Natalie explained why she was so upset and decided not to race this season. She told Grandma B that she had an Auntie that was a handful at times. She had sent her yellow Camaro to her Aunt to put in storage so that she would have "wheels" when she visited. She had paid for the storage unit and had given her Aunt instructions for everything. It was all paid for, therefore, there was nothing that she needed to do. She had her own little car that she had had for years that she could use whenever she needed to go places.

She knew that she had some friends that she went places with because she would hear of parking tickets and unpaid bills on her credit cards. Some of her bills amounted to hundreds of dollars. She also told "B" that her Auntie was never a photographer that she knew of. The only camera she had ever seen was an old antique Kodak Brownie she had in her bedroom. Natalie always paid her bills and warned her Auntie that these "mistakes" had to stop. Natalie told Grandma B that she sent her money every month. She just couldn't understand why she didn't have money to pay her bills.
Grandma B was shocked at first when she heard some of the goofy things that Aunt Nat did, but then she had to laugh.
Her friend, Grandma Lu was a little bit goofy too. However, she was close enough that she could "nip it in the bud" if she had too. Grandma Lu's problem was that she couldn't control her mouth when she was angry.

For the most part the ride home to Marleewood for Grandma B and Natalie was quiet for awhile. Grandma B didn't know exactly what had happened at the track, but she knew that Natalie needed her. That being so, she smiled and turned on the radio. She had no clue what kind of music that Natalie liked, but she was sure if she didn't like a song she picked out she would tell her so. She finally found a station that she liked. Uncle Kracker was singing, "Good To Be Me." As she listened to the lyrics she thought to herself. "It is so very good to be me. I am so lucky. I have a wonderful family and great friends. I think I have even made a new friend of Natalie." She turned her head towards her new friend. Natalie's eyes were shining with tears, but there was a smile on her face. She was singing along to the music. "I'll be alright, rollin' these streets all summer long. Bought some cheap shades at the Amoco station. They make me feel like I'm on vacation." She was on her way home to her Auntie Nat. Auntie Nat was Home. It was going to feel like a vacation. No one was going to be yelling at her and wanting autographs. The song continued.... "No matter where I'm at when I am with my family I am home. "I just hope she hasn't gotten into too much trouble this time."

Soon they pulled into the Marleewood parking lot.
Even before they got out of the car they saw Natalie's yellow Camaro.
It had a big dent in one of the fenders. Natalie took one look and thought, "She took my car out of storage again. Someday they are going to take her driver's license away. I wonder who she hit and if she hurt anyone."
When they started up the steps they looked up and there was Marlee and Stashia looking out the window. Marlee looked so sad. Suddenly Marlee saw her Grandma B and got a big smile on her face.
Grandma B was not smiling! She tried to hide her face with her hands. She knew exactly who this Auntie Nat person had hit with Natalie's car. Oh boy, I have a feeling no one is going to control Grandma Lu's mouth this time. There was a matching dent and yellow paint all over Grandma Lu's rear fender.
Auntie Nat might be in a pickle this time.
ReplyDeleteWOW! so much truth, Love Uncle Kracker!
ReplyDeleteoh no!!!! but sure exciting to see Marlee and Stashia. Poor gma Lu
ReplyDeleteOhhh someonesgoing to be in big trouble!!