The Community Room was bulging with people, musical instruments balloons and pets. People were in the kitchen baking cookies and others were getting them ready for the serving trays. There were doughnuts and other food and drinks as well. People had brought all kinds of craft materials to make Valentine boxes so the tables were full of glitter, construction paper and glue! Ice cream cones were being handed out as fast as Kyler's sister, Marlee and Regan could make them with their special snow ice cream.
Arie was trying to keep her baby sister out of everyone's way on her new pillow. But she just didn't seem to be a bit sleepy. Arie was hoping she would be still for awhile because she wanted to finish her Valentine's box. Regan and her grandma were already starting on theirs.

The tables were getting full of Valentines boxes. There was hardly room for anyone to sit.
But the music was great and most people were up dancing around and talking loudly anyway. Once in awhile a balloon would pop and you could hear babies crying, but the grandmas were not aware of anything going on because they too were talking loudly and arguing about the book. Grandma Lu said, "Well, I am all done." Marlee said, "Oh no! Not yet. I am a princess so I want a coach to pick me up and take me to the party at the little castle." Grandma Lu said, "Fine a princess should be picked up by a coach. I'll even put your family crest on it. How's that? " Marlee said, "Okay, but it isn't as good as the last one we did."
Grandma Lu sighed and said, "I'm sorry, my dear, but I did the best I could. I'm going to the bathroom then I think we should go to the kitchen and see if there are any snacks left out there. I'm starving."
When Grandma Lu walked into the bathroom she took one look and yelled, " Awk! That's it! I'm outta here! Achoo! Achoo!"
All the noise and commotion woke Whitlee Jo up. She walked into the kitchen and there was the biggest mess she ever saw. A lady was trying to sweep up broken dishes, but it was hard to do with so many people coming in and out. Whitlee Jo took one look and said, "Oh oh, you are in so much trouble! Maw! Come quick. You have to see this. I didn't do it either." Maw!"
As Grandma Lu ran out of the bathroom (she's deathly allergic to cats) she accidentally dropped the book she had worked so hard on. It got stepped on and thrown here and there and finally landed on the desk in the Quiet Room.
There was someone sitting on the computer desk in the Quiet Room who was not a bit happy about the new book. He didn't get a book in one of the biggest mysteries Grandma Lu ever wrote. The Case of the Blue Four Wheeler. Well, he's back! Felix the under cover agent for Santa has changed jobs. He is now working for the Historical Society of Long and Forgotten Felines. He is determined to make things right for his ancestors and for future generations of felines. Stay tuned for his next adventure.
Again thanks to all that sent such fantastic photos. They always tell a story. I just never know when. lol Then there is Felix. The cat with a 1000 lives and a personality that won't quit. His new job is going to get all tangled up into the sequel of the Mail Order Bride. Thanks for reading.
ReplyDeleteWell what a party! And yes that is exactly what Whitlee would say if she found a big mess she didnt make. Lol. FELIX IS BACK!