Addie's grandma hugged her close and took her back in the house. She sat with her until she knew she was sound asleep. Just in case she woke up she did block the door with a heavy footstool that she knew her little granddaughter wouldn't be able to move.
The three children had fallen sound asleep after they made a wish on Willow's tooth that they had found. The sheriff had dropped Maxine off at her house with a promise to meet her at the cafe in town for breakfast at nine in the morning.
The house was quiet. Allie and Josh looked at each other and shook their heads. "Can you even believe what just happened? My dude ranch is turning into a haven for the lost and found!" Josh said, "Well another way to look at it, what would have happened to the children and Jean and Addie if you wouldn't have been here. I sometimes wonder if things don't happen for a reason. I was going to leave and now I feel like I need and want to stay and help you if you are alright with that." Allie smiled and said, "This time I'm not going to argue with you, but the bedrooms are all full now. They only place empty that's clean is my little camper.

What do you think?" Josh shrugged his shoulders and said, "Sounds good to me. I've slept in it before and tonight I'm just tired enough to sleep anywhere. See you in the morning. Want to go to the cafe for breakfast? I'll buy. Why don't we take everyone into town? The kids and Jean could use a treat. What do you say?" Allie grinned and said, "Sounds good to me. Let me know when you are ready to go. We can lead the way and Jean can follow us into town."
The sheriff was sitting in the cafe reading the newspaper while he was waiting for Maxine to meet him for breakfast. "Well news travels fast. The society news has a spread about Rex and Pat getting hitched in Vegas. He chuckled. "I'm happy for them. I can't wait till we get married. It takes some time to get everything planned though. Well well well. This is interesting. The orphanage in the next county has been closed up by the officials. No wonder the little ones ran away. I am still waiting for a call back from Child Services though. This might take awhile since there are several children to place in foster homes. What a mess. "Hello! I'm over here! Come sit, my dear."

It seemed like they never had a lack of things to talk about and of course, this morning there was a lot to discuss. The Double D for one thing. Just as they were about to order they looked up and Allie and Josh were coming in followed by Jean and Addie and the three little ones that the sheriff had taken out to the ranch for the night. "Well, would you look at that? Everyone has a big smile on their face. They all look so happy. I sure do wish they could all stay that way. Hmm, there's some new faces. Do you know them? I've never seen them before. The couple looked around and looked so disappointed. There was no room for them to sit. The sheriff asked Maxine if it was alright to invite them to sit with them. "Sure! The more the merrier." The sheriff caught the couple's eye and waved them over to their table. "We have some empty chairs here. Join us!"
The couple gratefully walked over sat down. They introduced themselves and the waitress once again came over to the table to get their orders. "So what brings you to our little town today?" asked the sheriff. They told them they had seen the ad for the Double D Dude Ranch and had decided to spend their vacation there this year. "I think it should be fun. The ad says that we can even do chores if we want to along with trail rides and outdoor activities. We are looking forward to it. The only thing I didn't check with them about was our dogs. We have brought our dogs with us. I sure hope they have facilities for them."
Without batting an eye three little children promptly sat down with the couple and the sheriff and Maxine. Someone got up to leave and Josh and Allie and Jean and Addie sat down at the empty table next to Maxine and the sheriff.
"Well, hello there. Who are you?" The young woman grinned at the three smiling faces. The children started talking all at once and the young couple just smiled and chuckled as they listened to the adventures that the young children had had the night before. They had wished on a puppy tooth? They did not smile however, when they heard about the orphanage. "Well, so are you going to stay at the Dude Ranch then?" Allie and Josh overheard the conversation with the young couple and the children. "What are they talking about, Josh? We can't keep those kids out there! She whispered under her breath, And what about Jean and her little granddaughter? This is a fine kettle of fish if you ask me. I don't know what to do. She says her daughter's horse is at the ranch. I haven't had a chance to ask the cowhands about it and now the little family of three has no home."
Soon a familiar voice said, "Well, I don't see a problem at all. I see an opportunity. An opportunity for an old miner and his new wife to lend a hand." Right behind them was yet another couple; Paul and Laura. "I agree, said, Laura. We've all been friends for years. This will be fun. We will all pitch in and help and the ranch will be up and running in no time."
Jean was listening and said, "I love to cook and bake. I can help if you don't mind. I love to clean and decorate. I can get started on the cabins." Pat said, "I'm more than willing to help. I love it out there. What do you say, Allie? Do want us old folks to help you get that place up and running? We don't charge much, just some food and some place to sit and star gaze." Allie laughed and said, "I just might keep you all so busy there won't be much time for star gazing." They all laughed and enjoyed each other's company.
The young couple was having so much fun with the children. "We have made reservations at your ranch. We are Kelsey and Aaron. We had planned on taking you up on working on a real ranch. We are farmers so we know a little something. I think it sounds fun if you have someplace to fish, I'm in!" Everyone laughed especially three smiling faces that had such good memories of fishing with their mom and dad. Aadon said, "I can remember tying flies with my dad. I can teach you if you want to learn how." The young man said, "You bet! I'd love to learn how. That's a deal."
Yay! We can all be a family!"
The young man and woman looked at each other with a glimmer of hope in their eyes. The sheriff watched them carefully. "This just might be the answer." he thought to himself.
This reminds me of my mother. When on vacation she loved to visit with folks where they had breakfast. lol She never met a stranger. Tying flies for fishing with your dad, cooking with your mom or grandma these are things that are memory makers. I'm hopeful that folks at the Double D will all be happy.
ReplyDeleteMy dad was the same way, never met a stranger. He would strike up a conversation with old and young it didnt matter. Within minutes everyone would be laughing.
ReplyDeleteI know! Mom would even ask for a bite of their food if it looked good to her! She was a character ❤️❤️
DeleteGood Monday mornin Miss Lu hope you had a good weekend! I sure remember all the great times with my grandma she was actually my Mom for a year,she was the greatest!❤❤❤It sounds like the Double D is growin in leaps an bounds!🤩🤩🐎🐎🐎🤠🤠🤠Hope it all works out for the best!🌞🌞🌞Have a wonderful day darlin!☕☕☕🌞🌞🌞☕☕☕
ReplyDeleteI see your comments, Darrell So glad you can still read my stories. Have a good day