Grandma Lu laughed and said, "That's wonderful. You have a good time with Marlee today. What are you two going to do?"
Grandma B thought and thought. "What should we do today?" She just couldn't decide. Marlee liked to do all kinds of things.
Marlee liked to cook. Marlee liked to clean. Marlee liked to help her with the chores.
"I know, said Grandma B to herself, maybe Marlee would like to go see the neighbor's horses."
Marlee ran into the house and said, "Hi Grandma B, I'm here to visit you!"
"What would you like to do today?" Grandma B asked Marlee. Marlee ran to the door as quickly as she could.
Grandma B laughed and said, "Okay we will go outside for a walk today."
They saw trees and grass.
Oh, oh, look!
They saw great big horses!
They saw two horses. One, (1) two (2)! Oh, boy. Let's go to the fence and see the big horses.
Grandma B has little horses. These two horses were really big.
Maybe someday Marlee's daddy will let her sit on one of these big horses. And he did just that!
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