Everyone had gone to the bathroom, or gotten a drink. They loved their pirate tattoos and had all settled down to listen to the rest of the story that Grandma Lu was telling.

"Just as we figured, Geoffrey was not Lady Bonita's friend. He was not a nice man at all. He wanted Lady Bonita to think that Lady Kathleen was asking for gold to get her granddaughter, Marlee, back. In fact he was telling a great big fat fib. He also had a lookout at the lighthouse very close to Lady Kathleen's palace. She was a beautiful young woman who Geoffrey had found whom was also living on the streets in London. She was hungry and also homeless. He asked her to live in the lighthouse with the promise that he would make her his princess with lots of jewels and gold. Her name was Lexie. Her name means "Defender of man kind" in her long line of ancestors. (You will see why that is important as the story continues.) She was using a spyglass that Geoffrey had given her to watch for the ship with Lady Kathleen on it. She had no idea that Marlee was on board that ship. She had been instructed to let Geoffrey know the minute she saw the ship come into view.

She would then tell her runners to get the message to Geoffrey and her job would be complete; she would be a princess and have flowers and jewels just as Geoffrey had promised. She would have her own throne and servants. Oh, she would be so happy!
She and the little stowaway, Marlee, both wanted to be rich, didn't they?"

"Lady Bonita and Lady Kathleen had been angry with each other for years. Their fathers had actually been brothers. Years ago they had had a terrible argument and one brother got all the land and the other brother got a fleet of ships when their father died."
"Grandma Lu, I don't get it. Why would they be mad at each other. Seems to me like their father loved them both."

"Landin, you are absolutely right he did love them both. He did what he thought was best, but like many people they just aren't always happy with what they are given."

Aadon waved his hand at Grandma Lu and said, "What is a lighthouse?" Grandma Lu smiled really big and said, "What a great question! A light house is usually very tall and made out of stones or bricks or even a mixture of ground up sea shells, lime, sand, and water. Isn't that something? Whatever folks had on hand that's what they made them from. When the lighthouses were built, they had lights that were lanterns that the lighthouse keeper would light at night or during a storm so that the ships could find their way to the shore. Remember in those days there was no electricity. If a ship would hit the rocks it might do enough damage to sink the ship. So the light houses were a very good idea weren't they? Here is a picture of a lighthouse.

Do you see the windows? The captain of the ships could see the lights from those windows." Grandma Lu pointed to the picture hanging beside the lighthouse. "Lighthouses were very tall and skinny. Look at all of the steps that the lighthouse keeper had to climb. Boy, you know what? If I had to climb all those steps I would be huffing and puffing." The children all chuckled.
Grandma Lu said, "Okay, let's see what is going to happen now. The young woman, Lexie, has delivered the message to the runners, and the runners have delivered the message to the mean Geoffrey."

"In the meantime Lady Bonita is on a ship sailing towards Lady Kathleen's palace. Geoffrey is already there. He is hiding in the dark where Lady Kathleen's ship will be coming into shore. He doesn't want anyone to see him. He is up to no good, isn't he? I am guessing that there will be about one more day until both of the ships sail into the shore."
The real Marlee said, "Yay, I want to go with Lady Bonita! I think she might be my Grandma B!"
Then everyone in the room laughed and clapped including Grandma B.
Sibling jealousy and preying on the the weak and vulnerable have been age old problems, however, sometimes the weak surprise you. We will see in the rest of the series.
ReplyDeletesometimes the weekest can be the strongest just by out thinking someone else.
ReplyDeleteGreat story very exciting. Now this would be a book I wouldn't be able to put down .
ReplyDeletere-posted 1/17/2020