Maxine couldn't believe what she had just said. "Go to the ranch with all the people she either didn't like or wanted to avoid. Christmas Day started out with the sheriff telling her he was going to marry her someday. Then she accepted his invitation to lunch. She couldn't believe that she agreed to do that. "Well, maybe it's time."
"What did you say? asked the sheriff. Were you talking to me? If you were, I'm a bit surprised after what you just suggested. Go out to the ranch? You never wanted to set eyes on Rex again you said, and here you are inviting him and everyone else out to the ranch. Just exactly when did you ask Allie if that was alright with her? I'm looking across the table and seeing a young woman completely bewildered and yes very angry. This is not how I planned our first date."
"Date? This is not a date, It's lunch and a poor one at that. Let's order."
Another waitress came to the table and took everyone's order. Justin and Lill had disappeared for the time being. That bothered Maxine more than she could say. As she sipped her water she wondered what Lill was telling Justin. This could be the worst day since that day over thirty years ago when the boys were adopted. She swore to Lill that she would never tell. It would do no good.
As everyone was getting served they could hear people giggling and laughing. They turned to see what was so funny and found themselves smiling and chuckling right back. Even Maxine. There was the cutest baby enjoying some spaghetti. Enjoying it all over her face for all to see. She remembered when K.R. was a baby she had a picture of him eating his first bowl of spaghetti. It's like a right of passage into toddlerhood. How she missed that baby. He had not turned out well. "It's all Rex's fault. Now he's in jail for a good long time, I expect. Merry Christmas to me..."
Maxine looked around and saw Santa moving around the cafe chatting with the customers and wishing them Merry Christmas. Maxine said, "What's he doing here? He should be at home with his family. This is no place for him."
Rex looked over at Maxine and said, "Whoa, there. This is exactly the place for Santa to be. Playing Mr. and Mrs. Claus brought my friend and I together. Maybe Santa could do the same for you. You have gotten to be just an old sour puss with age. Why I remember..."
"You remember nothing, but money. That's all you ever want, Rex. Don't try to make these other folks believe that you are a sweet old man because you are not!"
Allie was eating her lunch with little enjoyment. As she swallowed her food that someone else had ordered. She thought, "Those old folks give me a headache. This is not how I imagined Christmas Day lunch to be. The audacity of Maxine inviting the whole bunch out to my ranch. I think not."
Allie looked down the table and said, "You know what? I don't think I want company today. In fact I know so. So since you invited all these people to my ranch, yes my ranch, you can have them go to your cabin. I'm done listening to all of your cranky sarcastic bickering for the day thank you."
Josh turned to Allie and said, "Is it okay if I come out to the ranch to your house? I really need to talk to you. It's really important and I will explain why I left you so quickly. Please?" Allie nodded her head. "Alright, but this had better be good." Josh assured her that it was. So they ate their lunch quietly. Josh didn't notice how many times Allie looked at him with a frown on her face while she was eating. She made up her mind to find out all she could about Josh's friend, Justin. They sure did look alike.
Maxine told the sheriff that it was alright with her if he came out to the ranch to her cabin along with these other folks. That young woman needs to come too. See if you can persuade her to come over to my cabin after while? Please?"
"Wow, please? I'll do it when I'm finished eating. Actually you are the one that should do the asking. You know that, don't you?" Maxine shook her head and whispered, "Please? I just can't do it today."
When the sheriff finished eating he stood up like he was going to talk to Allie, but instead walked over to the man playing Santa. "Hey, Santa. I have a lady over there that needs to be reminded that Christmas is a day to celebrate life and the lives of others. Can you give her a minute of your time?" The man grinned and said, "That's exactly why I'm here. I had the oddest dream last night. A nurse visited me in my dream and said that I needed to be in Master City at the cafe at lunch time. Weird, huh? Maybe this is why. Point her out to me. The sheriff did just that, then he went over and asked Allie if she would come over to Maxine's cabin later on in the day and visit with the folks at the table. Allie told him that she had a visit scheduled with Josh, but maybe she would be over in a few hours; no promises.
Santa walked over to the end of the table where Maxine was sitting. "Merry Christmas. I think I need to talk to you."
"Why would you say that? I am not liked by many people, and I don't like many people, so Christmas is not my cup of tea. Besides that I am just finishing my lunch and need to be on my way. I have people to see and things to say."
