After Grandma Lu and her husband had eaten their lunch they took the car over to Marleewood. Grandma Lu's trunk that she had had there for years was getting too heavy for her to move by herself. People had been sending her pictures and invitations and announcements for years. She was such a sentimental lady she just couldn't part with any of it. Every child's picture sparked a memory for her, every child's award from school made her proud as if they were her own grandchildren. No matter her husband's grumbling she was keeping her old trunk, however, she might get herself another one...

While they were moving things around they heard some commotion coming from the front of Marleewood. Grandma Lu went to see who was there and it was Avery and Finnley cleaning up all of the twigs that had fallen on the yard. "Oh you two are such good girls. Are you hungry or thirsty? If you are I'll get you something. Just say the word." As she was going back to tell her husband about the girls she saw something out of the corner of her eye.
There was Regan out on the playground all wrapped up in a towel. What in the world was that little girl doing?
Well, land sakes, there was her grandma and Jeff planting flowers! "Fran, come look. Look outside. The children are back. They are decorating just like they did last year. Oh this makes me want to cry. I have missed them so much. Quick go out to the kitchen and start some coffee and I will check the fridge and see if there is something cold for them to drink."

"Oh good, looks like B has been here. There's ice tea and lemonade and even some cookies in a tin on the counter. Oh this is such fun." As she was putting everything on trays she saw Kane and Abbi planting seeds. Oh my goodness. I think they are going to have a small garden out there. We just might have some fresh vegetables for snacks. Oh it's going to be beautiful again. My dear Marleewood you survived another winter and a really bad time in the world. Those dear people out there are making my little world make sense again."
Then she saw a car pull up and that really made her smile. Getting out of the car was Marlee and Whitlee and her friend, B. Then more cars were coming in the drive. "Oh this is just like old times, old girl. Just what you love. Friends young and old make this old building come alive."
When she turned around there was Charlie and Connelly with their nanny grinning up a storm and talking to Marlee. "We are back and I think everyone else is too. They are setting up picnic tables outside, Grandma Lu. I think people are ready to get out and about. Besides that we missed you at Marleewood. What have you been doing? Grandma Lu didn't have time to answer because Marleewood was buzzing! There were children everywhere and grownups all visiting and having such a great time. It seemed like the doors were opening every other minute. She was so happy!

Soon Grandma Lu was hearing about birthdays, and Easter Egg hunts, She heard about a Mud Run and fishing. She was so surprised that Bella and her brothers had gone kayaking. Besides that everyone had grown a foot! And there even were some new babies. So much had happened during this last year. She heard about basketball games and soccer games. She was hearing bits and pieces about school. Even prom! She felt like she was in a revolving door! There was so much she had missed out on. Suddenly she had a terrible thought. There surely wouldn't be any cats in the bathroom or in the Quiet Room or in the cupboards. She had to make sure. She was so terrible allergic to cats. Then she heard a clap of thunder. It was raining. Oh no! That Mother Nature was going to ruin her fun day.
The thunder was so loud that Grandma Lu didn't hear a soft meow as Felix was coming in the door as someone ran out to roll up their windows on their car.
I think that Grandma Lu's world is not the only world that is starting to make sense again. Maybe by this time next year things will be not only back but better than this year. Little Mr. Felix is up to something again I'm afraid, but this time his little pranks might backfire on him! lol