Monday, March 23, 2020

Mr. and Mrs. Rebel Take A Road Trip

Tilly was feeling really sorry for herself. Her roommates had gone off and left her. They had left her all alone in the cold and the snow in the mountains. They thought that they had kept it a big secret, but she had heard them planning this trip to Florida a long time ago. Yes, she had felt hurt and left out, but she hadn't told on them. She decided that maybe with them gone she would get a lot more attention. "Look at me now. My paws are so cold. But I am so happy that my human takes good care of me. Once in awhile I know I get into mischief, but I'm so little I usually get cuddled instead of scolded. I do wish my friends would come home though. I'm lonesome. I want someone to play with that has fur."

One day an older couple, Mr. and Mrs. Rebel, decided that they would go on a road trip. They were getting what people call cabin fever. They needed to get out of the house. They called their neighbors and asked them to feed and water their dogs. They said that they were just going to be gone for a couple of days. They needed to get out and see new places and new people. They had no destination. They just needed to get out and about.

They hadn't gone far when the lady started to laugh. "Oh look. There's a young man that is making his chores more fun. He is taking out the trash in a costume. Oh let's do that when we get home. That will give the neighbors something to talk about, won't it? Oh this was such a good idea. Do you think that our kids will approve of our little trip?"

As they were driving through the country roads they saw a young boy sitting on a huge bale of hay. He had a great smile and waved when they honked and waved at him.

They drove through a town that looked interesting to them. "Oh, look! Do you see that beautiful quilt? Let's stop and ask the lady if she makes those quilts. It would be nice to have one, wouldn't it?"

They did stop and talk to the lady. She pointed out that the quilt was fun for little ones because some of the pieces had farm animals and pictures on them that the children could find and point out. She had several of them that she had made. She and her guild often make quilts for sick children. What a wonderful project for those that are talented seamstresses. She told the couple that these quilts give the children comfort while they are in the hospital. Also they can take them home and cuddle up with them on days when they aren't feeling just up to par or just because they are so warm and comfy.

As the couple drove on down the road they passed a farm and saw some children flying a kite. They were having the best time. As they passed the farm they saw some children playing in the mud. Oh they laughed and reminisced about their children and themselves as children loving to play in the mud.

As the couple drove on they saw happy children and adults fishing. The sun was shining and everyone was smiling. "This was a really good idea to go cruising down the road. I'm so glad we decided to get away for a couple of days," said Mrs. Rebel. She kept herself busy taking pictures and humming a fun song as she did so.

"Well you better start singing 'How much is that doggie in the window.' Just take a look at what's coming down the road.Oh oh, there are four dogs and a woman hitchhiking. What do we do now? Good grief one of the dogs is wearing a cape of some kind. We surely can't pick them up, can we?"


  1. In our troubled times a road trip and taking time to "smell the roses" is the wonderful thing to do with your children. There will be more of things to do in coming stories.

  2. Hope you all are doing well and all the readers are too. Finding the best of this horrible situation is what we need to do. Learn once again to enjoy slowing down.

  3. Yes ,Bonnie I pray everyone is home safe and practicing social distance. The more everyone helps the sooner this will be over .


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