The day after the Wish Party Marlee and her family were on the way to a friend's birthday party. It was a grown up party so she and her sister were all dressed up. There was another birthday party later in the day for Andy.
After they were on the road for awhile Marlee said, "Grandma B I got somethin' to tell you."
Grandma B said, "Okay, what's up?"

Marlee said, "Well, I gave that golden egg to Grandma Lu for her Wish Party. I told her she had to give it back in three (3) days so don't be mad at me, K?"

Grandma B smiled and said, "I'm not mad at you Marlee girl, but you should have asked me first. But I can tell, you already know that, don't you? Grandma Lu is our friend and if she says she will give it back she will. Why did you give that old egg to her anyway?"
Marlee said, "I just wanted her to have something pretty. I told her it wasn't any good for wishin' and that it was used. She was nice and gave me a hug. She put it in her purse. I hope she doesn't lose it."

They decided that they would go to some garage sales on the way to the party. Marlee liked looking at things, but Whitlee Jo decided that she would cry if someone didn't hold her. Marlee just shook her head. "I'm sure glad I never acted like that. She sure is noisy!" For a reason Marlee couldn't figure out, all of the grownups laughed, even Grandma B. "Well, I'm sure I didn't ," she thought with a grumpy voice.
Marlee and her whole family went to the grownup party. "It was fun for grown up stuff," she thought. "The restaurant had good stuff to eat."
While Marlee and her family were in the city, Grandma Lu was at home feeling kind of bored. Yesterday's party was so much fun, but today was so quiet she didn't have anything to do or anyone to talk to.
"Well, old girl, enough of this. I think I will change out bags for spring. This old black thing just won't do. I think I will see if I can't find a pretty bag from last year. If not I just might go shopping for a new one." After some rummaging around in her closet she did find a suitable white bag that would do for awhile. She took it out into the living room and sat down in her easy chair to change out her purses. "Boy, I have a lot of stuff in this old black bag. Oh, I see why. Marlee gave me that golden egg that I put in here." She chuckled to herself and put the egg on her end table until she had taken everything out of the black one into the white one. "I will put this golden egg back in the black purse for now. I must remember to give it back to Marlee next time I see her."
"For right now I think I will go through my closet and get a bag of summer clothes ready for the thrift shop."
And she did just that. She had two (2) black bags of clothes and the black purse sitting on the floor by her chair.

Soon her husband came home and she asked him if he would take the black bags to the thrift shop for her because she needed to go shopping. She told him that they needed to go so she had more room to get out her summer clothes that she soon would need to be wearing. He did just what she asked him to except he picked up the black purse as well as the black trash bags. You see he has heard Grandma Lu call her purse a "bag" so it went to the Thrift Shop as well as the bags of clothes.

In Texas, Andy was having a ball at his birthday party. He loves the Incredible Hulk. His mama even made green eggs! There was so much food. There was BBQ and beans and of course, his Incredible cake! Andy was so lucky the weather was nice so that he and his friends could play on the trampoline. In fact it was so nice that even his baby sister, Julia could go outside and watch all the "big kids" play. Andy wasn't a little kid anymore he was three (3) years old. He got a wonderful kitchen set. He just loves it! It has so many pieces just like his mama's big one.

His mama sent some photos for Grandma Lu's new photo album. She will be so happy when she gets them. However, I wonder if she will be happy when she gets home from shopping when she discovers that her black bag is missing. Maybe she won't even miss it for a few days. This might be interesting to see what happens...
I think that there might be an interesting turn of events coming up.
ReplyDeleteoh no Grandma Lu's husband is going to be in so much trouble. lol Do you think Marlee will understand it was 9n accident? lol
ReplyDeleteOh yes indeed I do too. Poor grandma Lu
ReplyDeleteUh oh! I smell trouble!
ReplyDeleteI love it. I have met my goal as a writer. I’m so very glad they like the stories.
ReplyDeleteOpps ! Great pictures ❤
ReplyDeletelol They are!