It seemed like everyone was taking it easy the days following the Wish Party and the two (2) birthday parties. The weather was great. Yes, there were a few rain showers but that is to be expected in the spring. That and sunshine help make the flowers and trees bloom, the mushrooms pop up in the woods and most of all, it makes people smile.

Some new Marleewood friends were out in the country visiting and having a ball. They were making T-shirts and playing with new puppies. How much fun is that? Grandparents always seem like they have such fun things to do. These four (4) are making their own T-shirts. Maddie, Maya, Ben and Matthew all had their own paints and shirt to paint. What a fun idea. They said they were going to tell their friends about this. It was so neat to wear shirts that they had made themselves.
The very best part of all of course, was to be with family, but those puppies were sure fun too!

Kylee and Kenlee's Nana felt the need to go shopping today. She wanted a couple of bags for the girls to play dress up with. She loved doing things with all of her grandchildren. She also had things to take to the Thrift Shop so she stopped and left her bags of clothing and other things with the lady at the counter.

She decided to look around to see what she could find. "Oh look at that black bag. That looks a lot like the one that Grandma Lu carries. I've always admired that bag. Oh my goodness, it is only a quarter. I will certainly buy that. Things are so reasonable in here. I need to look some more. I will probably buy more than what I brought in. Oh well, it is a beautiful day outside. I may even go to some garage sales when I'm through here. I need to go to the grocery store too. This is such a fun day."

Nana ended up with two (2) black bags of wonderful things that she had bought at the Thrift Shop plus some things at a garage sale. She was almost too tired to buy some things she needed at the grocery store, but decided she had better stop anyway just in case the kids dropped in. She had heard about new marshmallows that were stuffed with chocolate. "I just might look for some of those to make s'mores with. Sounds good to me," she thought with a chuckle.

But at the Mini Farm Marlee wasn't chuckling. She was deep in thought. She and her Papa were sitting out on the porch looking at the little animals and just enjoying the beautiful weather. At least that's what Marlee's Papa thought.
What do you think Marlee was thinking about?
Marlee is getting her first taste of concern that a grownup will not keep their promise. It's a terrible feeling. The story will continue with an interesting result.
ReplyDeleteawww I see a lesson in the making for Marlee and gma Lu
ReplyDeleteYes I see a lesson for Marlee and grandma Lu also. Funny how some things can turn out .