There is a saying that a lot of grownups use. They will say "I guess it's a Murphy's Law Day." That means that anything that can go wrong probably will go wrong. I certainly hope that doesn't mean that there is going to be a problem with Grandma Lu's Wish Party. The children had been working so hard on their Photo Book and gifts. They had gathered flowers and planted flowers for the Marleewood playground. Marlee and Grandma B had been baking cupcakes for the party too.

Cooper and his grandpa got in the car to head towards Marleewood and all at once heard a clunk clatter clink...nothing. Oh no! Cooper's grandpa "limped" the car over to a cement driveway and he and Cooper got under the car to have a "look see". It was going to be an easy fix. Soon they were on there way.
Arie and her mama were on their way to the party too when they felt a chug chug and then nothing. Their car was out of gas. Oh no! They were lucky. They were able to coast into a gas station. Arie is getting so big that she could help pump gas. Not easy to do with your eyes closed.

Out at Bella's farm they were all eating their breakfast.
They cleared the table and put their dirty dishes in the sink. Their mom said, "Okay, everybody hop in the shower and get ready for the party. It will soon be time to get your gifts ready for Grandma Lu's Wish Party. Well, the children looked at the clock and then out the window. They could see that their goats were out by the pond.....No, Bella. Oh dear. Hopefully her mama will remember being a little girl in the spring when she was Bella's age.

Grandma B had a lot going on. She wanted the beauty shop to be open in time for Grandma Lu to get her hair done. She knew that she would love that. There had been a lot of requests for a part time beauty shop at Marleewood. There had been some volunteers so all that needed to be done was some plumbing and decorating. When you go to a beauty shop you always want to relax and come out pretty, right?

Grandma B's phone rang. All was finally ready at the new beauty shop. "Great, now I have time to put the finishing touches in there before Grandma Lu can see it. I'll take some things from home so it will look nice. She will love her surprise. I'm going to call Pat and see if we can use some of her books that Mrs. Owens gave her to put in there. Grandma Lu loved history so she would see if there were any other things about Humansville that Pat and she could dream up to make it a place where people love to go. She thought about putting a little reading nook in the corner. People loved to visit and to read. "Oh, this is going to be such a great surprise. I can't wait to make the new beauty shop a place that everyone enjoys coming to."
She had Marlee with her and Marlee was full of vim and vigor this morning. She decided to stand on the barber chair and be silly.
Before she knew it Marlee fell off the barber chair and got a bruise on her shoulder. "Oh brother, this is Murphy's Law Day for sure, thought Grandma B. "Alright slow down, Girl. Marlee is okay, thank goodness. I have some books and magazines for folks to read. I sure hope the dryer works. Grandma B checked the dryer it worked. "Thank goodness. Now I have to call Grandma Lu and get her up here this morning and have one of our volunteers do her hair before the party. I would do it but I just don't have time."
She and Marlee went back to the Mini Farm to get their chores done, the cupcakes frosted and finely to get their good clothes on. First though she had to call Grandma Lu and tell her the good news. Grandma Lu answered the phone and was so excited that she was going to be the first customer in the new Marleewood Beauty Shop. She had wanted a beauty shop at Marleewood for a long time. Grandma B had told her friend that a volunteer would meet her at Marleewood in just a few minutes. She explained that Ranger Rex and the kittens and the dogs were keeping her really busy, otherwise she would have fixed her hair just like she used to. Oh Grandma Lu was so excited!

When Grandma Lu walked into Marleewood there wasn't anyone to meet her, but she could hear voices from the new Beauty Shop. She was a bit disappointed that she wasn't going to be the first customer, but she shrugged her shoulders and grinned for only a minute. Because when she walked in the beauty shop there was a man coloring a lady's hair red! Then the lady looked up at Grandma Lu with the most horrified look on her face. The man didn't look happy either.
Grandma Lu quickly excused herself and said, "Oh I am so sorry. I didn't know anyone was going to be using the shop this morning. Grandma B told me that there was going to be a volunteer fixing my hair this morning. I am so sorry I interrupted you."
The man smiled and said, "Is your name Grandma Lu? I was supposed to meet a lady by that name this morning to do her hair."

Grandma Lu felt like she was going to faint. "Oh, alright, well I will sit over here in the corner and read while you finish this lady."

Even though her heart was pounding she decided to give this young man a chance fixing her hair. If you have read the past experiences that Grandma B has had with beauty operators you would understand that she was actually terrified. She sure didn't want her hair dyed red or green or purple or any other color for that matter.

Soon he was finished with his customer and put her under the dryer. He smiled at Grandma Lu and said, "Okay, let's get a cape on you and get that hair washed and set." Well, Grandma Lu slowly did what he said.
She guessed he couldn't do her hair any harm all she wanted was a shampoo set. He washed her hair and dried it with a hand hair dryer. He turned her chair around and she looked in the mirror and let out a little squeak. She looked terrible.

As Grandma B was doing her chores she happened to think that she had forgotten to put a coffee pot in the beauty shop. "Oh no! I forgot to put a coffee pot in the beauty shop. Grandma Lu always likes coffee and a cookie when she has her hair done. I'll grab an extra one and run it in to Marleewood. Will you be okay with Papa while I'm gone? I'll be back in just a little bit. Then we can get dressed up for the party. Grandma Lu will be so surprised, won't she?" Marlee nodded her head and grinned. She knew Grandma Lu was going to like her gift. She hadn't told anyone. It was going to be a surprise.
Grandma B came into the Beauty Shop and grinned really big. "Oh Grandma Lu you look so pretty. Who is your beauty operator today?"

Grandma Lu yawned and opened her eyes and said, "Oh, it did turn out pretty didn't it? I must have fallen asleep. To tell you the truth I had a really bad dream. I dreamed a man was going to color my hair purple or green. She chuckled and put her glasses on and said, "Thanks Dawna, you always do such a great job on my hair. It's so nice of you to volunteer at Marleewood. I just wish I had somewhere to go today. Like they always say, "I'm all dressed up and nowhere to go."
Little did Grandma Lu know.....
I wonder if the rest of the day will go better..
ReplyDeleteOh my you brat lol you had me really thinking it was some weird style . So glad she loved it.Because it does look very pretty.
ReplyDeleteLol. I guess I did my job then😂
DeleteI was expecting the worst and I would have to pull a rabbit out of the hat. bahaha....
ReplyDeleteI knew everyone would. Lol
ReplyDeleteI’m glad. 🥰