Marlee was having so much fun with her new friends. Grandma B and Grandma Lu could see her from the kitchen window. Her laughter was music to their hearts. Marlee saw them watching her out the window and gave them a thumbs up. What a character! Kaysyn was on the trampoline making sure that her mama was watching her too. Addie was just so happy to be able to be outside without bundling up. Isn't Spring a wonderful time? Fresh clean air, flowers, and so many outside activities.

Grandma Lu and Grandma B were having such a good time visiting and cleaning some of the things that were in the trunk that Bon Bon and Grandma Lu had saved from the tunnels. Even though they were inside they knew that they could go out anytime that they wanted to and be warm. They didn't have to worry about snow and ice and rain today.
Connelly had been having fun on the slide, but got some gravel in her shoe. She is such a big girl she knew just what to do.

"B" looked out and said, "Look at Marlee, Grandma Lu, she has decided to pull some weeds I think. I showed her how, but she is only two (2). I will have to watch her so she doesn't pull up the flowers." Grandma Lu laughed and said, "My mom always seemed to remember the bad things I did when I was two (2). She has told every family member I know that one day when I was out in the garden with her I pulled up all of her pepper plants because I thought they were weeds."

Grandma B said, "Oh look, there she goes with a watering can. She is watering some plants out there. She is a born gardener isn't she?"
Grandma Lu grinned to herself thinking, "B" thinks that Marlee is a "born" everything and chuckled because she thought the same things about her grandchildren. "That's because they are so smart." (Like their grandmother?) That's what Grandma Lu's mother had always said about her grandchildren. Some things never change from generation to generation. Those thoughts just put a permanent smile on her face.
Pretty soon Marlee came into the kitchen and asked for a drink of water. She was telling them how much fun she was having when Grandma B's phone rang. It was Marlee's mama. She was coming into town soon to pick up Marlee so she could go to her Lollie's house. Marlee loves her other grandma so of course, she was happy to get ready to go.
While Marlee was waiting for her mama to come pick her up she said, "Grandma B, what is a wish?" Grandma B looked a little startled and said, "Why do you ask that? Where did you hear that word, Marlee?" Marlee said, "I heard about wishes at the party the other day. They said to make a wish when you blow out your birthday candles. So what is a wish anyway?" Once again the Grandmas looked at each other and made hand gestures for the other one to explain "wishes" to Marlee. She was Grandma B's granddaughter after all. It was her place to explain.....
I was always told be careful what you wish for.