Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Adalynn Knew She Could Do It!

 The principal and the student teacher at the Good Witch school were comparing notes on how Adalynn was doing on completing her tasks to graduate. Her last task was to do a good deed of kindness. They had obtained information that Adalynn had chosen the little horse Lightfoot as her project. The Wicked Witch had put a spell on him so that whenever the farmer or anyone would get close to him he would bite or kick. They wondered if she had chosen too large a task so they decided that since she had successfully completed all of her other subjects that the student teacher would help her by blowing a gentle breath of rose petal fragrance from the flower bed that surrounded the school. "This should help Adalynn graduate." She smiled at the Principal and said, "Let's see how she does now."

Adalynn was bound and determined to give Lightfoot a birthday party. She had been making list after list of things she needed to gather to make the little horse happy and not be naughty any more. She remembered her last birthday party. It had been so much fun. "Let's see, I need balloons for sure, then of course a cake. Oh dear what kind of a cake do I get for a horse? They can't eat human food.  Well they do like apples and carrots, maybe I could find someone to help me make him a cake. Then of course, he will need some presents, and people to come to the party. Oh dear, maybe this was too big a project for me to tackle, but I so want to graduate from the Good Witch School. Okay, I will just try a little harder. I can do this."

While Adalynn was making her lists she suddenly felt a soft breeze and could smell the lovely fragrance of roses. "I know I can do this. All of a sudden I feel like I could do anything I set out to do. All I have to do is do it!" She grinned to herself and knew that soon she would be graduating from the Good Witch School plus making Lightfoot a happy little horse. She had to get busy and get invitations made and sent and food ready.

Mr. Eagle looked down from his nest and thought, "Well, little Adalynn, you are doing so well, but I think I need to help you a little bit. I am going to wait until the Wicked Witch is asleep and grab Winston's magic cap with my claw. Then she will lose most of her power. I just hope that Winston and Buzz stay out of trouble long enough for me to get that cap back.

About the time that Mr. Eagle was going to fly closer to where the Wicked Witch lived, Winston and Buzz arrived at the Gnome RV Park. Everyone was made of stone, but they both noticed that the guy in the hammock seemed to be snoring. "What's going on, Buzz? Is he like us? Do you think we can save him?" Buzz shook his head and said, "Hey, Man, I'm sorry, but there isn't room for three of us on my bike. He's going to have to stay here, but we can wake him up and tell him to find a safer place to live."

Winston shook his head and said, "No! I can't accept that. We have to get him out of here. This is just not a safe place for him. Look at his friends. They are here to stay. We have to save this old man. It's just not right to leave him. I sure wish I had my magic cap I could get him out of here pronto! Us too!"

"Mr. Eagle not only has excellent eye sight, but he was able to hear every word that Buzz and Winston were saying, said Grandma Lu. What do you think he is going to do? Do you think that Buzz will leave without helping the old man gnome? If he does, what should Winston do?"

Grandma Lu didn't see her leave, but Kylee had heard enough of the story. She was on her way to help Adalynn and Winston.


  1. I think that Buzz and Winston have the most common problem in this story. Do you save yourself or someone else. I think there is a hero in this story. All Adalynn needed was just a gentle nudge of confidence and she will do fine. Now for the Wicked Witch. Who will make her realize that making others as unhappy as she is does not make her happy. The next story should answer a lot of these questions

  2. I just love the stories. Marlee woke up the next day and was upset we didnt have our story talk. So she will Im sure have to stay an extra night. She get daytime writer's block hahaha


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