By the time Grandma B and Marlee got to Marleewood, Sawyer had the leak fixed. He was so happy. Needless to say so was Grandma B and Marlee. One more problem fixed at least for now.

Marlee was so tired! She and Grandma B had been outside all day until just before Sawyer called. The horses love persimmons and so it was Marlee's fun job to pick them up and feed them to the horses. Grandma B always reminds Marlee to be careful when she feeds the horses so they don't accidentally bite her little fingers. She always listens and is a very good helper. The little horses always run right over to the fence when they see Marlee with her little bucket with persimmons in it. They just love to eat them, seeds and all. They are such fun. Grandma B has a wonderful place for a little girl to have fun while she is learning new things.

I would like to tell you about persimmons a little bit. They grow on trees. When they get ripe they fall off the trees and land on the ground. That makes it easy for Marlee to pick them up, doesn't it. She isn't very tall.

Do you know what an "Old Wives Tale" is? I think I've told you about that before. Remember the wolly bear furry little caterpillar? Those tales are stories that some people believe and some don't. The stories are old old old! They are passed on down through the years and sometimes they end up being true. However, sometimes not so much. But they are so fun. The old Wives Tale about persimmons is the seed. If you cut the seed in half you will see a picture like thing that either

looks like a spoon, or a knife, or a fork. Each image or picture in the seed is supposed to represent or tell you what kind of winter there will be that year. Here in the Ozarks people say that if you see a spoon it's going to be a really hard winter with lots of snow. If you see a knife in the seed it's going to be so cold and icy that

you just won't like to go outside. When the seed has a fork looking image it means it's going to be a mild winter. It is not supposed to be very cold and not much snow. What do you think? Do you think that a seed can be a weather forecaster like they do on television? We probably won't ever know will we? Probably sometimes it's right and sometimes it's not. Did you know that in the old days, people didn't have television? They just had to try to guess if they were going to have lots of snow or not.

Guess what else? Persimmons are good for you and taste good if fixed just right. Persimmons make you very healthy. The persimmon juice is good too.
While we have been talking about the weather and persimmons Sawyer decided to home. He had done a good job. He just hoped that the pipes wouldn't leak anymore for a long time. Fixing water pipes was hard work.
Sawyer had a little secret that nobody but Charlie knew about. Secrets can be really fun can't they? Marlee and Stashia have secrets too.
Secrets make good memories when you are grown up and see pictures when you are all grown up.
Can you remember what shop that Charlie was in charge of? Might be part of the secret..
Another lesson today while doing chores
ReplyDeleteI tried to comment earlier and wouldn't let me grrr. Lol any hoo. loved the story and since persimmons are falling now parents can show their kids while reading the story.
ReplyDeleteGreat idea, Bonnie!
ReplyDeleteI remember as a kid someone tricked me in to tasting one! Oh my I'll never forget!