"It's your son; K.R. He's sick and wants to see you. He is in the prison infirmary. It is Christmas you know. He doesn't want you to tell Josh or Rex. He said just for you to come. He said it would be the best Christmas gift he could imagine. But before you go I'd like you to come with me and have a picture taken with your friend and I. I'll give it to you to give to your son. Something he just might cherish for a good long time."

While Maxine was wrestling with herself whether or not to consider going to see her son there were two ghostly ancestors of the Double D ranch working hard to bring some very sad and lonely children together. The Double D ranch was once a place of love and kindness to those that needed a helping hand. The two had listened to Allie as she talked to Josh. She wanted to make her ranch a place for children and adults as well. Someplace where they could make friends, find a comfortable bed, and even learn all about horses and other animals as well if they wished. Adults might even find it interesting enough to start themselves a new career. The opportunities were endless.
"Well, my dear. I think we have done well. We have made a start anyway. I love children and think that starting with the youngsters is a great way to help young Allie. I love that a city girl is willing to learn and work about horses, farm animals and now has enough money to make this happen. She's not home now, but the fire pit at Maxine's cabin looks cozy and comfortable for these kids. Hopefully she will be home shortly. I'm interested to see how she reacts. She can be a bit sharp when she doesn't like something. It is Christmas Day. We had to help these kids, right?"
"Yes we did. That little boy wanted to live off the land. He took off by himself with only a bag of clothes and wishful thinking of becoming a man overnight. Allie can make him comfortable until his parents get here. I left a note for them that he was safe and sound. I think a dude ranch would make him happy and busy as well. He would learn so much.
See those two little boys in overalls? They can teach him what they already know. They learned the hard way what to eat and what not to eat. They had some pretty funny experiences, but they learned and are strong and healthy. They are on their way to seek their fortune. They are friendly and probably will become life long friends. They just might grow up to be ranchers themselves. You never know.
Now those two girls are in your department. One wants to become a cowgirl. She saw an old movie about a horse named Flicka one day and every since then she has it in her head to ride horses and be part of a ranch. She keeps asking her folks for a pony. They tell her they don't have the time to work with a pony. I have any idea about a pony for her. She's an older mini horse that I think would be perfect. We shall see if she really wants a pony and would be willing to take care of it every day. Having a pet is just not 'when you want to' sort of thing. Looking at you on that old horse brings back so many memories. I remember when you were a star on your horse. You were so beautiful riding in that parade! You still are." He heard her chuckle and saw the tiny wink they always shared.

"See the one with the hat and long dress? She thinks she wants to become a movie actress. She also left home without telling her parents. She had heard that there were talent scouts looking for child actors. She thinks she's on her way to being famous and rich. I had to intervene there and left a note that she was at the Double D with plenty of folks to keep her safe and perhaps teach her a thing or two. I invited all the parents to come to the ranch to see what Allie was all about as far as the ranch was concerned. Did you ever dream that being a guardian angel would be so much work? I am exhausted trying to keep up with all these folks. I think I need a vacation."
" Okay, let's keep these young ones safe until Maxine gets back home. I hope they don't get hungry right away. I didn't plan on Maxine and Allie being gone. By the way, my dear, the puppy was a nice touch. Not only for Allie, but for these children and future guests at our ranch. She is a golden doodle a breed that loves children and adults as well."
"I think that Maxine could use a bit of puppy therapy as well. Mercy, she has an edge to her voice anymore. Hopefully the sheriff will win her over."
"Oh look! Here comes Allie. She has Josh with her. It's about time those two got together. The ranch needs a united partnership like ours was. Oh those were the days weren't they, Dear?"
"Hmm, they drove right on by. Hopefully Maxine will soon be here. Keep an eye on these children while I ride over to the main house to see what's going on."
As she rode into the main house yard she could hear loud angry yelling. Josh and Allie were not the happy couple that she had hoped for. Allie was using words that made no sense to her. She was yelling, "No one is tearing up my land. No one! Now if you have a problem with that get out! I mean it. Out! And by the way take your brother with you!"
So the twins are revealed and K.R. wants to see his mother. Do you believe him or is it another con job? The guardian angels have their hands full with those children. Then there is Josh once again getting kicked off the ranch, but I have a feeling Allie has good reason to do so.
ReplyDeleteomg What is next? Those people are as crazy as my family.
ReplyDeleteOh gosh , will Allie ever get along and talk to Josh ?
ReplyDeleteAnd the twins , oh my !!