it? The sun is shining and everyone is so happy. At least I think everyone is happy.
Do you remember that the back kitchen door was open? Well, Grandma Lu just walked into the back kitchen. I know that because I heard a really big ACHOO! Then I heard a scream! What she saw had just about done her in. Not only were there birds and cats and kittens and dogs everywhere she looked, (especially Mercedes on the kitchen counter) but there on her little friend Arieanna mama's shoulder was a Bearded Dragon called Pablo. He was new so he needed to come to the party too. He didn't mean to scare Grandma Lu, did he? But he just scooped up his food with his little tongue so fast that it gave Grandma Lu what they called in what Marlee calls the olden days, the vapors. She needed to sit down! Oh oh. Why couldn't Grandma Lu sit down? What do you think was on the easy chair and on the couch, and on the footstool and even on the beds that are in the Daycare Room.
Mrs. Joann called her granddaughter that's a nurse. Guess what, she had a dog with her. She saw what was going on and she quickly put her dog in her car and came back in to check on Grandma Lu. She was fine, just sneezing and coughing and itching. Grandma Lu had to grin. She quickly took an allergy pill and said, "You know what, kids, I haven't had this much fun in years!"
We will continue on with this story next time. It can't get any worse can it? We shall see. What fun an Un-Birthday party is if you aren't allergic to cats!
I think the lesson today is "Teamwork". I don't think there was any. We will talk about teamwork another day. But for right now, just plain pure fun. Have a great day.
Marlee may have made some promises to her friends without asking her Grandma B. Some of those promises may be harmful not only to Grandma Lu's health but to the inside of Marleewood if everyone is bringing their pets with them. Then again, maybe their mamas will say no to taking the pets. We will have to see, won't we?
Kylee and Kenlee thought it over and decided that since they had learned how to ride their bikes they could ride over to Marleewood. Their nana had given them permission because she could watch them from the driveway.
Ryan and Andy and their dad had decided that they could make some time to help do some yard work at Marleewood. Then they would set up a trampoline out in the yard. They thought that would be fun for visitors that came not only for the party, but for all spring.
Ginny's Great Aunt Diane made some treats for the workers and brought those over. Kathie, Aunt Diane's sister, brought over a new quilt for Grandma Lu's easy chair.
Some friends had brought some cleaning supplies and went to work washing windows and sweeping and vacuuming the floors. Someone was even doing the dirty dishes that had been left in the refrigerator. Grandpa Dave wanted to know if they could use his help doing anything. Of course, the answer was "Yes!" Well, he brought his dog Ray along. That was fine. He was a good dog and loved his toy. Grandma Lu's friend, Nancy, called and wanted to know if she could help her get ready for the party. Grandma Lu assured her that they could use all the help they could get. Later in the morning here she came with a bird cage that had two (2) birds in it. When she noticed Grandma Lu's raised eyebrow she said, "Oh I couldn't possibly leave them home alone. They go where I go. I even take them in the car with me when I go shopping." (Now this was something that Grandma Lu had to think about. The reason being, is that she had a hunch that there would be a cat or two (2) coming. She knew that Marlee wanted to bring "B's" two (2) kittens. Generally speaking, cats, birds, and dogs aren't usually good friends especially indoors. Stashia was an exception. She was such a good dog wrinkles and all.) She really didn't have time to worry about it. That phone was ringing constantly. Isn't that wonderful? She could hear the lawnmower going outside.
Hopefully folks would do more picking up out there. She really wanted it to look nice. People in Marlee's small hometown are so willing to help.
Hmm. I wonder where that little girl is. Marlee Marlee Marlee, where are you? Do you remember that Marleewood has a back door that goes outside by the back kitchen? That kitchen has a big counter that is used to fix snacks when there are folks in the Community Room. That's also where supplies are unloaded when the Holiday Shop is open. Aunt Nat opened up the Photography Shop then. Is it open again? She surely didn't bring Mercedes. Mercedes loves to lay on the counters. Oh Oh, are there two (2) cats sitting in an easy chair in the Sitting Room? I know those cats. One is Oliver and the other one is Highland. Highland is twenty years old. How will they greet Sadie and Sybil if Marlee brings those little kittens? I have so many questions.
I hope I'm wrong, but that back door may have been left unlocked during Bon Bon and Grandma Lu's trip through the tunnels in Humansville. Oh dear, I sure hope I'm wrong. Grandma Lu would not be happy if there were cats in Marleewood. She is allergic to them you know. Blake was at home playing with his beautiful bird, Sunshine. He was wondering what was going on over at Marleewood. He could hear a lawnmower running and kids playing. Was that Marlee out there? He guessed it wouldn't hurt to take Sunshine over there with him to see what was going on.
Marlee was talking to Bella. That's what she was doing. Marlee loves Bella's chicken. She's going to ask Grandma B if she can go get one of her chickens.
Oh no, Marlee, enough is enough. The party is tomorrow.
