Thursday, January 21, 2021

Rudolf Had A Head Cold

 Santa Claus loved his wife dearly, but my goodness that woman could talk. He had been around for hundreds of years so yes he did have lots of stories to tell, but he just had a feeling tonight he needed to be out and about with his elves and his reindeer to make sure all was well for his trip tonight. There were so many good little boys and girls that the sleigh would really be full of gifts. He looked up to the sky and thought, "I am so lucky to have Rudolph to guide my sleigh. He has had the brightest nose for many years. I wonder what happened. Maybe my transportation secretary was wrong." As he stepped out the door the wind about knocked him over it was blowing so hard. As he made his way to the reindeer barn he saw one of his elves with his arm around one of the alpacas that was in training to be a service animal on a farm for special people who needed an animal to love.

"Ho ho ho, you there, what's going on out here? It's Christmas Eve you should be helping the rest of the elves to get everything loaded onto the sleigh. I need to get going in just a few minutes."

The alpaca started to hum very very loudly. Santa could barely just hear and see him over and through the wind and snow. He couldn't believe his eyes. An alpaca with a shiny nose? I have never heard of such a thing. Where is Rudolf anyway?"

The elf yelled, "Rudolf has a head cold and his nose is not shining tonight. Fox says he will lead your sleigh tonight. What do you think?"

Santa tilted his head to one side, then the other. He put a finger to the side of his nose and said, "Merry Christmas to you, Fox, you will guide my sleigh tonight!"

As Santa made his stops around the world he saw sadness, joy, war, and peace. He saw illness and bitterness, but he also saw loving and wonderful people helping each other through this crisis of the world. He saw doctors, nurses, truck drivers, and folks working so hard in the grocery stores. He saw parents having to leave their children with family while they cared for the sick.  He always hated it when he couldn't help those children that were hungry and homeless, but he did his best to send his helpers in those places and countries. He stopped at children's hospitals, and homeless shelters and church dinners as often as he could. He tried his hardest to soften hard hearts like that of the mean old uncle in Charlotte's town. He passed the magic ruby for those that were unable to do it themselves like sick folks that whispered in Santa's ear for help. He promised those folks he would do his best, but couldn't make promises all the time. He always left a breath of joy and happiness even to the very old and alone by leaving a promise of yet to come and memories of past Christmas's with their children and grandchildren to help them sleep at night.

As he traveled that Christmas Eve leaving gifts for the good little boys and girls, he told himself, "You know old man you have seen even worse throughout your travels. These folks will make it through with strong wills and strong backs and love in their hearts, yes they will make it through. And what's more? I'll be here to see it because as long as their are children with hope in their hearts the spirit of Christmas will never die."

On this Christmas Eve Fox asked Santa for his own Christmas wish. A very special lady would love a visit from Santa. He knew the way because he used to live there before he was promoted to the North Pole. She was kind and loved the baby animals on her farm. Some called her the Boss, some called her Mom and others called her Mrs. Anderson, but she called herself fortunate. Fortunate to have such a loving family, friends, care giver and home. Juanita, her real first name, did get a visit that Christmas Eve with a promise of new life on her farm just as he had promised for generations.

Santa called over his shoulder, his eyes wet with tears that foggy Christmas Eve, "Merry Christmas to all, and to all a very good night!"


  1. Charlotte will return on Monday to visit with a young man that she will share her hopes and dreams with

  2. awww Juanita is such a good woman known her my whole life. Such a sweet story!!!


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