Friday, May 14, 2021

Felix And Myla Both Make A Wish!

 Felix had never been so embarrassed in his life. He had been thrown in the pound! Just because he had sneaked into Marleewood. Well, that wasn't the worst part. The person that he always thought would have his back in any situation was his lady human. They called her Tracey. Every time he made a fuss she would make sure he was given the best food, had the softest bed and the newest toys on the market. Life was a bowl full of cherries or so he thought. When Mr. Whiskers called her to tell her there was a fine she had told him she wasn't going to pay it. She figured he could stay there for at least two more nights! No! This was not possible. He had tried to explain that the pound was a terrible place. Sometime on the second day the man from home came to get him. The man said he was so very sorry he had to stay in the pound and that he had a special treat for him when they got home.

Sure enough he served Felix his food in his favorite bowl and held him on his lap while he rested from his nightmare experience at the pound. He was never going back to Marleewood. He had learned his lesson, but there was someone else that needed a lesson learned as far as he was concerned; the lady of the house! He would get even with her the first chance he got. He would have to wait awhile because she had taken the day off to go boating with her friends. She had called and said she was having a wonderful time and not to expect her until late afternoon.

Myla was at the very end of the lake that very same day. It was the first time she had ever gone fishing. She was so excited! If she was lucky enough to catch a fish she had made a promise to herself. She was going to ask her fish for a wish. A really big wish. She just knew it was going to be her lucky day...

When Tracey got home she soon found out that her husband had bailed Felix out of the pound. She was not a bit happy about that. She thought he needed a longer stay to teach him a lesson, but she grinned to herself. She knew what she was going to do. She quietly put out some dry cat food in a metal pet bowl and put his old toy mouse in the middle of the dish. She was off to bed with a smile on her face. "That'll teach that little stinker. We spoil him rotten with the crystal dishes and the fancy food and expensive toys."

Felix was not asleep. He quietly watched his lady switch out his bowls and food and almost meowed out loud when he saw her put his favorite toy in the bowl. "Okay game on my dear. Someday when you least expect it I will have a surprise for you too. I have heard that there is a witch in that forest at the end of town. I'm going to break out of here as soon as I can and see if I can't get her to grant me a wish. I'm easy to get along with. It shouldn't be a problem....


  1. Oh this sounds like make believe coming up! How fun. Felix Felix be careful little man. As the old saying goes be careful what you wish for. lol


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 It's the day after Christmas and all through the house is... memories. That's what is in this house. Memories of old and memories t...