When Grandma Lu got home that afternoon she told her husband that she guessed she had better settle down and forget all about that race car she thought that she had seen out the window the other day. It was probably just her imagination. There would be no reason for a race car to be in the Marleewood parking lot. It was probably just a crazy teenager acting like a a Dale Jr. NASCAR driver.

"It happens a lot to all of us some time or another as we are growing up. We wish we could do things so hard sometimes that it almost seems real." She shook her head and grinned. She had also wished that she could have been in a Powder Puff Derby when she was a young mom. Oh she wanted to race so badly. Her children's father was afraid that she might get hurt though. He didn't tell her that she couldn't drive one, but did remind her that she had young children that needed her in one piece. Mercy that was over fifty (50) years ago and could still remember how much she wanted to be one of those drivers.

She decided that she better get supper started and went out to the kitchen. While she was getting things out of the refrigerator the phone rang, it was Grandma B. She was talking so fast and furious she couldn't make heads or tails out of anything that she was saying. She was laughing and crying and yelling and saying something like, "I just knew it! I found the bottle, I should have listened to you. I'm so sorry, Grandma Lu. I've gotta do it."
Finally Grandma Lu got to get a word in edgewise and said, "Where are you and are you alright? What bottle are you talking about? Do you need a doctor?
Is Marlee okay? Good Heavens, "B" talk to me!"

This time Grandma B was not going to leave Marleewood without showing someone what she had seen. She asked her friend to come back to Marleewood so she could show her the empty Diet Coke bottle. The only thing was she didn't tell her that's what she wanted to show her. She just begged her to come back down and meet her in the break room.
Of course, Grandma Lu told her husband that Grandma B was upset and needed her back at Marleewood. She would be back in a few minutes. He just shrugged his shoulders and continued to watch his movie.
When Grandma Lu walked in the door she had a feeling that someone was there other than her friend. She smelled peppermint for some reason. She looked around and called out for Grandma B, but got no answer. She called out for Marlee too. She got no answer from Marlee either. Now she was worried. As she walked towards the new Photography Studio she saw a wreath hanging on the wall right by the door. It was made out of candy canes i.e. peppermint. "Well, I never..."

About the time Grandma Lu spoke out loud she heard a noise in the Photography Studio. Being very foolish she just opened that door and said, "Who's in here? Answer me!" Getting no answer Grandma Lu walked in and there was no one in there. She thought, "I must be hearing things. That Grandma B is getting me all nervous." She was walking out the door of the Studio and there hanging on the wall she saw a picture of Marlee playing a guitar. It had a glow around it. She knew about that picture, but no one had that picture but Marlee's daddy. "How on earth did this get here I wonder," thought Grandma Lu. Normally she was calm as a cucumber, but seeing that picture and that candy cane wreath about did her in.
She hurried out to see if she could find her friend. She headed towards the break room when she heard a rumble and a squeal of tires. Without looking she just knew it was that crazy Aunt Nat.
Where on earth was Grandma B and Marlee?
Poor Grandma Lu. She's been watching too many TV shows!
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