Marlee and her friends and some family all piled into their cars and went out to Bella's farm. It was sure a lot different than the last time they were out there. There was no electricity last time, remember that? Poor Stashia was on a mission to rescue Marlee. It was quite a time that's for sure.
Bella is five (5) years old. She is such a lucky little girl. She has two (2) brothers. She also has chickens and goats, and four (4) dogs. She loves to do her chores. Bella doesn't consider her chores as work. It is fun for her because she loves the animals. So does Marlee. Whenever Grandma B tells Marlee to get her boots on because it's time to do chores, Marlee is jolly on the spot. When everyone got out the first thing they wanted to do was to see the chickens. But look, there were goats too. Oh there were dogs barking. They were happy to have company today.
Some folks think that farms are too quiet. They think the city is the place to be because it is noisy. When people have animals on their little or big farms there is always some noise. People talk but so do animals. Dogs bark and growl. They also have a special way to talk to each other. That is so interesting how all kinds of animals and birds can "talk" to each other. Chickens cluck and sometimes squawk if they get startled. Goats depending on how old they are, sometimes bleat or even cry like a human baby.
Bella and her brothers have two (2) goats. Their names are Smores and Whiskey because of their colors. What colors do you see? Do you see brown? Do you see black and white? I think I saw red and pink too. What a fun place farms are. What color is Bella's jacket? Rocky, the youngest pup at the farm was full of fun He loves to run and play with Bella, Jax and Aiden. They have another dog, but he stays in the house. Bella's mama chuckled and said, "He is an old bull dog. He is a grumpy old man."
The dogs love the children and can't wait for the big boys to get home from school. All four (4) of them sit at the door and watch for them to get off the bus. Bella is getting so big she will be going to school this fall. Bella is so excited. She can hardly wait.
Bella and her family have a big pond. They can go fishing out there too. Oh look, there is a golf cart that Addie can ride on. She is having so much fun. So are CoraLynn and her mama. Chickens can be a bit frightening sometimes, but they mean no harm. Sometimes they even like to sit on your shoulder. Coralynn and her mom love it when the sun shines. When a chicken decides to land on Coralynn's mom's shoulder, it was just another reason to smile.
Arie and her grandmother whom she calls "Me'm" love to be outdoors too. Fresh air and smiles go hand in hand don't they? Grandmothers love to do lots of things with their grandchildren when they are young. There are so many things to do. One of the chores that Bella does every day is to feed the chickens. Chickens need to either eat grass or have specially made feed that contains the same things that grass has in it to make egg yolks yellow. Isn't that amazing just how our world works? The chicken feed goes into special feeders just for chickens and baby turkeys. Oh my goodness. This farm just got four (4) baby turkeys too and ten (10) more baby chicks! There are so many things to do on the farm. The dark chicks are turkeys. Can you see the turkey chicks? The chickens drink differently than we do. They put their beak down in the water then look up and let that cool water run down their throat and swallow. Chickens don't have teeth, but they pick up a seed or their feed with their beak, tilt their heads back and swallow it whole.
Bella's mama said that chickens have two (2) tummies. The first one is called a gizzard. Their muscles do all of the chewing for them. Just one more interesting thing we can learn on the farm.
Grandma Lu laughed when she heard that and said, "I have trouble enough having only one (1) tummy. I sure am glad I don't have two (2) of them!" Grandma B got a phone call and asked the group if they would like to go to another farm on the way back to town. The children and most of the families said that they would, but they would like to go to her Mini Farm first.
I know why. Grandma B just got a new baby pygmy goat called Ranger Rex. It will be so much fun to see him won't it?
Everyone said goodbye and thanks for the lessons about chickens. It was so much fun. Now who can tell me what color eggs this black chicken will lay?
Bella and Marlee love to do their chores. Arie and her grandmother is the first photo of doing activities together for quite a long time. I love the interation I am seeing of children and grandparents together.
I stopped by their farm and dropped off 10 chicks. Those kids love the farm life. Its so exciting seeing this family on a farm. Children need this to learn and grow. Prayers for your recovery Lu and bless you for your stories to pass onto the children.
Bella and Marlee love to do their chores. Arie and her grandmother is the first photo of doing activities together for quite a long time. I love the interation I am seeing of children and grandparents together.
ReplyDeleteI stopped by their farm and dropped off 10 chicks. Those kids love the farm life. Its so exciting seeing this family on a farm. Children need this to learn and grow. Prayers for your recovery Lu and bless you for your stories to pass onto the children.
ReplyDeleteI love the farm . I want to go play too.
ReplyDeleteIt was a great place to grow up, Nancy. Marlee and her friends that live on the farm are so fortunate.