Marlee wanted to prove to the grandmas that her friends would come and help clean up the inside and outside of Marleewood if they could bring their pets. She secretly thought that even the grandma's friends might come and help if they could bring their pets too. She did think a little bit about Grandma Lu's allergy to cats, but surely just a little kitten or two wouldn't bother her. So Marlee continued to send messages to her friends on her tablet. She also promised free drinks and treats if they would come to help. Emma got her message and said, "I have been outside playing on the trampoline. I am so tired. Maybe another day. So sorry." Well, then there was another friend, Addison, that told Marlee she was having just too much fun with her puppy, Mia, to come and work. Sorry! (Really, in the rain?)
Even Grandma Lu's friend, Grandma Pat, told her she would rather exercise than to come to work at Marleewood. And...besides that she had laundry to do. She was going to hang it outside because it was such a nice day. Sorry!
Grandma B got a "Sure we will help. We will be right there!" Grandma B was so happy. She had two (2) friends coming; Shanna and Nikki. Marlee talked to Bella and she said she would come if she could bring her pet chicken. Marlee said yes without asking. Oh oh...
Marlee got in touch with Connelly and she was on her way. Thank goodness. She had been hearing, "sorry" way too much!
One friend said that she was just too tired to work. She and her mama had been shopping too long. Sorry!
Another friend, Noah, said that he would have to think about it. He was playing with his cat, Snowflake. He would tell Emerson and Johnathon and see if they wanted to help. There were relatives of Grandma Lu coming; Jaxson and Nova and their parents. They had told relatives of theirs. Ryan and Andy and their dad might come. Word of mouth is often the best way to get the word out. In the old days a little child's first joke was, How is the best way to get the word out? Telephone, telegraph and tell a friend. Well, no telegraphs in this story, but telling friends and family will work. I just know it will. However, the results may not be what Marlee was hoping for...
Marlee wanted to go to Marleewood. She couldn't understand why they hadn't been to Marleewood in such a long time. Grandma B explained to her that she and a lot of her friends had had the flu this winter. So much illness in the clinics and hospitals this year. Marlee had forgotten she had been sick for a couple of days too. Many of her friends had had high fevers and were finally getting back to feeling like getting outside to play or go back to school.
As Grandma B turned the corner to Marleewood, they were not a bit happy. They saw trash on the parking lot. They saw that weeds were growing up in among the spring flowers. Marlee didn't see anything wrong, but the Grandmas were not a bit happy. It was just amazing how just a few weeks of not doing their daily chores was now a really big mess to clean up. Grandma B said, "Oh dear, we are supposed to have a birthday party this month. If the outside is this bad, I sure hope that the inside is better. As much as I don't want to, we had better go look in there." When they walked in the door it smelled musty and had a closed up smell. "Oh my, the windows need to be open to let some fresh air in. Wait, the windows need to be washed. This place is a mess. I hope we had everything out of the refrigerator before we closed up. They went to the kitchen. There was crumbs and trash on the counters. The microwave had a cold cup of hot chocolate in it. The refrigerator had leftovers in it that were green! Oh no. How in the world will we ever get this place cleaned up so we can have our friends here to have a birthday party?" Grandma Lu said, "Well, I have an idea. We can't possibly get this place cleaned up by ourselves in two (2) or three (3) days. We need to have help. Let's call our friends and ask them to come in and help us." Grandma B thought that was a great idea. They each had a list of people to call.
Grandma Lu called her cousin. She acted like that was something she wanted no part of. She told Grandma Lu that she had fun things to do and didn't want to work inside.
Then Grandma Lu called her friend. She said, "What do you want me to do? Work inside? No way, I want to have fun with my friends." Then Grandma B tried calling some of her friends. They were at the zoo and having fun. They sure didn't want to come and clean up Marleewood. The grandmas were busy busy on their phones. No one wanted to help them clean, but they all wanted to come to the birthday party.
Marlee tried some of her friends, but they were having fun making mud pies at their grandma's house. They even had a friend over playing. Well, this just wouldn't do. This was reminding Grandma Lu of a little story she once told her children many years ago. The story of The Little Red Hen. She said as much as she was going through the rooms and picking up things. Marlee wanted to know what the story was about. Grandma Lu said, "It's a little story that teaches us that we need to do our chores before we can have fun. In the Little Red Hen's story no one would help her work to plant the wheat or to do any of the work, but they all wanted to eat the delicious bread that she made."
Then Marlee understood. She said with a mischievous grin. "I have an idea." The grandmas held their breath. Most times when Marlee said that she had an idea an adventure would follow. Marlee continued. "I will tell all of my friends that they can bring their pets with them if they come and help clean up. Lots of my friends have new kittens and want to stay home with them. They will think it's fun and get to be outside weeding and picking up trash. Some of my friends won't mind coming inside to help if they can bring their kittens and puppies with them. Let me get on my tablet and see what they say."
Enjoy the Golden Book YouTube video.