Monday, April 20, 2020

Marlee Belle Was So Sad To Leave Her Home

Marlee Belle's father was so frightened by the Beast's roar that he fell to the ground. In his fall, he fell on the rose bush from which he had picked the rose for Marlee Belle. He apologized over and over for picking the rose without permission. He said, "I looked all over for the owner of this beautiful home, but found no one to thank for the food. I am so sorry, please forgive me. I just picked this one rose for my youngest daughter.

The Beast had no mercy. He said, "I was going to kill you for stealing from me and you did that even after I gave you shelter and delicious food to eat. But since you are sorry, you go to your home and you bring me one of your daughters in exchange for your life. Don't you lie to them. You must tell them the truth and come back to my home willingly."

The Beast sent all kinds of beautiful jewels and clothes for Marlee Belle's complete family. He was told to return within a month. If he did not he would destroy his complete family. Marlee Belle's father assured him he would return before the month was out.

When he returned home with such beautiful gifts for his family they were so very excited and happy. They were happy until he told them of the Beast's threat. He had to return to the Beast's castle with one of his daughters within the month.
Marlee Belle's sisters, were so very jealous of her and decided immediately that Marlee Belle was the daughter that should go with their father to the Beast's castle.

 Oh his sons were so upset. They were going to go back to the castle and destroy the Beast. Their father explained that their best efforts would never work. The Beast had strong powers. He had to take one of his daughters back to the castle, that's all there was to it.

Marlee Belle watched from the window and heard what her father had told the rest of the family. She sighed and decided that she would have to go to the castle and save the rest of her family. Shortly her father knocked on her bedroom door. "Marlee Belle, I have a gift for you. I brought you a rose. It was at great expense, I'm afraid. The Beast that lives in the castle said that he wants one of my daughters and that she must come willingly."

Marlee Belle gave her father a sad smile and said, "I will go to the Beast, father. But I must say goodbye to my dog first. I will miss her so."

Her father assured her that they didn't need to leave right away. They didn't have to be back at the castle for a few more days. He had hurried home on a new horse that the Beast had given him so they still had two weeks before they had to go back.

Marlee Belle went to the pasture to say goodbye to her little horse, Max. Oh how she would miss her home and her animals.

The night before they left she and her new puppy, Zeke, cuddled together on the floor. Oh leaving him was so very hard.


  1. These are the greatest photos! Someday Marlee is going to love these

  2. Oh Lu, Im thinking this is going to be one of the top ten. Loving already.

  3. Love this story and Marlee plays up the photos really good


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