Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Dishes Of Water And Flower Petals

By the time Grandma Lu and Marlee and several other children and even some grownups had picked out their flower petals, flowers, and acorns, Grandma B had gotten a snack ready for the group. She had seen just how many people were happy that Grandma Lu had not taken a substitute teaching job. They loved her stories and the time that she spent at Marleewood. They also loved the part about her loving snacks because then they got to have a snack too.

 Bradshaw and Andy were even there. They hadn't been to Marleewood for awhile.

Soon there was a knock on the door. There were Hannah and Brenna. Such fun everyone was going to have. Just like the saying goes; The more the merrier!

Grandma B helped Grandma Lu hand out petals and acorns to those folks that didn't have any. Soon they were ready to hear what Grandma Lu had to say. Grandma Lu had never told a story in the Community Room before. She always sat in her easy chair. This was kind of exciting. The children liked being part of the story.

 Grandma Lu said, "Now we need a saucer with some water in it." The children looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders. They didn't have a clue what Grandma Lu wanted water for. Grandma B had heard what Grandma Lu said. Soon she had saucers of water and set them on the tables.
Grandma Lu said, "Okay, now each of you put a flower petal in your dish of water. Make sure only flower petals go in the water. You will see why in a little bit."

In the next story we will find out just why the children were putting flower petals in little dishes of water. What fun.


  1. Grandma Lu is teaching the children, but they are unaware of it. They feel like they are part of the story telling, albeit a bit confused. Lol

  2. Love interactions learning Lu your the best.


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