Goebel, the Court Provider gnome was in the kitchen keeping watch on the queen's cooking staff. The royal castle had many many cooks to bake and cook the food for the King and his wicked Queen and her daughter. In his hands he held a very large sausage. He stood still in his corner and heard every word that the servants and the cooks said to each other. The cooks and the servants did not like the Queen and whispered to each other about how poorly she had treated their friend, Snow White. They talked about how the Queen had told Snow
White to leave the castle while she and her daughter, Prudence, ruled the household.

The poor King had little to say anymore. He stayed in his counting room counting his money. The King didn't know that Lady Cheryl's garden gnome, Garder, had sent a piece of a magic plant he had been growing with Zarast, the gnome with the yellow hat. He had sneaked
into the castle kitchen then quickly had given it to Goebel. Goebel passed it to one of the cooks to put in a pie that the cook was baking for the King. She winked at him and added it quick as a fox!
When the King cut a slice of pie four and twenty blackbirds that the cook had put

in his pie flew out and began to sing a beautiful song. They flew all around the King and urged him to go outside. The creatures of the forest brought him to a beautiful part of the forest that he had never seen before.

They talked to him as only forest creatures could, explaining to him that his beautiful daughter Snow White had been sent to the forest by her mean old stepmother, the Queen.

While the king was in the forest the Kitchen gnome, Goebel, heard the servants say that the Queen had learned that Snow White was being rescued by Lady Cheryl's garden gnomes. Goebel was so happy. He decided that he would go out to the forest to see if they needed any help. He had just made it to the entrance of the forest when the Queen snatched him up and said, "Aha! I knew you were up to no good. I am going to put you where the King can't find you. If the King wants you back he will have to pay me a tidy sum and leave the castle as well. My beautiful daughter and I will live here happily ever after.

Snow White heard the Court Provider, Goebel, cry out for help. She said, "No, no, Father, I can't go with you. I must rescue Goebel. He has always been a good gnome. I won't let the wicked Queen keep him. Help me find him, Father. Please hurry. I think I know where she may have put him."
She started running deeper into the forest towards an old cabin that she knew of. It was near a creek that used to be used for animals in the winter
to keep warm. It was empty now. The King followed her, but the Queen stopped him. She was standing outside that cabin with Goebel in her hands. She said, "Oh no you don't! You give me coins and the castle, then I will let you have Goebel back, not before." The King agreed, but suddenly they heard hoof beats coming. They could tell there was a horseman coming close to the cabin.

"I say there, mean woman, let go of his arm. He is the Court Provider. My father, the ruler of all that is good gave that gnome to your husband." The Queen let go of Goebel. She had a very mean face and started to go back to the castle. But the King stopped her and said, "Since you have such a bad attitude you need a time out. You and your daughter will be staying in this cabin until you can be nice again. You know, you were nice once upon a time. That's why I married you a long time ago. Go on now. I will have a servant bring you food and water, but you cannot come back to the castle until you think about what you have done and change your ways."
Then the King said to Prince Charming, "Why don't you come up to the house and visit for awhile. I think that we may have some things to talk about."
We will find out what the King has to say in the next story.
Timeout does help sometimes!
ReplyDeleteYes it does and she was bad enough for a timeout.
ReplyDeleteOh time out! No one likes time out. But a bad attitude can become toxic and make everyone around them sad.
ReplyDeleteI rather enjoyed being an evil queen for a day. 😂