Grandma Lu and Grandma B took the big boxes of mail into the Community Room where they had tables to work on. They needed the tables to sort out all of the mail that had been sent to Marleewood. The first thing they decided to do is to sort it into three (3) piles. One for Marlee, one for Grandma Lu and one for miscellaneous. In this case miscellaneous means for everybody else or what they call "junk mail". Junk mail usually gets thrown in the trash. A lot of it is advertising. And a lot of it was for hearing aides and bathtubs. Grandma B couldn't resist teasing her friend. "Oh my goodness, Grandma Lu everybody wants to sell you a hearing aide or a bathtub. Do you want any of these advertisements? There are piles of them." Grandma Lu said, "No. Throw all that stuff away. I don't understand why all of this mail was put in the Marleewood mail and not sent to my house. It just doesn't make any sense."

Grandma B said, "Grandma Lu is it okay if I give Marlee some of these catalogs to look at? Do you want to save them or not?" Again Grandma Lu said, "Of course, she can have those old things. I have no clue why they keep sending them to me. They send them to me at home too. A waste of paper in my opinion."
Sorting all the mail took awhile. In fact, it took a whole pot of coffee and a cookie or two.
The next thing they had to do was to see what was in some of the letters addressed to Grandma Lu. Both Grandmas were really curious to see why so many people were sending all this mail.

"Oh, here's one from Charlie, "B". Look she is on vacation at the lake with her grandma. She's fishing. Aww, she sent me a whole bunch of pictures for my new photo album. Look at that big fish that she caught!"

The opening of letters went on and on. "B" started laughing after awhile. She said, "Grandma Lu the children are all sending you pictures for your new photo album that you got at your Wish Party. At this rate you are going to have to buy another one. Look. Here are pictures of Noah and Kayllee. They are fishing too. What fun everyone is having this summer."

All of a sudden Grandma Lu laughed so hard she had to sit down. "Oh those two guys of mine. Look at this, "B" my own husband and son decided to pull a joke on me and send me pictures of them fishing too." Ha, what a good joke on me. Wow! That fish looks like the one I cooked last night for supper. Oh those two. They sure have fun, don't they?"
Have you ever taken Marlee fishing, "B?" I bet she would like it." Her friend shook her head no, but grinned and said, "You know, I think I may have a fishing rod someplace for her. I'll have to look for it. We did take her to the lake the other day to feed the fish though. She had lots of fun doing that." She chuckled and said, "I took some pictures. You can add them to your photo album." Then they both laughed.

Grandma Lu opened up a letter. "Oh, I got a letter with some pictures in it from my daughter. Oh look at those sweet grandchildren of mine. They are all dressed up like pirates. How cute are they? I wonder what they are up to? My daughter home schools her children, so hard telling what they are studying this week. I'll have to take her letter home and read it. She does such a wonderful job of teaching her children all kinds of different things."
Soon Marlee came running into the Community Room and said, "Grandma B what is this little girl wearing? I want a dress like that. Can I have the hat too? Isn't that just fun? Please can I have that? It's in this magazine I was looking at. Will you see if they have it in my size, please?"

Well that did get the Grandmas to laughing. Grandma Lu said, "Well Marlee that is a pirate costume too. What is with all the pictures of fishing and pirate costumes. I even have some letters from friends that are vacationing by the ocean. The photos are beautiful. But I still don't understand why all this mail is coming to Marleewood.
Grandma B said, "Let's open up some of these letters for Marlee. I wonder who is sending her mail."
"Oh, look at this one. It is an invitation for Marlee to go to a story time at the library. How fun. Would you like to go to the library and listen to a story, Marlee? I think it would be fun. I wonder what the story is going to be. You have to be quiet at the library though, remember." Marlee just grinned from ear to ear. She wanted to go to story time. "This will be fun," she thought.
I wonder what the story lady will be reading at the library....
I'm afraid all that junk mail is more truth than fiction. A terrible waste of trees. Of course, that's my opinion. Let's see what this Story Time is all about. Interesting....
ReplyDeletesome junk mail is great others a waist. They should survey us so we only get what we want lol