Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Marlee Belle's Tears Were Too Much For The Beast

The Beast saw to it that Marlee Belle had all the best food to eat and brand new clothes to wear. Of course, she was sad because she missed her father, but the Beast had seen to it that she was entertained each day. In the many gardens she saw monkeys smiling and parrots that talked. She heard strange looking birds that could sing like nothing she had ever heard before. One day she saw an angel that was made of stone. "Oh how I wish you could grant me a wish, dear angel. I want to go home so badly."

 Often in the evenings the Beast arranged entertainment for her in the grand ballroom. And of course, each evening he would visit her after she had eaten her supper.
It was then that the Beast would ask her to live with him in his castle forever. He promised her that she would someday see past the ugliness of his face and come to love him. Every evening, Marlee Belle shook her head in disgust and went to bed with tears running down her face.

Each night when Marlee Belle fell asleep the Unknown Prince would visit her and tell her how much he loved her and that she should leave the castle and the horrible Beast and be his Princess forever.

Marlee Belle had become convinced that the beautiful Prince that came to her every night in her dreams was actually being held captive by the mean Beast right there in the castle. She had searched and searched all of the rooms. She found libraries full of wonderful story books and rooms full of birds. She found rooms that looked like theaters with many many seats. She wondered why she was being treated like a queen. She had no one to love her, only the Prince in her dreams. She had never found the Prince that loved her so.

One day after several months Marlee Belle's tears became too much even for the mean Beast. He told her that she could go home on one condition. She had to return in two months. The Beast gave her a magic necklace that would allow her to wake up in her parents' new home. She had to wear that necklace and no other jewelry or the magic wouldn't work. Marlee Belle was so very happy. She couldn't wait to go home and see her father. The Beast had given her many trunks of beautiful gifts for her brothers and sisters. The Beast again told her that if she didn't return within two months time that harm would come to her father and her family. Even though Marlee Belle was frightened by the Beast's threat she smiled at him and promised that she would be back within two months. She didn't want any harm to come to her family.


  1. It would have been tempting to me to stay home, but I'm sure that Beauty knew that the Beast would harm her family as he had threatened.

  2. Perfect, Wonder if the beast will break his promise? Poor Marlee Belle


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