Friday, December 9, 2022

Life Is One Big Adventure Filled With Many Little Ones

 She was so very lonely. She had no brothers or sisters and no friends at all. Her mother was the queen and was always too busy with national affairs to spend much time with her. She spent much of her time daydreaming of being a princess or a queen in a magic kingdom all of her own. She would have parties and lots of friends to keep her company. She smiled as she picked up her favorite book. "Yes, I would have unicorns and rainbows to keep me company as well. It would be a magical place. There would be no lonely children in her kingdom. There would be flowers and kittens and beautiful lakes and of course, swans that gave her friends rides to the top of the rainbows that appeared through her window every morning. Oh and the castle it would be pink and sit high on a hill. There would be beautiful brooks of shimmering water that would make tinkling music that would make her smile. Now where was I? Oh yes, this page must have been where I fell asleep. Mother says I waste my time reading about things that aren't real. Are not unicorns real? I think that they probably were at one time, now there are very few of them. Yes, right here it says that they need warm weather and sunny skies. Yes, my castle will always have warm weather. They only have one horn on their head and it is full of magical powder. I wonder how that works..."


She really had a problem. Whatever was she going to be when she grew up? People were asking her all the time! "I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up! I would love to be a princess and ride unicorns and climb to the top of a rainbow, but I really like to dress up and dance and look beautiful. But then I have really thought about being a farmer and raising chickens because I think chickens are the very best animals in the world. Oh, dear. I wonder when I have to make up my mind? I guess I'll ask Mom. I'm sure she knows what age I need to be before I have to make up my mind."
Her mom picked her up from school that day and Marlee saw her chance to ask her question. "Mom, how old do I have to be to make up my mind what I want to be when I grow up? Old people keep asking me and I don't know yet."

Her mom smiled and said, "Oh you have lots of time to choose, Marlee. You need to get older and enjoy being young. You love to dance now, but maybe when you are older you would like to do something else. No worries, just enjoy what you like to do now like painting and cooking. Let's go pick up your little brother, okay? How would you like to stop at the library on the way home? Maybe you can find a book that you would like."

Marlee loved going to the library. There was a section of books just for children her age. Her little brother found a book and so did she. It was a book about unicorns. It was really old and hard to read, but it had wonderful pictures in it of a little girl living high on a mountain in a castle that was pink. She couldn't wait for her mom to read it to her.


Marlee's mom and dad were having a really serious conversation outside the camper. "I really want to go home. I think Dad wants to stay in Texas. Mom wants to go home too." She could hear the voices outside and thought about her Grandma B. "I think I will call her. She needs to come to Texas and see if she can't fix things. Besides that I miss her and the mini farm. I miss my friends too. I wonder if maybe that girl I saw at the grocery store would come to visit us too. I can't believe her name is Marlee too. That's fun. I need to tell B about her. We have the same name, but we are really different. I wonder what she likes to do? There's that spider! Come here you are going outside!" When she opened the door to let the spider out she heard her dad say, "We are going to stay here for awhile. I need to check out that silver mine. It could mean that our kids and their kids would never have to want for anything in their lives. I just have to do this. Please understand."

Since Marlee loved adventures like her dad she decided that she would ask him if he would take her to go see the silver mine. She loved time with her dad too. Yes, that was a good plan. She would wait to call B. Yes tomorrow she and her dad would have an exciting adventure, she just knew it. Marlee smiled as she thought of her old friend, Grandma Lu. She always said "That life is just one big adventure filled with all kinds of little ones. Have all the adventures that you can, my girl. Have as many as you can and take your friends with you because adventures need to be shared."

"Yes, tomorrow, Dad and I will have an adventure. Whit and Mom can have an adventure while we are gone. "Let's get ready for bed, Whit. Tomorrow should be a fun day."


  1. I had never heard of a unicorn until I was an older adult. True! But they sound interesting and perhaps there is something to the magic powder in their one horn. Poor Little Marlee with so many decisions to make. Enjoy your time being a little girl, my dear. Then Marlee as always I fear she is going to get into trouble. B needs to go to Texas. Maybe she can stop what I fear is going to happen!

  2. I remember marlees imagination but as she gets older Adventures are much more fun. Its hard to keep these little ones out of trouble and harms way the older they get. Her daddy better have eyes in the back of his we use to say.


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