Friday, November 12, 2021

Josh Put Everything In Motion!

 Allie pulled up next to the sheriff's office and walked in the door. The place was a mad house. It was filled with people all talking at once. The space was so small that she could actually see a couple of cells and to her surprise one of them had her lawyer in it. The other one was empty, but it looked like not for long if the sheriff had his way. Finally he yelled for everyone to be quiet. Josh wasn't having it. He started talking really loud and said, "I've had it with all of you. No one will listen to me. And you, dear old dad, you are exactly where you belong. Who finally caught up with you and your con man schemes?" Haylee said, "I did. You started this whole thing, Josh. You put traps in Allie's Jeep, and I just raised the ante a little and had some money marked that you had put under the seat in the Jeep. You hoped that K.R. would steal it which he did. It was one of  the most fun gigs I ever had. I hoped the dogs wouldn't bark when I was out there."

Allie said, "Wait a minute. My lawyer is your dad? No wonder you are a jerk!" Josh had had it. He looked Allie right in the eye and said, "Listen here, Little Miss Heiress, I've been trying to save your ranch for you and all I get is guff and people thinking I'm just like my dad, but I'm not! I've got proof right here on my phone if anyone would just listen to me."

K.R. yelled from his cell, "Dad, bail me out of here! You owe me that much!"

The older man whom Allie had seen driving the VW bug said, "Not in this lifetime. That's the trouble with you. I've given you too much!"

"Yes you did. You gave me orders and material things. You were so controlling I couldn't breathe. I went to law school like you told me to, but I hated every minute of it. I worked my tail off at that dude ranch like you said. You controlled not only me, but mom and of course, the purse strings. If we didn't do what you said you would cut off our allowance. Yes, allowance. That's what you always called it. I wanted more and so did mom. I don't understand why you don't understand because you were the same way. You swindled the dude ranch from your own brother in a card game of all things. No wonder no one has heard from him in years; not even his own wife. So how is old Maxine nowadays, anyway?" he said with a smirk on his face.

By this time the sheriff had had it. He ordered everyone to be quiet. It was his turn to speak. "No K.R. doesn't get bailed out. He is being held on a federal offense and has to go to court. He needs a good lawyer. The bank president is also being held for accessory to bank fraud. He also needs a good lawyer. Allie? I think that you and Josh should both go back out to the ranch and settle things between you. All this bickering back and forth has gotten neither one of you anywhere. Josh seems bound and determined to tell you something, so you should listen. No buts.... Laura, take our friend here, back to the assisted living center. Tell the charge nurse that once again he got away from her." He looked at his old friend and shook his head, "Rex, rules are made for a reason, and you my friend have had health issues that could cause you to have an accident. Meaning that you behind the wheel could cause harm to yourself or others. No More Driving! Understood? No I don't care if you got a trophy. No More Driving. If you aren't careful you will find yourself in the cell next to your son. And that's another thing. When this is all resolved you and your son need to have a long long talk and many of them. Whether it's at your home or in jail. 

Allie sat in the chair and listened with disbelief as the sheriff talked. The driver wasn't kidnapped. It sounded like he was a friend of the sheriff and the lady called Laura. Her lawyer was that man's son? Josh was his grandson? She was getting a headache. She was going back to the ranch, not because the sheriff told her to, but because she was exhausted. What a day. She had to pay the ranch hands, and then lay down for a much needed rest. As she walked out of the office, she noticed that Josh was following her. "No! I don't have the strength or energy to talk to you or even listen to you. Find someplace to stay tonight. You can come out tomorrow and we will talk. I promise I will listen this time."

Josh started to argue, but instead, he gave a slight nod in her direction and started to walk down the street. He needed to talk to Laura about what he had heard her tell the older man at the assisted living center. Maybe she would meet him at the cafe. That way he could get some answers and see Lill at the same time. He just knew that both women could tell him what he wanted to know, but would they?


  1. This time, K.R. is exactly right. Material things didn't make him happy. Controlling a person whether a child or spouse or friend never works. K.R. He never told the old miner what would have though did he? Will Laura and Lill tell Josh what he wants to know?

  2. Oh my finally pieces of the mystery are coming out. K.R. is.right where he needs to be , in jail. He isn't a nice person trying to control everyone and everything.
    He will not ever be happy because all he wants is money money money and doesn't care who he hurts.
    Hopefully Laura and Lill will help get Josh straight on the story so him and Allie still maybe able to become good friends.


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