Friday, May 11, 2018

Marlee Says Cooking Is Serious Business!

Once again, Grandma B was having company. "Boy, thought Marlee, cooking takes a lot of time! Last time Grandma B had company I helped Grandma B clean. She said I was a good girl and she gave me hugs! So I guess this time I'd better help her cook. She has trouble getting everything ready on time."
"First I had better decide what our company would like to eat."

 That's what Grandma B always says, "I wonder what they would like to eat."
"I have a specialty and it's easy for me to get ready on time so I guess that's what I'll fix today.

First to find all my pots and pans that are under my stove. I think that two (2) of them should do it. Okay, now I don't need a recipe for this dish, I know it by heart."
"Now to get into my cupboard for all the ingredients that I need. The first thing I have to do is put some different snacks together. I think about a cup full should be enough. Then I have to stir it to make sure that it will taste just right. I had better taste it to make sure it will be just perfect for company. Grandma B always tastes food before she gives it to company to eat. I wonder if Grandma B will be proud of me for helping for company? I wonder who the company will be?
I sure hope that they are hungry!"

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